The Last Embrace

Chapter 142 Spotligh

Jessy went to the living room and pressed the remote control of the TV to watch some news.

Nana Aida comes into the living room holding a broom and dustpan and began sweeping the floor.

The news anchor began with her morning news round.

One of the news headlines was about the report regarding the serial killer. The serial killer was finally caught and killed by self-defense of the heroic military officer, Captain Mercado.

The news anchor began her morning news report.

"According to the police personnel who answered Captain Mercado's call to report regarding the serial killer's death...they arrived at the park to see the military personnel's face and hands covered with the blood of the serial killer. The Captain happened to be in the park during the time the killer was hunting for his next victim, the killer tried to slit the Captain's neck but failed when the Captain overpowered him resulting to the killer's untimely death with a triple slit on his neck. Who would imagined that the killer will die in the hands of his latest victim? He died the same way he killed his previous victims by brutally slashing their neck with his knife, and last night he died by his knife. We call it Karma! We commend Captain Mercado's heroic act of bravery putting an end to the killer's ten-month killing streak. According to the police report, this serial killer had killed a total of 24 victims to date with his random style of killing. We can now breath easier that one crime offender has been put to rest and already paid his crimes to the public. We will try to get an interview with Captain Mercado as soon as possible to air his side. Stay tuned for another update on this phenomenal news...this is Andrea Donovan reporting."

Nana Aida's face broke into a smile after watching the news. "Finally, the serial killer has been caught and killed! The cops finally did their job on time! One less bad people on this planet."

Jessy was not interested to watch Captain Mercado's interview, she turns off the TV.

"Nana Aida, I'm now going back to the Facility, I will visit you again probably next week. Bye Nana!" Jessy said.

Jessy was gone before Nana Aida can even utter a reply.


Jessy teleported herself right outside the clinic. She can see the doctor preparing the blood transfusion tool kit, she opened the door and entered the clinic.

"Good morning, Doc!" she greeted the physician.

"Good morning, Jessy! Are we going to start now?" the doctor said.

"Yup!" Jessy answered energetically and lie down in the bed, then she closed her eyes.

"How many blood transfusions you will do today so that I can inform them and get ready?" the doctor asked.

Jessy opened her eyes. "Let's do the usual quota of 3 per day...but if I'm in the mood we can add another 3... let see," she answered and closed her eyes again.

She made her consciousnesses rose above the Facility, trying to detect if there's an enemy lurking nearby. While her consciousness was suspended above the Facility, she roamed her eyes scanning the horizon left to right looking for something that requires her immediate attention. The surrounding area looks peaceful and nothing was out of the ordinary.

She soared towards the military campsite... the place was already empty...nothing suspicious there. She hovered all over the place just to make sure no enemies are lurking below the dense trees surrounding the Facility.

Feeling satisfied, she stopped her wandering and went back to her body.

Six hours later...

After her break, she went to Hannah's room to check on her. She found the pregnant woman sitting on the chair staring at the wall with a blank look on her face, she was looking extremely sad. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

She tapped on her shoulder after the woman didn't acknowledge her presence. "Hi, Hannah! I'm here just in case you didn't know," she said jokingly trying to liven up the lonely atmosphere inside the room.

Hannah looked at Jessy, her eyes had a vacant stare on it. "Hi Jessy," she finally acknowledged her presence, then she returned her attention on the wall.

Jessy sighed. "What's wrong?"

"I missed Zain, but I'm afraid to see him again," the pregnant woman replied.

"I can take you there inside the room to see him in an invisible form, but I won't allow you to talk to him, he might turn ballistic again and do something violent to you that will only harm the baby. You have to understand that you need to protect the baby from Zain. If one day he is already emotionally stable, you can visit him again. For now, teach yourself not to crave his presence. Let's hope he will finally turn around and changed for the better for your sake and the child," Jessy said.

Hannah stared at Jessy. "Do you think it's about time he will know that the woman he married and making love regularly is me? Maybe, it can help him to let go of you completely once he knows that it's always been me that he spent his time with since the night of the wedding," she suggested.

Jessy took a deep breath. "I dunno, Hannah, give me some time to think things thoroughly. I'm still not convinced that it's now the right time to do the face reveal. If we tell him the truth it might only make Zain's condition worst. He might plunge into the abyss of depression of no return. I'm sure he doesn't like being lied upon and betrayed by the two of us. The deception we made around him on the day of the wedding might be the reason why he will no longer try to make himself better. He might feel betrayed by everyone and that will make him more violent, hopeless, helpless and useless. So, let me think of your suggestion for a few days, okay? I will let you know if I will agree to it," she said.

"Okay," Hannah replied.

Jessy extended her hand to the pregnant woman. "Let me hold your hand so that I can take you there inside the room since I still have a few minutes to spare, let's go!"

Hannah's crestfallen countenance brightened up. "Thank you so much, Jess!"

Jessy smiled affectionately at the woman whom she already considered as her sister. "Just want to remind you that you can't open your mouth, you might get tempted to talk to your husband. Hannah, no talking inside the room! Are we clear?"

Hannah nodded her head. "Yes... I know...I promise!" she said.

"Okay, that's good!" Jessy said, she held Hannah's right hand with hers and they vanished from the room.

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