The Last Embrace

Chapter 192 Aaargh! Women!

The doctor placed the piece of paper and pen on Alicia's hands.

"What's this?" the old woman asked, a crease appeared on her forehead.

"Please read it first, Granny," the doctor said.

Alicia began reading the content of the paper, she reread it five times.

"Granny, it's a volunteer letter which means that in case something bad happens to you, we can't be blamed, if you agreed to the contents of the letter then you can sign your name and signature here..." the doctor pointed at the line at the bottom of the paper.

Alicia holds the pen and was about to sign the paper...out of the corner of her eyes she caught the young woman holding the syringe with a little bottle and the anti-vampire vaccine logo was printed on the bottle. Instantly her eyes widened in fright.

Jessy saw Alicia's horrified reaction when she saw the vaccine kit she was holding in her hand. Oh no! Granny-looks like she had a change of heart!

"Is th-at the v-aaccine?" Alicia stammered.

Jessy nodded her head. "Yes, this is the anti-vampire vaccine," she responded.

Alicia was thoroughly frightened now, she was a brave soul a minute before, but now that she was staring at the vaccine she suddenly feared for her life. "No! I'm sorry I can't go on with this test! I've changed my mind! Please take me out of here!" she demanded.

Jessy scratches her head in frustration. "Granny, you can't change your mind! You agreed to volunteer why are you feeling scared now?"

Alicia was scowling at the younger woman. "I am afraid to die today! I want to die when I'm ready...not today!" she said.

Jessy's brows furrowed. "Granny, listen to me! You will not die because you are already a mortal being you are no longer a vampire!"

The doctor was looking at the two women in silence. It's clear now that the volunteer no longer wishes to continue the testing. "Jess, don't force Granny to continue the testing, let her go, bring her back to the Habitat," he said in a calm voice.

Jessy pouted feeling sad, she wanted to know the result tonight!

Alicia looked at the crossbred's disappointed face. "I will continue the testing but on one condition..."

Jessy and the doctor looked at each other.

"What is it Granny?" the doctor asked, eager to know what the condition is all about.

Alicia stared at the younger woman's face. "Inject the vaccine first on the young woman, if nothing happens to her, you can inject the vaccine on my arm, that's my condition," she said.

Jessy and the doctor looked at each other.

The doctor was shaking his head. "No. I can't test it on Jessy..."

Jessy raised a brow looking at the doctor. "Why not, Doc? Go ahead inject the vaccine on me, if it's the only way to convince Granny to take the test then let's do it!"

The doctor stared at Jessy, his face was shrouded with worry. "What if something will happen to you? The royal family will kill me for sure!"

Jessy shook her head. "You don't have to worry, Doc, I'm a mortal being, nothing will happen to me, I'm sure of that! Let's continue!" she needs to convince the doctor to proceed with the testing no matter what.

"My answer is still no!" the doctor was adamant and stood his ground.

Jessy ran her hands through her hair feeling frustrated.

If she wants things to go her way tonight, there is only one way, she has to do it!

Her right hand moved instantly freezing the doctor's whole body on the spot, then she unfreezes his head so that he won't panic.

The doctor found himself unable to move his arms and legs, feeling hopeless and useless he can only talk to the young woman with urgency in his voice. "Jessy don't do it! Listen to me, the vaccine might harm you, we have no idea how it will affect your body!"

Jessy ignored the doctor's pleading.

Alicia was silent the whole time, watching Jessy and the doctor arguing at each other.

"Just watch and see, Doc. Nothing will happen to me!" she said confidently. She opened the bottle that contains the vaccine, then took out the syringe and plunged the tip of the needle into the small bottle sucking its liquid content into the tube. Watching videos online she already knows how to do the injection safely, it's easy peasy, an elementary kid can even do it.

She placed the empty bottle in the table and poised the needle of the syringe above the skin on her left arm.

Then she plunged the tip of the needle into her arm while looking at the doctor's face.

The doctor squeezed his eyes shut...already fearing for the worst.

Jessy emptied the contents of the syringe into her arms, a few moments later, she put he empty syringe in the table beside the empty bottle of the vaccine, she's done with the injection. Then she waved her right hand unfreezing the doctor from his frozen estate.

The doctor was feeling relieved after his body was unfrozen, he stared at the young woman's face waiting for her body's reaction to the vampire vaccine.

Five minutes...

Fifteen minutes...

Twenty minutes had passed...

Nothing happened!

Jessy was grinning looking at the doctor and at Alicia. "See—Doc and Granny? Nothing bad happens to me, right?"

Huge relief washed over the doctor's face, he knows that the anti-vampire vaccine can kill any vampire within a few minutes after the deadly liquid entered the vampire's blood vessel. As of this moment...Jessy was still standing strong, therefore, it is safe to inject it on the old woman's body as well.

Jessy looked at Alicia. "Granny are you convinced now that nothing bad will happen to you?" she said.

Alicia nodded her head. "I'm convinced! Let's proceed...Doc!" she said.

Jessy took another anti-vampire vaccine kit from the pocket of her jacket and handed it to the doctor.

The doctor proceeds with the injection process and injects the anti-vampire vaccine into the old woman's arm. Done with the injection, they waited for any reaction from Alicia's body.

Five minutes...

Nothing happens...

Then all of a sudden Alicia's face contorted in pain....sound of painful grunting can be heard emanating from her mouth.


Jessy and the doctor rushed to the woman's side trying to find out what is happening to her, their faces turned pale in alarm.

"Granny what's happening to you!?" Jessy was trying to stabilize the old woman's body from its jerking motion.

The doctor was trembling in fright.

The Alicia's eyes went shut and her body no longer moving, then her breathing stop at once! her chest no longer moving! F*ck!

Jessy and the physician were looking at each other with a horrified expression on their faces.


We're f*ck!

She's dead!

Jessy covered her mouth with her hands in horror!

"Doc, she's dead! We have to dispose of her body in the ditch nearby, come help me!" Jessy was about to hoist the old woman's body on her shoulder when all of a sudden they heard a burst of rich laughter vibrated around the room.

The laughter came from Alicia herself, eyes wide open. "Calm down guys! I'm just playing a prank on both of you!" then she continues laughing, thoroughly amused by her own cruel joke.

Jessy bit her lip and calmed down her frayed nerves, she threw Alicia a murderous look.

The doctor sat down on the chair inhaling and exhaling fresh air into his congested chest. He just got the biggest scare of his life tonight! Aaargh—women! He sighed heavily.

Then Jessy laughed aloud. "Good one...Granny!"

Alicia looked at the younger woman. "I heard you are planning to dispose of my body in a random ditch, how rude!"

Jessy eyed the old woman with amusement in her eyes. "I'm just joking, Granny! Please don't mind my words," she grinned.

"Take me back to the Habitat, I'm going to sleep," Alicia demanded.

Jessy clutched the old woman's arms. "No more walking tonight Granny, let's take the faster route!" she winked at her.

Alicia shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever suits your fancy! Let's go! Goodnight Doc!" she bid goodbye to the doctor.

"Goodbye, Doc! And sleep tight tonight! See you tomorrow!" Jessy said.

"Sweet dreams girls!" the doctor replied.

Jessy and Alicia were gone in an instant.

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