The Last Embrace

Chapter 198 Outdoor

The next day.

Jessy was lying comfortably in the bed inside the clinic while doing the blood transfusion with a recipient.

She was thinking what to do—what is needed to do that she hasn't done yet?

Then the comatose people in the hospital suddenly flashes in her mind. Why she's thinking of them? Did she get disappointed that she was not able to help them wake up? Maybe she would just let it go and move on, of course, she can't help everyone, there's a limit to her power. But to make her mind rest in peace she needs to go back to the hospital to check on them for the last time, she won't stay long in there she would just take a look and see how are they doing...then let go of their memories and forget them for good and go on with her life.

She was wondering—did the family of those comatose people visit them often? Or those relatives refrain from visiting them frequently because it hurts seeing their loved ones in their hopeless state.

Well...she may be able to joke around with the comatose people because they are not her relatives but it will be pretty painful for the relatives to see them in that situation, it's daily torture not knowing if they will wake up one day or not anymore.

She will visit the hospital again one of these days.

She has been busy lately, she's busy as a bee doing so many things at once, she can't stay inside the Facility within 24 hours period, she has to go out and do something outside.

Right now, she remembered the gold pouch, she also needs to give the gold to Emma and Suzanne as her gift to baby Oliver and Emily, she plans to give them equal number of gold nuggets because she likes the two girls and they were both single mothers and it's tough raising a baby on their own without a permanent job, hopefully, the gold nuggets can help sustain them for a period of time until they can find a new job. She will buy two more pouches in the city.

Two hours later.

As usual, the first blood transfusion for the day went well.

She's ready to get out of the clinic.

"Jess, are you going to the canteen to eat lunch?" the doctor asked.

"Yes, Doc...why?"

"Don't forget my request, okay?"

"Ah, about Alicia—ah okay—I almost have forgotten about her, sorry Doc, anyways I will pay a quick visit to her later after lunch," she said.

"Okay, you do that please..." said the doctor.

Jessy smiled at the doctor feeling apologetic. Earlier when she was in the canteen she could have made a quick visit to Alicia but it didn't register in her mind. But she will do it today before lunch.

She went out of the door and strolled casually in the hallway going up in the stairs to the outer part of the Facility.

She didn't go to the canteen she goes straight to her mother's office. She found her mother busy typing on her computer.

"Ready for lunch?" Sarah asked her daughter.

"Yes...take your time, Mom,"

"Just wait for a second, I'm nearly done with my typing," Sarah said.

"No problem, Mom. I will go to the Habitat for a few minutes, I will visit a friend of mine, if you already finished your work you can go straight to the canteen, I will just pop up in there."

"Okay..." Sarah said.

Jessy exited her mother's office and went down to the middle part of the Facility to use the tunnel to proceed into the Habitat.

She avoids using her power to teleport during day time, she doesn't like accidentally exposing herself to anyone —so yeah—if there is no urgency and no emergency she prefers walking, it's a good form of exercise.

She was humming a song while walking in the tunnel alone.

Then all of a sudden she remembered those incapacitated vampires they saved last night. How are they doing? How are they faring in their new surroundings? Did the royal couple treat them right?

She just remembered now, that they kidnaped those vampires and brought them to the Facility without even giving them a chance to speak for themselves—if they want to be saved or if they want to be relocated somewhere? Ah, she needs to see them and see with her own eyes if they are okay with everything, if they are not okay then she will just return them to the cave, but honestly, who wants to live in a cave where no human blood can be found? She was sure those frail-looking vampires are very much grateful for the royal family's help.

She quickened her steps and went to Alicia's quarter. She went inside and saw several grandmas watching a variety show, none of them is Alicia.

"Grandma, have you seen Alicia?" Jessy asked the granny lying on the bed next to Alicia's bed.

The grandma shook her head. "She went outside child, maybe she's back in the forest park, that is her favorite place, she brought me there a few times," she said.

"Okay, thanks, Grandma!" Jessy left the room, walking in the path that will bring her to the forest park.

After a few minutes of strolling under the heat of the sun-protected by the cool shades of the trees, she arrived at the place where Alicia was sitting alone, her face looks serene though and she seemed satisfied and happy with her surroundings.

"Hi there Granny!" she greeted her, she sat down on the bench beside Alicia.

Alicia looked at the new comer's face. "It's you! Can I just call you, Jessy? Will that be alright?" she asked.

Jessy nodded her head. "Yes Granny—you can mention my name when no one is around," she whispered.

She raised her gaze above. Alicia chose this perfect spot because the trees have long branches that were sticking out in every direction they were covered with thick leaves, and the breeze was cool and invigorating under the shade of the tree blocking effectively the stifling heat of the sun. Three concrete benches surrounded the tree, one can sit in any of them and be presented with a different view. This time Alicia chose the bench that can give her a front view of the Habitat.

"Enjoying the view?"Jessy asked.

Alicia's wrinkled face broke into a smile. "Yes, very much my child, this is one thing I love about being a mortal you can enjoy the sun without getting fried, vampires doesn't have that luxury, they can only exposed themselves during night time but have to forever hide from the heat of the sun or else suffer a painful death," she said.

Jessy was silent for a moment. She used to think that all vampires can walk under the heat of the sun, but only few can, one vampire that can walk under the sun without getting burnt is Adam.

"Have you finished eating lunch?"

"Yes, a while ago..."

"Why are you not watching a TV show in your room?"

Alicia looked at the young woman. "TV shows are boring, I prefer the outdoor experience enjoying the sun...having fun while the wind caresses my skin...I feel elated watching the trees and the lush greenery around me and I love seeing people walking here in the park, it's good for my eyes and my soul," she explained.

"Okay, enjoy the view, Granny. But before I go, I would like to ask how are you feeling? After the vaccine was injected into your arm—did you feel ill or feel any discomfort at all? The doctor wants me to check on you—that's why I'm here," Jessy said.

"Tell the doctor he doesn't have to worry about me, I'm feeling perfectly alright. I will let you know if I feel something is not right with my body, so far my health is good," Alicia said.

"Okay, good to know that, Granny. I will go now and report to the doctor about your condition, bye, take care of yourself, see you some other time," Jessy said rising to her feet.

"Bye child!" Alicia said and continues enjoying the peaceful surrounding.

Jessy left the park feeling good that she finally accomplished the doctor's request, she walked briskly heading to the canteen in the Facility.

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