"Changyu, did you hear what I'm saying?!"

Shangguan Haoran's voice suddenly rose.

"Do you... know where you're going to be sent by the family?"

"Shen Chen's bed."

Shangguan Changyu spoke for the first time, and there was no emotion in her voice, like the cool spring water on the mountain.

Shangguan Haoran's eyes widened, and his neck seemed to be strangled.

He never thought that she could say it so easily... so nakedly!

Even he had to choose his words carefully, and never mentioned those words that could trigger his associations...

"You know it too!"

Shangguan Haoran's heart suddenly surged with anger. This anger was originally directed at Shen Chen, the elder of the Shangguan family, but now it was also somewhat directed at Shangguan Changyu.

"Then why don't you come with me! Don't you... don't tell me... you are willing..."

Shangguan Haoran couldn't say any more. The temperament of a noble man was completely abandoned. His neck was red, and his eyes were still staring at Shangguan Changyu.

This time, Shangguan Changyu stopped writing and looked up at him.

"With you?

"Escape from the family with you? Have you read too many novels and dramas?"

Although Shangguan Changyu's voice was emotionless, Shangguan Haoran only felt that he heard a strong mockery.

He never expected that he would have such a result.

His lips trembled, and he stared into Shangguan Changyu's eyes.

"You also want to climb into Shen Chen's bed! Just like those superficial women outside!"

He wanted to stimulate her self-esteem and make her change her mind. He knew that Shangguan Changyu was definitely not that kind of person.

"Well, whatever you think."

This sentence deeply stimulated Shangguan Haoran's heart.

He staggered back three steps, muttering absentmindedly -

"Why? ”

“The empire is about to collapse, the world is in doomsday, only the Shen family has made all preparations…”

Shangguan Changyu’s face was neither sad nor happy, and he grinded slowly.

“If a family wants to join the alliance, it must offer loyalty, and among all the means to prove loyalty, marriage is the most stable and easiest to implement.”

“That’s not a marriage.”

Shangguan Haoran stood up straight and said coldly:

“You are just Shen Chen’s plaything, his forbidden delicacy.”

Shangguan Changyu did not comment——

“It’s the end of the world. "

Shangguan Haoran slammed the door and left.

Shangguan Changyu painted for another ten minutes, then called her personal maid to help her clean up.

The maid stood there in a daze for a long time-

This painting, in terms of fineness, is not even one-tenth of the young lady's usual level...


The Imperial Capital.

In a silver-white scientific research institute.

Countless people hurriedly and quickly packed up a large amount of information and scientific research results.

"Hurry up! Has the serum in Room T-009 been packed up!"

"That batch of low-level monster simulation data was sent to Dongdu through the internal network, and then the paper documents were destroyed immediately!"

"Priority should be given to transferring the imprisoned special life forms, remember to provide a high-quality environment, and don't let them die on the way! "

Countless scientific researchers in white coats were nervously and calmly carrying out the transfer work.

After all, the Imperial Capital Research Institute still has many unique and special scientific research results, which will now be transferred to the Eastern Capital.

However, although it is urgent, many preparations and simulations have been carried out in advance, and there is no problem in transferring all of them safely.

At this moment in a room.

"Lao Zhang, go and pack up those paper materials. Is anyone moving the storage boxes of the gifted species?"

"Without the deputy director, those gifted species must have at least A-level authority to be qualified to approach."

An old man wearing white glasses hunched his back and looked solemn.

Then he nodded slightly-

"Okay, you go and get busy first. ”

Until everyone was busy with their own affairs and had no time to pay attention to other things.

The old man unlocked the room with his fingerprint and entered a highly secretive room.

In the room, several transparent boxes were displayed side by side.

Each box contained a mysterious seed of different colors.

In the two boxes in the center, the seeds contained a strong purple glow, which made people unable to resist approaching.

The old man secretly glanced at the cameras at the four corners, then pretended to be normal and walked forward, entered the password, and took down several boxes.

In the United Front Bureau three kilometers away from the Imperial Capital Research Institute.

Shen Chen was visiting the special missiles developed by the Research Institute a few months ago under the guidance of one researcher after another.

Its production technology refers to the special technology in some ancient monuments, which can greatly weaken the impact of black fog on weapons.

"If only these missiles are powerful, I am afraid it will not be able to completely kill the creature."

Shen Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, many researchers lowered their heads and looked cold.Sweat.

"Master, the original plan was to upgrade H104 to the seventh generation in a year, and the power will be tripled by then."

"But no one expected that the end of the world would come earlier...

"At present, there is only..."

Shen Chen waved his hand, his eyes deep.

"Although it can't kill it, if used properly, it shouldn't be a big problem to cause serious damage."

Behind Shen Chen, there was an officer in military uniform, who said to Shen Chen.

"Master Shen Chen, according to the energy detector, the level of the creature after it descends may reach the peak of the second level... At that time, our army can directly carry out firepower sweeping!"

"At that time, it depends on the situation. "

Shen Chen did not give a clear response.

In the previous life, the level of the creature after it descended was level three.

When all modern weapons fail, the combat power of the level three is absolutely invincible at the beginning of the doomsday.

In this life, the doomsday technology born under the guidance of Shen Chen makes it possible for the Shen family to threaten the creature.

Shen Chen lowered his head and thought-

If it can't be killed, it can be severely damaged, seriously slowing down its growth rate.

After the Free City is stabilized, the top awakeners will be sent to behead it.

Of course, the premise is that this time, there is another task that must be completed.

Obtain the serum gene of the creature.

After all, the technology that the Shen family's research institute is currently best at is the gene editing technology that was excavated and improved from ancient monuments in the past few years. Technique.

And the ability of that creature, which is related to time, is the most similar rule-based ability to gods——

If it can be successfully cloned, even one-tenth of it is extremely powerful!

That willow tree, and many top-level monsters that have awakened in advance, are lying in the Dongdu Research Institute as experimental subjects...

What those genius lunatics love most is the special life forms that they receive from the military every time.

After leaving the United Front Bureau, Shen Chen returned to the Shen family.

As the mansion of the Shen family, the top family in the imperial capital, it occupies a very large area and is extremely luxurious and prosperous inside.

But now that most people have left, it seems a bit empty.

Some of the Shen family members are packing their luggage and stepping on the cart.

After seeing Shen Chen, they all bowed and greeted him——

"Young Master!"

Shen Chen arrived at his residence and found that his father was waiting for him.

"Father, haven't you left yet?"

Shen Fei's face was calm, and he only smiled slightly when he saw Shen Chen.

"The plane will be in two days. "

Shen Fei handed Shen Chen a blueprint.

"Chen'er, these are 17 small helicopters hidden in various corners of the imperial capital. If an accident or riot occurs and Kowloon Airport cannot be started normally, you can find the nearest helicopter and fly to Dongdu. "

"You are the controller of the free city in the future, and you cannot sacrifice yourself here. "

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