The Last Embrace

Chapter 191 Find A Vampire Pig!

The clock strikes at midnight.

Jessy and the doctor was wrapping up their activity in the clinic. She completed a total of six blood transfusions today, she's feeling productive tonight.

She watched as the last recipient gets out of the door of the clinic.

The doctor was looking at Jessy, he was wondering why the young woman has not gotten out of the room yet, normally she would jump off the bed and will be out in the clinic in a minute. "Aren't you going to go to your room and sleep now-Jess?" he asked.

Jessy sat down on the bed and looked at the doctor. "I already had a guinea pig who agreed to be injected with the anti-vampire vaccine, Doc."

"Really? Where is that person?" asked the doctor.

"She's still in the Habitat, her name is Alicia, I will pick her up, wait for us, Doc," Jessy said.

"Okay...but I have to tell you something...I think we need to inform the royal couple first that we are going to carry out the test, just in case something happens to the guinea pig we won't be held accountable," the doctor explained.

Jessy wasn't thinking about that factor at all. She was confident that the anti-vampire vaccine won't harm the old woman Alicia. But just in case something might go wrong and Alicia will die during the testing, how can they explain her sudden death to every one? Although her intention is for the good of person could get hurt in the process. "Sorry Doc, I haven't think of that about we test it on the animals first like we have to find a real pig and inject the vaccine, would it work?"

The doctor chuckled upon hearing Jessy's naive suggestion. "If it's a normal pig the vaccine won't work...unless the pig is a vampire..."

Jessy laughed. "So we will find a vampire pig first and test the vaccine before we inject it to humans? Where can we find a vampire pig?" she asked.

The doctor was shaking his head. "After the anti-vampire vaccine was created and vampires were shunning biting human beings because of the deadly vaccine, we all turned to hunt animals to drink their blood. Cow, horse, goat, dog, pig, cat... you named it, all types of animals that has blood on their body nearly wiped out from the face of the earth because vampires need to quench our thirst for blood...the human beings realizes soon enough that meat supply for humans will also go instinct that is why they added the composition of the vaccine into the foods of the animals. Because of that reason we can no longer attack, kill or drink the blood of animals since they were also contaminated. In short, we can no longer find a pig to turn into a vampire and then inject the anti-vampire vaccine with it."

Jessy was sighing.

She and the doctor were staring at each other trying to find a solution to their dilemma.

"How about if we make a written voluntary letter in a paper that can prove that Alice volunteered to be injected with the anti-vampire vaccine and if she died we can't be blamed for her death, Alice will have to sign it with her name and signature. Will that work?"

The doctor nodded her head. "I think that is a much better solution! I will make the letter while you go to fetch her so that she can sign right away after she arrives here."

"Okay, Doc!" Jessy walked towards the door and opened it.

"Wait...Jess...If for some reason she changed her mind then don't force her, okay? To be injected with the vampire vaccine is a very scary situation for us, it takes courage and determination for someone not to get scared," the physician said.

"Okay, I will talk to her first," Jessy said, she steps outside the clinic and walked in the hallway heading towards her room to get two vaccine kit.

Inside her room, she grabs two vaccine kit and put them in the pocket of her brown leather jacket. She exited the room and went to the tunnel, it's more or less ten minutes walk starting from the Facility towards the Habitat.

The tunnel was well lighted but the ceiling is a bit low. Any person with a seven feet height would have to bend their head just to continue walking into the tunnel.

A few moments later, Jessy emerges from the tunnel and entered the secret door leading towards the function hall.

There... she found Alicia falling asleep in the chair with her folded arms anchored on the table and her head resting comfortably on her folded arms. She walked slowly to her side...careful not to startle her.

When she reached her side she whispered the old woman's name in her ears. "Alicia I'm here..."

Slowly Alicia's eyes opened. "My dear you are so rude, you keep me waiting here for so long, I fell asleep waiting for you! I should have been snoring in my comfy bed right now and dreaming of my escapades during my younger years!" she scolded the younger woman.

Jessy sighed and apologized. "I'm so sorry Granny, the blood transfusion finished at midnight and I have to get out of the clinic right away to fetch you, sorry for coming late," she explained.

"Okay, apology accepted. Take me to the clinic! So that I can finally go back to my bed and rest for the night," Alicia said.

Jessy smiled fondly at the old woman. "Thank you so much for volunteering, Granny. I appreciated it very much!"

Alicia no longer utters a word, she got up from the chair and hold on to Jessy's arms. "Lead the way young lady!"

"Okie Dokie, Madam!" Jessy muttered under her breath.

They entered the secret door and emerged at the entrance of the tunnel after a few minutes.

Alicia took her time strolling the tunnel with her lazy walk while Jessy was wanting to speed up their steps so that they can reach the clinic faster, but she can't do so, she groaned, the old woman was not in a mood to hurry up!

"You know child, old folks can no longer walk faster so you should slow down," Alicia reprimanded her companion. "I enjoy walking slowly, I love looking at my surrounding closely and noticed many things along the way..."

Jessy smirked.

Walking slowly is not her cup of tea.

She holds Alicia's arms tightly and they teleported right inside the clinic.

They appeared inside the clinic in front of the stunned doctor. "Holy cow! you guys give me a heart attack!" he said picking up the piece of paper that fell into the floor.

"You! Young lady—you are rude! You cheated!" she glared at the young woman.

Jessy grinned. "Forgive me, Granny, I apologize! But where here now inside the clinic, no need to get angry at me, pleaseee...." she pleaded. Jessy grabs the chair near her and put it behind the old woman. "Please sit down, Granny!"

Alicia sat down on the chair. "Shall we begin now?" she said looking at the doctor.

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