The Last Embrace

Chapter 188 Incredible Experience!

Captain Mercado stared at the young woman, dumbfounded.

"You're reasoning is wrong young lady!" he said. "They are already serving jail time to pay for their don't have to kill them!"

Jessy twitched her mouth in annoyance. "Duh...why those criminals can kill innocent people easily? But if someone kills those criminals there's still a complain---? Why does it work like that?" she was shaking her head in astonishment. Jessy looked at the captain in the eyes. "I have a suggestion, Uncle, why don't you gather those evil criminals whose crimes are similar to those guys I killed and put them all in one room and I will kill them all, it will be my pleasure to get rid of those bastards!" she grinned wickedly. Then she sat on the chair, she throws him a don't you dare look. "Anyways, don't bother to arrest me, Uncle, I have no plan to surrender," she said.

Captain Mercado sighed heavily. "Fine. Just take me to the area where you hide the weapons and the bomb launcher," he ordered.

"Yes, Sir!" Jessy said saluting at the captain, smiling, she grabs the cellophane that contains the anti-vampire vaccine and holds the captain's arms tightly. "Just closed your eyes Uncle and don't open it unless I will instruct you to do so, if you open your eyes you will fell into the void and you will forever float in the endless abyss of nothingness," she said jokingly.

"Okay," the captain answered feeling a little bit apprehensive.

Jessy began the teleportation process.

In just a minute time they arrived at the place near the beach.

"Open your eyes, Captain!" Jessy commanded.

Captain Mercado opened his eyes, he found himself in a place near a beautiful beach. Tall coconut trees dotted along the coastline.

The sky is clear and the water so blue. The whole area is fantastic, picturesque and above all so peaceful!

Then the captain remembered the teleportation process.

The teleportation process was quick, he feels he was being transported into another dimension and he was afraid to open his eyes fearing he will fall somewhere in a vacuum void. His body felt light like those of a paper weightless during the teleportation, how can he describe it---? it feels like he was being whisked away in a speed of light. He did not remember how it feels the last time the crossbred teleported him along with his men into that park a long time ago because they were frozen.

However, this time he is wide awake! And what an incredible experience that was! Although he can't find the exact words or...precisely he was lacking the perfect words to describe the said feeling.

"Follow me, Uncle," Jessy said.

Jessy walked a few meters ahead and halted at the place where only a few coconut trees were growing.

She waved her hands in the area where she dug and dumped the weapons... she started the process of retrieving the stolen items.

The soil, sand, and rocks start moving away from the center of the clearing and gathered on both sides.

Holy shit!

This is unbelievable! Captain Mercado was amazed by what he just witnessed at this very moment, the crossbred is powerful indeed! To be able to dig the earth just by waving her hand is mind-blowing! He continues staring at the earth that moves on its own as if there was an invisible hand doing the digging, he was simply blown away! He'd never seen something so incredible like this before, never in his entire life he was able to witness such amazing power! He would like to take a video but he was afraid the crossbred will get angry.

The digging finally ended and there in the ground lays the mini bomb launcher and the weapons.

"Here they are the weapons and bomb launcher I stole from you and your men, no more no less, Uncle. I returned them all to you today," Jessy said.

Captain Mercado took out his phone from his pocket, he launched Google map in his phone to find out where is exactly the location of the beach...then he texted Arnold to send a military vehicle to retrieve the weapons, he gave the location of the place to his second in command based on the Google map.

"I have to go home now, Uncle. Enjoy the view of the beach while waiting for your men, bye-bye!" Jessy said and teleported back into the Facility.

The young woman disappeared before the captain can even utter a single word.

"What the hell? Where is she---?" the captain groaned.

She's gone!

Well...he just has to wait for his men to arrive in the area.

He scanned the place.

He looked at the beach a few meters away.

Wow! Such a beautiful tranquil place. He walked to the beach and discarded his shoes...while waiting for his men he might as well enjoy the beach, he walked in the white sand barefooted.

He glanced at the water.

The water is so tempting!

He would like to take a dip in the tempting ocean.

Why not?

The captain looked around him, there's no one around in the endless stretch of paradise and it looks like the place is isolated.

He immediately discarded his clothes and dumped the garments into the dry sand...then he ran naked into the ocean looking forward to his first ever wonderful skinny dipping experience.


Jessy landed in her room. She put the anti-vampire vaccine in one of the drawers of the cabinet. She will bring it to the doctor one of these days after she can convince one of the mortals to be the guinea pig to be injected with the anti-vampire vaccine.

She exited her room heading to the clinic.

When she entered the clinic the recipient was already lying in the bed, dang!

"Sorry, I'm late Doc, I'm on an errand," she explained.

"It's okay, no problem," the doctor answered.

Jessy lies down on the bed to get ready for the blood transfusion.

The blood transfusion has started.

Four hours later, time for Jessy's break.

She exited the clinic and went back to her room to change her clothes.

From there she teleported into the mansion, right into the living room. A smell of freshly cooked food wafted into her nostrils.

She went to the kitchen and found Nana Aida cooking foods for dinner in the induction stove.

"Nana Aida! Good evening!" she greeted her nanny from behind.

"Jessy my child! You just arrived---?" Nana Aida exclaimed, she hugged her beloved visitor tightly missing her very much.

"Yes, I just arrived," Jessy answered.

"Good, I will prepare the dinner shortly, you just wait in the living room and watch TV while waiting for my call," Nana Aida said.

"Okay Nana," Jessy obeyed. She retraced her steps back to the direction of the living room and propped herself on the sofa, she picked up the remote control and turn on the TV.

She was just in time to see the news anchor reporting about local and international news.

Just the usual news of robbery, murder, bomb scare, vehicle, and motorcycle accident, mass shooting, freezing weather, brutal attack inside a house, man stabbed on the street, hit and run murder, 2 missing teenagers, flooding, a woman died after taking a selfie in a tourist spot, random acid attack, riot, and the last news is all about the three prisoners that died mysteriously inside a prison cell last night.

Jessy no longer continues watching the news about the prisoners she killed last night...she turns off the TV after she heard Nana Aida calling her to come into the dining table.

While eating dinner...Jessy mentioned to Nana Aida that she was having a date with Adam this coming Sunday.

"That's good, I will cook dinner for the two of you, be sure to be here or else the food I cooked will go wasted," Nana Aida said excitedly, it's seldom that the couple will visit the mansion together.

"We will surely come on that day, Nana," Jessy said. "By the way...Nana...have you seen the news about those two missing teenagers?" she asked.

Nana Aida pondered for a moment. "Ah, about those two missing teenagers? They'd been missing for two weeks already, they were friends going to school together...and yeah...the police were asking for anyone who had information on the whereabouts of the two boys to contact them. Sadly, the police search team failed to find the boys..."

"How many missing people have been reported lately?" Jessy asked.

Nana Aida looked at Jessy gravely. "I been watching television through the years and I have to tell you almost every week there are missing people reported, so yeah, people were gone missing most of the time, it's kind of a regular occurrence...nothing new...if you asked me."

"People have gone missing all the time and the majority of those missing people end up dead somewhere, am I right?" Jessy said.

Nana Aida nodded her head. "You are correct!"

The ladies continue eating their dinner, occasionally, they would talk about those missing people they saw reported on TV and trying to guess what happened to them.

After dinner, Jessy went to her rose garden and stayed there for a few minutes.

Then she went back inside the mansion to bid goodbye to Nana Aida. "I have to go back to the Facility, Nana. See you this Sunday! Byeeee..."

"Bye Jess...!"

Jessy suddenly disappeared from Nana Aida's vision.

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