The Fifth Ring Road of the Imperial Capital.

In a residential building.

"Damn it! What on earth happened?"

A college student in casual clothes with a delicate face looked out the window at the empty street, and his uneasiness became stronger.

His name is Jiang Tian.

Both his parents died, and he has a car and a house.

Although he only owns a small property in the Fifth Ring Road of the Imperial Capital, he has no problem looking down on most people in the empire.

After all - this is the Imperial Capital!

Living here naturally makes people more arrogant than people in other areas.

But who can tell him what happened in the past week? !

Strictly speaking, the entire empire has been shrouded in an inexplicable atmosphere of terror in the past two years.

More and more mysterious videos that are circulated on the Internet generally do not survive for more than two days.

Various conspiracy theories are everywhere, and people are speculating in a despicable way that some major changes have occurred in the empire and the top leaders of the empire are deceiving the people.

Jiang Tian is not a person who keeps to himself. On the contrary, he is particularly capable of independent thinking.

Two years ago, after witnessing some videos of paranormal events on a small forum on the Internet.

He began to hide on the Internet, secretly and quietly collecting more information.

He witnessed many mysterious and extraordinary videos from the beginning, which were scattered, to the later spurts, and even the Internet police could not handle it.

What shocked Jiang Tian even more was that-

After several attempts, he successfully connected to the forum outside the empire, and was shocked to find that something was happening all over the world.

In another continent, there were even demonstrations and terrorist attacks every week.

Even in comparison, the empire was relatively stable!

Damn it!

He thought that the collapse of social order had reached its limit, but he didn't expect that-

Starting from this week, many riots began to occur in the imperial capital, the safest, most powerful and most stable city in the entire empire.

The forums about the imperial capital on the Internet have always been stable, and many people proudly ridiculed the riots in other cities.

But this week, public opinion took a strange turn.

Someone posted that a mysterious disease appeared in the seventh ring of the imperial capital, with a very high mortality rate.

Some people also warned the people of the imperial capital on the Internet very seriously not to inhale the thin black haze floating over the edge of the imperial capital.

There are also posts claiming that they saw people being shot by special black-clad personnel.

However, the statement posted by the administrator of the imperial capital forum claimed that -

Don't panic, this is just an epidemic disease related to haze!

Go to hell with him!

Jiang Tian almost turned into a keyboard warrior and cursed below.

As early as when the atmosphere in the imperial capital was a little wrong, he sneaked to the inner ring of the imperial capital and climbed over the outer gate of the imperial capital university at night.

He found that the imperial capital university, the highest institution of learning in the empire, was empty!

At that time, he was so scared that he collapsed against the wall, breathing heavily, and a thought kept coming to his mind -

What are the top leaders of the imperial capital hiding!

He knew who were the people in the Imperial University, and almost all of them were the offspring of high-ranking officials.

Their movements almost represented the movements of the top leaders of the empire!

After returning home, Jiang Tian secretly contacted his schoolmates online.

He said too much in excitement and panic, and most of the time his thoughts were disordered and random.

He only remembered that night, several large forums with thousands of people on his mobile phone...

were all swiped hotly all night.


Imperial capital.

In a long courtyard house.

Shangguan Changyu sat at the desk, on which rice paper and inkstone were neatly placed.

She held a brush and painted ink on the rice paper. The painting was fresh and elegant, with a few blue birds flying in the sky...

Suddenly, a figure pushed the door open roughly and walked in quickly.

The moment he saw the girl painting, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It's still in time!

She hasn't been sent over yet!

The figure was wearing gorgeous clothes, with thick eyebrows, deep eyes, sharp edges and corners on his face, and his temperament was always full of arrogance.

His name was very famous among the noble sons of the imperial capital.

Shangguan Haoran!

The most talented and capable eldest son of the Shangguan family. Although people always think of Shen Chen from the Shen family first when talking about the noble sons of the imperial capital.

But apart from Shen Chen, Shangguan Haoran also gained a lot of reputation in the aristocratic circle and the imperial capital circle by virtue of his status as the "eternal second".

Whenever someone teased him with ill intentions and used his status as the "second", he would say that he and Shen Chen were good friends and there was no need to compare, in order to show his broad mind.

But only he knew in his heart that he was not familiar with Shen Chen.

Even -—

Although he was extremely reluctant to admit it, he knew that Shen Chen had not looked at him straight in the eye.

Whenever he thought of this, he would warn himself to suppress the anger in his heart.

But this time, he could no longer suppress it!

Nor was he willing to suppress it!

He absolutely!

Absolutely could not allow it!

His Changyu was given to that "prince"!

Seeing the girl quietly painting beside the documents, seeing her fairy-like profile, Shangguan Haoran's cold eyes suddenly softened.

Shangguan Changyu.

There are many beautiful women in the imperial capital, and there are also many women who are more beautiful than beautiful.

But there is another saying that if the most beautiful woman in the world must have a name, it can only be called Shangguan Changyu.

Many powerful children used to sneer at this saying, but after seeing her, they became firm supporters of this saying.

Even the top young masters from other clans were willing to fall at her feet...

Whenever Shangguan Haoran saw other young masters' diligent pursuit of Shangguan Changyu, he would get angry.

Although he and Shangguan Changyu belonged to the Shangguan family, the family was so large that they had almost no blood relationship.

He had long imagined that after taking over the position of the head of the Shangguan family, he would stay with Changyu for the rest of his life.

As for the "bad news" from the Council of Elders, he didn't want to believe it! He wouldn't allow it to happen!


Shangguan Haoran suddenly shouted, and then slowly walked in front of Shangguan Changyu.

The waves in his heart were surging at this moment.

Finally, he took a deep breath and said in an affectionate and unquestionable tone-

"Changyu! Come with me!"

After a long time without a response, Shangguan Haoran thought Shangguan Changyu was considering, hesitating, and struggling.

He gnashed his teeth again, changing to an angry and sad tone:

"Changyu, don't be afraid. Even if we leave the Shangguan family, we can go to my mother's family, or even overseas. The world is so big, there will always be a place for both of us to live!"

"Don't hesitate, Changyu, it's too late. The elders of the Shangguan family are a bunch of cowardly wastes. In order to please the Shen family, they gave you... gave you to..."

Shangguan Haoran couldn't say anything more. He was afraid that if he continued to talk, Shangguan Changyu would not be able to bear it.

After waiting for a few more breaths-

Still silent.

Shangguan Haoran took two steps forward, his eyes hurried.

Finally, he saw Shangguan Changyu slowly raise his eyes.


Soon, Shangguan Haoran was a little confused. He saw Shangguan Changyu raised his left hand towards him and waved it to the left.

Shangguan Haoran: “?”

He turned around and found a green tree behind him. On the tree, there were a few bluebirds jumping and fluttering.

His eyes fell on the rice paper on the desk, and Shangguan Haoran suddenly understood what she meant...


Block...her painting?

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