The Last Embrace

Chapter 189 Erasing Jessy's Memory

~ The Royal Couples Bedchamber~

Queen Margaret and King Antone were facing each other in the bed. For the last few minutes, they have been discussing Zain's problem and his infuriating stubbornness to let go of Jessy even after knowing that it's Hannah he had impregnated.

Zain won't let go of Jessy no matter what!

But the Queen had already a solution in mind. "I will delete Jessy's memory in Zain's mind," she said. "It's the only way for our son to forget Jessy. This way Adam, Jessy, and Zain will start with a clean slate. What do you think my King?"

King Antone nodded his head. "What a fantastic idea you had my Queen!" he agreed. "Let's go to Zain's room right now and starts the memory deletion process!"

"Okay, let's go!" the queen responded, she was feeling flabbergasted why she hadn't think about it sooner?

The royal couple quickly teleported into Zain's room, they were feeling elated that a viable solution has finally come into their confused and tormented mind that can end Zain's self-imposed suffering.

The royal couple found their firstborn lying in his bed in his usual brooding estate.

Zain didn't even bother to greet or acknowledge his parent's presence in the room. For him, they only exist as a loving parent to Adam and Abigail, so he should stop caring for them or anything that they will say to him.

The royal couple looked at each other with sadness in their eyes.

Queen Margaret took a step towards Zain. "How are you, my son? We are here to visit you and offer you a great solution to your problematic situation with Jessy," she said excitedly.

A glimmer of interest flashed on Zain's eyes for a few seconds. "Continue Mother..."

King Antone was elated to see his son's eyes flickered with interest and his voice was sounding calm. This time his son is finally ready to cooperate with them.

"To end your suffering Zain, your father and I decided to erase Jessy's memory from your mind so that you can easily forget her and you can start building a family with Hannah," Queen Margaret said in an enthusiastic voice her face was shining with anticipation waiting for her son to say... 'Yes!'

Unfortunately, Zain's face turned somber and dark. "Hell no! I can't allow you guys to do that! Don't you dare erase my memory of Jessy!" he shouted aloud into his parent's stunned faces.

King Antone's face turned sad.

Queen Margaret steps back away from her son feeling uneasy to see the intensity of anger on Zain's eyes. She walked quickly to her husband's side.

The royal couple looked at each other with awareness and understanding in their eyes. Zain will never willingly subject himself to memory deletion, their brilliant solution ended in failure.

King Antone whispered something in the Queen's ears, then they locked eyes as if having a conversation in secret.

Zain studied his parent's faces...he knew they are up to something!

"I'm so sorry to do this to you my son, but it's the only way to help you out!" Kings Antone's hands moved quickly freezing his son on the spot from his neck down.

Before Zain can even make a move, he was already frozen. "Father! Stop bullying me! Why you guys keep subjecting me to this kind of mental torture!? Whyyyyyyy!? I can't believe you are my parents!" he was gnashing his teeth in anger.

The queen's eyes were already submerged in tears. "I'm so sorry my son, we have to do this, it's only for your own good, we love you so much and it breaks our hearts that you kept playing the stubborn martyr and hold on stupidly to Jessy's memory in your heart and mind. Jessy doesn't love you, we can't force her to love you. You have to accept the truth that Jessy loves your brother and not you! Why is it hard for you to accept the truth?" frustration marred the queen's face.

Zain was also not able to contain her grief and misery, his tears fell from his eyes and fall down in torrents, in front of his mother and father he cried like a baby no longer ashamed to show to them up to the last minute that he would not give up Jessy willingly.

Queen Margaret walked towards Zain and positioned her hands on her son's head about to start the memory deletion process.

"Mother, stop! Don't delete my memory of Jessy. I will do it! I will announce to our clan that I will give up Jessy and make our marriage null and void," he finally said with deep sadness embedded in his eyes. He realized that no one can stop his parents from what they are about to do to him, they are hell-bent on erasing Jessy's memory so the only way to retain Jessy's memory in his mind and heart is to agree to their condition.

The queen's hands halted mid-air unable to proceed with her intention, her heart melted the moment she saw the genuine pain and tears in her son's eyes. "Zain, why you are so stubborn? Why can't you forget Jessy? Why—?" she asked.

"Would you forget the one you love, Mother? Would you forget, Father?" Zain said philosophically.

"You are ridiculous, Zain! This is not about your father and me—it's all about you!" she exclaimed in exasperation, Queen Margaret sunk in the bed feeling tired all of a sudden.

"I will keep my promise, I will announce to everyone that Jessy is no longer my wife and I will cut ties with her after a few months," Zain said with a serious expression on his face.

King Antone was frowning. "Why wait for a few months, Zain? Why not do it as early as possible? How about tomorrow?"

Zain rolled his eyes. "Why you guys are in a hurry?" he toned his voice down avoiding shouting at his parents. Now he knows that they won't hesitate to erase his memory and he is not ready yet to let go of Jessy.

"How can we make sure that you will act based on your promise?" Queen Margaret asked.

"I'm willing to see Hannah and my baby form now on. I promise that I will no longer hurt her, but you guys can't rush me in making me fall in love with Hannah since she's one of the women who betrayed me. Trust and love take a long time to grow, you guys should know that..." Zain said.

King Antone was observing his son's face, wanting to know if Zain is sincere with the words he had spoken and if his intention to let go of Jessy is pure.

Zain looked at his mother and father with meekness. He was no longer the old angry Zain. "Mother, Father...when are you going to let me out of here? I'm dying to get out of this room, I'm going crazy if you keep me longer here," he said, a feeling of distaste and bitterness was apparent in his voice.

The Queen sighed deeply. "Prove to us that you are no longer the angry Zain, show us that you are no longer harboring any hatred towards Adam, Jessy as well as Hannah, if you can do that we will let you out of this room and you can relocate in The Habitat if you like," she said.

"I will do it, Mother," Zain said in a calm voice. "I will strive to be your good son again..."

King Antone and Queen Margaret locked eyes, they were confused as hell. It's too early to celebrate of Zain's sudden change of decision.

Time for them to exit the room go back to their room and continue analyzing Zain's surprising sudden change of heart. They felt a little bit of joy but still, a cloud of doubt lingered in their minds. Only time can tell if Zain is indeed serious with his intention, for now, they will give him a benefit of a doubt and put him in an observation phase. If he can convince them then they will set him free.

The king and queen held hands and disappeared from the room.

Zain lies down in the bed and closed his eyes dreaming of Jessy's beautiful face, a small smile was tugging on the corners of his lips.

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