The Last Embrace

Chapter 268 She's Back!

The next day.

Jessy went to the humans living quarters to fetch Lilian. She's feeling excited for the woman as if she's the one going home today, when she opened the room, Lilian was already very eager to go.

"I won't be bringing anything with me because I have lots of clothes in my house," Lilian said pointing at the used clothing she folded in her bed.

"Ah okay," Jessy looked at the two women. "Ladies, say your goodbye now to Lilian," she said.

The women engaged in a group hug.

"You take care of yourself, Lilian, and let's keep in touch when all of us are already back in the city," they said.

"Yes of course! I'm gonna miss you, girls! We're going now, see you all in the city!" Lilian said her eyes brimming with excitement.

Jessy and Lilian exited the room and sauntered towards the queen's study room.

Queen Margaret was already waiting for them inside the room, she nods at the woman and showered her a friendly smile. "Hello are you feeling today?" she made a small talk trying to put the woman at ease.

Lilian smiled in awe at the queen, it's the first time she comes face to face with a vampire and the queen is so friendly, accommodating...and warm like a real human. "Thank you very much for allowing us to stay in your place Queen Margaret," she bowed down her head with respect.

"Ah, don't mention it. It's my pleasure to help you girls. Are you ready to go home now and see your family?" the queen asked.

"Yes, I'm very much excited, my Queen!" replied Lilian.

"Okay, just close your eyes for a while..." the queen said.

Lilian looked at the queen with nervousness in her eyes. "Are you going to do something to me—my Queen?"

Jessy and Queen Margaret looked at each other knowingly.

"'s just precautionary measure. Trust me, what I'm going to do, it's for your good. Don't worry it will be over soon," the queen assured her.

Lilian turns to look at Jessy. "A-are we gonna ride a car or something to go back to the city? Are you going to accompany me right into the doorsteps of my home, Jess?" she asked feeling tense.

Jessy went to Lilian's side. "Yes, of course, I will accompany you to your home, please stop worrying, okay? Stay calm..." she patted the woman's shoulder to comfort her. "Close your eyes now dear..." she urged her.

"Okay," replied Lilian then she shut off her eyes.

That's the time Jessy froze Lilian instantly.

Queen Margaret placed her hands on Lilian's head and began the method of erasing the woman's memory.

Jessy sauntered back to the sofa and sat down comfortably on it while waiting for the queen to finish her job, she picked up a women's magazine above the center table and starts turning the pages.

She saw Gavin Sanders photo strolling in the beach holding hands with a pretty model, they looked good together smiling at each other...

She smiled at her boyfriend's dashing photo and ignored the woman on his side.

After a while, she also saw another photo of Gavin sporting several cool looking sunglasses, he was walking in a deserted street, staring at the camera, sometimes brooding and sometimes smiling.

Indeed, her boyfriend is a famous model and product endorser in the human world. In spite of meeting many sexy and gorgeous women in his chosen profession, Adam was never tempted to date another girl that is why their relationship is getting stronger every day.

A few minutes later.

Queen Margaret was done erasing Lilian's memory. "Jessy it's your turn now..." she said to the younger woman.

Jessy rises to her feet and went to Lilian's side. "Thanks, Mother," she uttered her thanks appreciatively.

"I will go now to rest in my bedchamber and recuperate, good luck, child," the queen said and left the study room.

It's now time to move!

Jessy transformed herself into her invisible form, then she touched Lilian's arms and began the teleportation process sending them into the woman's home in the Pine Wood Subdivision.

A moment later.

Jessy and the frozen Lilian landed outside the closed door of the house.


Inside the house... in the dining room.

Lilian's family gathered around the dining table, her mother had prepared delicious dishes to celebrate her missing daughter's 25th birthday. Then her father leads the prayer before they embark on their sumptuous meal. In his prayer, he asked God's mercy for the safe return of his missing daughter. Then he thanked God for all the blessings they received every day.

Done with the prayer. The family began eating their meal in silence.

In between them, there was an empty chair that symbolizes the missing daughter.

The family member would sometimes glance at the empty chair with deep longing and sadness embedded in their eyes.

A few minutes later.

They heard the doorbell ringing not only once, but five times as if the visitor is in a hurry to see them.

Lilian's sister stood up. "I will check who is the visitor..." she said and ambled towards the door to open it. Before opening the door, she went to the window and peered outside wanting to know who is this persistent visitor?

The girl's eyes grow wider for every second that she was staring at the visitor...she blinked many times unable to comprehend everything at once, her heart was pounding heavily in her rib cage.

Oh My God! she covered her mouth in shock!

Then she exclaimed in happiness. "Holy Christ! It's my sister Lilian! She's back!" she immediately opened the door and flew into her sister's arms hugging her tightly. "My God! Where have you been?" she asked her sister, tears of joy suddenly sprung from her eyes.

Lilian was frowning. "Sister dearest, why are you hugging me so tightly? I can't breath!" she complained.

Soon enough, Lilian's mother and father rushed into the living room after their youngest daughter failed to return to the dining table, although they heard her shrieking... saying that Lilian is back, they were thinking she was just making a prank on them just to cheer them up on Lilian's 25th birthday...

To their surprised, they saw their missing daughter outside the door of their house embraced by their youngest daughter who was already crying hysterically due to happiness.

They gathered around their missing daughter and hugged Lilian.

"Thank you so much, God! You finally heard our prayers and brought back our daughter!" the father uttered a fervent prayer and looked up at the heavens above.

"My daughter, where have you been? What happened to you?" the mother asked inspecting her daughter's face looking for any sign of trauma, she was thankful after she can't find any. "Come inside, daughter," she said in a hurry. "You must be very hungry, you know that it's your birthday today, I cooked your favorite dishes!" the mother said, joyously. Happiness was overflowing in her heart.

They entered the house and closed the door behind them.

They paused in the living room and looked at Lilian closely.

Lilian raised her eyebrow in confusion. "Why are you guys staring at me as if you see a ghost? I know that it's my birthday today so I come home early from work..." she said casually.

Lilian's family members looked at each other in confusion.

"Okay guys, let's go back to the dining table and resume our birthday celebration. I think Lilian is very hungry, are you not my child?" the father said humoring their daughter even though lots of question were already troubling his senses.

Lilian smiled brightly and walked towards the dining room, salivating with the thoughts of foods. She performs her usual quick kiss on her grandparent's forehead as if nothing happens.

The grandparents stared in awe and shocked at their missing granddaughter who suddenly appeared in the dining table behaving as if today is just the usual normal day as if she didn't disappear, they were at loss of words on what to say to her.

"W-welcome back, child!" said the grandma, tears of happiness were brimming in her eyes.

The grandfather just stared at his granddaughter and looked alternately to his son in confusion.

Lilian noticed how her family was behaving strangely around her. "You guys—okay?" she asked nonchalantly while chewing on the spicy stir fry pork which is her all-time favorite dish, loving the dish's rich savory taste.

Her mother smiled happily at her eldest child, no matter what happened to her daughter during her missing days, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that she's back safe and sound in their midst, and more importantly looking healthy. "Eat a lot, my daughter," she said tears fell from her eyes... trying to sound normal.

And Lilian obeyed her beloved mother's command putting more spicy pork on her plate.

After a while, Lilian spoke to her sister. "I will call Alex tonight..." then she turns her attention back to the foods on her plate.

The people around Lilian were dumbfounded, they looked at each other communicating in silence.

The mother sighed. Their daughter will be brokenhearted tonight because, during her absence, Alex has met a new woman and got married recently, the wedding took place three months ago to be exact.


Jessy was observing the atmosphere inside the dining room, it's filled with happiness mixed with confusion and everything else in between... and then when Lilian mentioned of going to call Alex tonight, obviously the guy was her boyfriend, everyone around the table fell silent and looked uncomfortably at each other.

She was curious about what exactly happened to Alex in the last two years?

But she can not stay any longer, she has to go back to the Facility.

Well, she can always come back here tomorrow to appease her curiosity.

Jessy left the house and teleported back into the Facility for the blood transfusion.

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