The Last Embrace

Chapter 143 Can She Trust her?

Inside Zain's prison-like room.

Jessy and Hannah stared at Zain's miserable face, the beard on his chin was getting longer, his unkempt hair hung on his face, his eyes devoid of life, there was an air of desolation around him.

Hannah's face contorted in sadness and sympathy for her lover. She covered her mouth with her two hands afraid that she might not be able to control her feelings and will suddenly call Zain's name. If only Zain won't hurt her, she's willing to stay inside the room with him forever. She's willing to share his pain, his sorrow and his grievances against the world and help him heal his heart. But she can no longer trust his mood, he can be sweet and romantic at first and suddenly turned violent after a few minutes, she can no longer put the safety of their child at risk all the time.

Hannah released a deep sigh of sadness.

Then Zain's eyes glance at where the sounds of sighing come from.

His eyes become alert!

There's someone else inside the room beside him!

Zain roamed his eyes around the prison-like room trying to locate where the sound coming from. "Jessy, is that you? Did you come to visit me? Show yourself to me! I miss you so much, I miss our baby so much! Please talk to me! Please don't punish me like this, you know that I love you so much, you're the only one that I can depend on during my darkest moments. Please don't abandon me!" his voice was breaking with intense agony and sorrow, he was struggling to contain his sadness.

Jessy looked at Zain's pathetic condition, once again she feels guilty, she's one of the reasons why he ended up this way. Looking back, if she can turn back time...would she still be willing to deceive Zain using Hannah? And the answer is... yes! She will still do the same thing, no regrets even do she feels guilty every time she looked at Zain.

"Jessyyyyy!" he continues to call her name.



His angry voice vibrated around the four corners of the room.

Zain wiped the tears that fell from his eyes. He was feeling hurt that his wife no longer wanted to see him, it's breaking his heart into a million pieces. He was feeling afraid that Jessy already left him for Adam. If the lovers finally unite he can no longer stop them because he was already powerless and he can't even leave the room even if he wanted to. He felt betrayed, just the thought of Jessy and Adam living happily together under one roof as husband and wife was a painful torture and tragedy for him.

"Where are you? I know you are inside this room! Show me your face, let's have a serious talk! Please don't abandon me like this! I begged you!" he keeps shouting hoping that she will take pity on him.

Jessy and Hannah maintained their silence, they were observing what will Zain do next.

Then Zain gets tired of shouting...he pressed his mouth shut...feeling annoyed, his eyes were now flashing with anger. He began throwing things randomly around the room...

Jessy saw the slipper thrown by Zain heading towards their direction about to hit Hannah on the stomach, Jessy waved her hand immediately, freezing the slipper before it hit Hannah, the slipper floated... suspended in the air...damn...Zain is getting violent again!

Time to go!

She can no longer wait for any object to hit Hannah. The longer they stay inside the room the more Zain will get violent. Zain's tantrum was getting ridiculous! Although she tried to understand his pitiful condition, but the thing that irked her the most is when he starts getting physical as if he wants to vent all his frustration in life trough violent act.

Jessy teleported Hannah back into her room.

"Are you okay, Hannah?" Jessy asked the trembling woman.

Hannah was silent the whole time. Then she looked Jessy in the eyes. "Jessy, what about if I will transfer my power to Zain---?"

Jessy's eyes widened. "No! You can't do that Hannah. Please don't ever think about doing that, you know that Zain will only use your power to destroy me and Adam. Do you know what will happen to Adam and Zain next? They will start fighting over me and they will end up killing each other, it's something we can't afford to happen. We are already facing bigger problems about our very own existence in this world, outside forces might attack our hideout anytime... we can't let the two princes adds to that existing problem! Hope you understand me, Hannah---?"

Hannah bit her lip, she understood that they were now facing difficult times and internal conflict between the royal family members will only make things more complicated. "Yes...I understand, Jess," she replied.

Jessy was looking at her friend's face intently, she was trying to analyze the sincerity of Hannah's reply, she took a deep breath. "Can I trust you, Hannah?"

Hannah nodded her head, but she was no longer looking at Jessy as if she was already lost in her own world.

Jessy was feeling bothered by Hannah's absentminded reply. Can she trust her? She massages her temple. "I'm going back to the clinic. Take care of yourself and the baby," she said softly.

Hannah did not reply.

Sighing, Jessy left the room heading towards the clinic.


Inside the clinic.

Jessy was in deep thoughts while lying in the bed, she stared at the white wall of the clinic while the doctor starts the blood transfusion process.

The chance of Hannah transferring her power to Zain is very high. But she can't bring to appoint someone to guard over Hannah because the pregnant woman might feel she was being bullied or being strip forcefully off her freedom to move freely inside the Facility.


She's getting a pounding headache just thinking of the worst-case scenario, what will happen if Zain will obtain Hannah's power? Will he go after his brother or attack her directly? She thinks he will do both. Although Zain is not as powerful compared to her and Adam, still, there's a tendency he can harm others or himself.

Jessy groaned in despair.

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