The Last Embrace

Chapter 199 Organic

A moment later she arrived in the canteen, her mother was already halfway with her eating, the canteen was already empty. Jessy sat down on the chair facing her mother. She inspected the foods in front of her which consists of beef steak, spicy chicken wings, rice, and creamy squash soup. "Wow, super delicious dishes! I love it, Mom!" she raves, she picked up the spoon and fork energetically and began filling her plate with the mouth-watering dishes.

She was halfway on her eating when a question pops up in her mind. "Mom, the meat I'd been eating...are they contaminated with the anti-vampire vaccine?" she suddenly asked in a whisper.

Sarah shook her head and spoke in a low voice. "We have a total of five private suppliers of meat, they are vampires that married to humans and they were raising animals organically in their farms, no chemicals involved in raising the poultry products so rest assured that what we eat has not tampered with the deadly vampire vaccine. Besides, before we cook the meat, we have vampires do the food testing first to make sure it's safe because as you know human workers eat in here in the canteen and their blood is needed by the vampires below so we have to be careful what the humans eat here...all the blood that is rationed to the vampires are also tasted first to minimize the damage just in case there is a contamination. "

"Glad to know that, Mom," Jessy said and continues eating the remaining foods on her plate.

Done eating, she ran her hands on her full stomach, feeling satisfied. "I love the tasty dishes today, Mom!"

Sarah smiled at her daughter. "I'm glad you like the foods I chose for you. Are you done?"

"Yeah...let's go!" Jessy said, they exited the canteen together and goes their separate ways.

Jessy went down into the middle part of the Facility and go to the queen's study room. She wants to see the condition of the new arrivals.

When she knocked on the door, no one answered, she pushed the door a bit wider no one is inside. Where are they?

The royal couple was probably attending to the new arrivals.

Jessy proceed towards the function hall where she teleported the fifty feeble looking vampires last night, she pushed the door slowly and took a peek inside, there in the center was the royal couple and the princess discussing something to the new arrivals, probably informing them of the rules.

She sat down on the last chair at the back and listen to the Queen announcing the Facility's rules and regulations.

The visitors were listening attentively to the queen's voice.

One hour later the meeting ended.

King Antone and Queen Margaret exited the function hall and the fifty vampires followed the royal couple outside.

Jessy watched their faces as they pass by, they were no longer the same hopeless looking vampires she saw last night, instead she saw hope and gratitude in their eyes, some of them even smiled at her, she smiled back.

She continues watching them feeling good with herself.

Princess Abigail sat down on the chair beside Jessy.

"How are the newcomers—Abi?" Jessy asked.

"They're feeling very much happy and relieved to find a new home. They were thankful that they were accepted here and they are looking forward to living among us," the princess answered.

"That's good," Jessy murmured.

"Father assigned me to monitor their progress daily, like report to him everything concerning the new arrivals," Princess Abigail said.

"Do you like the responsibility that has been given to you?"

Princess Abigail smiled. "'s good that I have something to focus my mind with...its better than doing nothing inside my room. I already read all the books in mother's study room, I'm so fucking bored out of my mind here inside the Facility. I'm looking forward to the day that we can finally relocate to the Habitat so that I can experience the outdoor again."

Jessy looked at the princess. "If you want, I can make blood transfusion on you and then you will be turned into a mortal after seven days then you can finally live in the Habitat and enjoy the amenities there..." she offered.

Princess Abigail shook her head. "My parents won't allow that, they want me to fight alongside with them the moment the enemies will launch a surprised attacked on us. If you turn me into a mortal I will lose my power and I can no longer help protect the Facility and the Habitat from invaders—you know what I mean."

"Okay, in that case, just wait for a few years then we can finally live in Habitat together," Jessy said.

Princess Abigail smiled at Jessy. "Okay, let's go now!" she said. "By the way, you want to see more of the arrivals? We can follow them right now to see them in their new accommodations. Father and Mother give them orientation so that they will become familiar in this place and they will know the things that are prohibited to do inside the Facility," she explained.

Jessy shook her head. "Nah, some other time, I will go back to the clinic to continue the blood transfusion."

The girls exited the function hall, they were now in the hallway.

"Okay, gotta go! See you around, Jess!" Princess Abigail said.

"See yeah...Abi!"

The girls go their separate ways.


Jessy was now undergoing her third blood transfusion for the day. The darkness was already spreading fast outside the Facility.

In two hours, it will be her break, time to hit downtown and do some shopping.

After the third blood transfusion was finished she was ready to exit the clinic. "By the way, Doc, I talked to Alicia earlier, she told me that she did not feel anything out of the ordinary, her health was the same as before you injected the anti-vampire vaccine to her. You have nothing to worry about her health," she said.

"Okay that's good!" the doctor said feeling relieved.

"I'll go ahead, Doc! See you later..."

Jessy left the clinic and went to her room. Inside her room, she donned her black leather jacket, black blouse, black pants, and black sneaker shoes. She took the pouch of gold from her closet and picked up five pieces of shiny gold nuggets and put it on her black sling bag.

She will go to a pawnshop or a store that buys gold...she will sell the gold nuggets to the buyer who can offer her a bigger price. Then she will buy two more pouches for her gift to baby Oliver and baby Emily.

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