The Last Embrace

Chapter 267 Good News From Home!

Jessy went to the study room wanting to ask the queen if they can send Lilian home early. After discovering that it's the woman's birthday tomorrow she was hoping that the queen will agree to send Lilian two days earlier before the scheduled time of her release.

She knocked on the door and pushed it open.

"Jessy come in..." Queen Margaret said.

Jessy entered the door and sat down on the sofa facing her mother-in-law.

"Mother, I come here to request humbly, can you erase Lilian's memory tomorrow—pretty please?" she pleaded.

Queen Margaret looked at her daughter-in-law. "Why—? Did something comes up?"

"Ah, nothing serious, Mother, but I went to her house in the city to check on her family. Her family will celebrate her 25th birthday tomorrow evening. I thought that since we will return Lilian to her family then why not do it on the day of her birthday? So that their reunion will be more memorable?" Jessy suggested. "Only if you are willing, Mother, I'm not pressuring you," she said added politely.

The queen became silent for a moment. "Well...why not? I can certainly erase her memory, just bring the woman here in the study room at 5:00 in the afternoon tomorrow so that she can finally go home and be with her family during the celebration time."

Jessy was happy when the queen finally agreed to her suggestion. "Thank you so much, Mother!"

"Okay, anything else?" the queen asked.

Jessy shook her head. "No more, Mother, that's my only concern for today, I will go now," she said and rose to her feet. She left the room and walked towards the living quarters of the humans, bringing with her a piece of good news, she wants Lilian to get ready because she will be going home on the day of her birthday.

When she finally reached the room, she immediately opened the locked door and greeted the ladies inside. "Hello ladies!" she said in a cheerful tone.

"Hello Jessy!" the women return her greetings.

"I'm here to bring good news to Lilian!" she said.

Lilian's face brightened up, her eyes were glowing in full of anticipation. "What is it, Jess? Please tell me, I'm dying of suspense..."

Jessy sat down on the bed facing the woman excitedly. "You will finally go home tomorrow, I visited the address you had provided on the index card. I had seen your Mother, Father, sister, and your grandparents. They are worried and very sad that it's been two years already since you disappeared and there was no sign of you coming back. Your mother and your sister have been crying because they were missing you so much! Your sister already bought you a birthday gift and your mother will cook your favorite dishes for your birthday celebration tomorrow evening! Your mother also said that they will celebrate your birthday every year even if you come back or not," she said.

She was expecting the woman to feel happy after hearing her good news but instead, Lilian was crying already, her painful sob was wracking her small frame, she was immediately flanked by her two companions in the room, they were hugging and rubbing her back offering comfort to the distraught Lilian.

"Oh, I'm sorry I make you cry, Lilian..." Jessy said.

Lilian quickly wiped the tears from her face with the hem of her t-shirt. "No, please don't apologize, Jess, of course, I'm super happy hearing the good news from my family back home. I just cried because I miss them so much and I'm super excited to see them again. That was tears of joy..."

Jessy felt relieved. "Glad to know that you are okay, just get ready tomorrow at 5:00 in the afternoon, I will come here to fetch you so that we can start the process of bringing you home," she said.

Lilian nodded her head. "Thank you so much, Jess!"

"Okay, girls, I'm leaving now, see you again tomorrow!"

The girls murmured their goodbye to Jessy.

Jessy rose to her feet and left the room.

She strolled in the hallway and caught a glimpse of Hannah's room. She decided to visit her pregnant friend and inquire about her current condition.

Hannah was cutting a garment when she entered the room.

"Hello, Hannah! How are you doing today?"

Hannah looked at Jessy and smiled. "I'm good," she replied.

"And how about the baby?" Jessy asked eyeing the woman's protruding belly.

"My baby is healthy, it loves kicking my tummy inside," the pregnant woman rubbed her big tummy with love glowing in her eyes.

"That's nice, I'm happy to hear that you and the baby are doing well. Did the royal family visit you here to see how are you doing?"

"Yes. They were here the other day and the queen Mother give me this!" Hannah pointed to the color white portable sewing machine. "And she also gave me two books on how to sew baby clothes in many different ways..."

"Wow! Awesome! You can make more clothes faster with that machine," Jessy commented.

"Yes, when Mother gave the portable sewing machine to me, I feel very excited because I can make more baby clothes with this sewing machine, I been enjoying making clothes nowadays, so easy and fun. I heard that the human couple that you rescued had two babies, so I made some baby clothes for their size, hope these fits," Hannah said, she picked up the six pairs of baby clothes and handed it to Jessy.

Jessy beamed. "Aww, you're so kind and thoughtful Hannah! The human couple would surely appreciate your effort," Jessy inspected the baby clothes and she finds them super cute and comfy. "Okay, I will take them to the couple so that the baby can use the clothes."

Jessy folded neatly the baby's clothes.

" about you and Zain?" Jessy asked.

Hannah sighed. "Were fine, he's back on being calm, although we don't talk that much. I only go there and visit him if missing him so much is already hard to bear. I realized that going there every day won't make him fall in love with me, I might as well start loving myself more," she joked.

"That's good," Jessy said in agreement.

"I will make a beautiful handkerchief for you, Jess," Hannah said.

"Really? That would be awesome!" Jessy smiled. "I'm going now, Hannah. See you some other time, take care of yourself and the baby."

"You too!" Hannah responded cheerfully.

Jessy exited the room and went back to the living quarters of the humans where the couple were housed in.

She went to the first couple's room, the couple was talking in the bed while the baby was sleeping peacefully in the other bed.

"How are you doing, guys?"Jessy asked.

"We're doing fine," the couple replied.

"Here...please accept these gifts," Jessy placed the baby's clothing's in the hand of the woman, "A friend of mine sewed baby clothes and she wanted me to give these finished products to you, hope they fit well," she said.

The woman examined the baby's clothes and smiled. "Wow, they're so cute! Please give your friend my thanks for sewing the clothes, we appreciated it very much."

"Okay sure...I will go now. You take care, guys," she was about to exit the room when the man spoke.

"Ma'am Jessy, when can we go home?" he asked.

"That will be soon, as I already sent Virgie successfully into her family last week. Tomorrow Lilian will go home to her family, sooner or later you all can go home. I promise you guys, you will all be reunited with your family soon, just be patient in waiting for your turn, okay?"

The couple nodded their heads in understanding.

"Thank you in advance for all the help, Ma'am," the guy said.

Jessy smiled at the couple and left the room.

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