The Last Embrace

Chapter 276 Choices People Make

Jessy was having a conversation with her mother in the canteen. She mentioned to her mother about what happened to Lilian recently the woman she recently brought home.

"Why do I have a feeling that Lilian and Alex would see each other secretly—against the wife's knowledge? What do you think, Mom?" Jessy asked her mother's opinion.

Sarah sighed.

"Um...I'm feeling sad about Lilian losing her man due to her disappearance. If I have to advise here, I would only say one thing to her, and it would be like this—Let go of Alex because he is already a married man! Just for the sake of the baby. If she and Alex were meant to be together in this lifetime, let destiny find the way for them. Because if she is the one who will find a way, the result is that she will only destroy the marriage and she will become the mistress in a love story that she was supposed to be the leading lady. All she needs to do is start freeing herself away from Alex's memory. Who knows she can meet a new guy which is ten times better than Alex. There are some things in this world that even though we feel that they are so good and we badly want things to stay the same way forever but in the end, they won't last long. Some people were not meant to be no matter how much they love each other, destiny will always find a way to break two people apart. That is one of the saddest mystery in this world," she explained.

"But Mom, me and Adam were separated by life and death at one point in time but in the end, we found each other again. I know that every relationship has to undergo several trials but what meant to be should be reunited in the end," Jessy argued.

"Yeah...but you have to understand my child that...not because you end up with Adam again that means all lovers will also end up like you and Adam. Every relationship has a different path in life, some relationship will follow the path that is full of pain and sadness, some full of betrayal and some had a happy ending. Some path that the lovers have to go through has to depend on both parties, as you can see, some people change, a few will only stay sweet during courtship but after getting married... all types of problems and temptation will start shaking the foundation of the relationship...then the marriage collapsed. That's when the person realized that the person they come to love in the early days of the courtship is no longer the same person they had married because some sparks will start to fizzle. I have to say this... only a few couples will continue loving each other to the very end. The rest...well... they will be changing partners quickly just like changing their dress always seeking the elusive one. And sometimes, you will only realize that the one you really want is the one you already let go."

Sarah rubbed her daughter's back. "If Lilian will continue to tempt Alex because she can't let go of him, then there will be two people who will suffer in the end and that will be the wife and the baby."

Jessy bit her lip. "And because Adam and I continue our relationship, Zain has to suffer?"

" similar situation, right?" Sarah said.

Jessy scratched her head. "What are you trying to imply, Mom?"

"Because you and Adam wanted to be happy and continue the relationship, one person has to suffer and that is Zain," Sarah replied.

"B-but I don't love Zain! Why I should stay in a marriage that I'm not happy with? Therefore I will always choose the man I love and that is Adam," Jessy reasoned. "Besides, if I stay married to Zain I will only feel miserable and Adam will also feel the same, two people who will suffer badly, at least in our love triangle case, the result is that there are two people happy and only one person suffering and that is Zain. That would be two versus one," Jessy smiled a bit.

Sarah raised her brows for a moment then smiled fondly at her daughter. "I guess when it comes to the affairs of the heart, I trust your judgment because you should follow your happiness at all cost, and choosing what is best for you and what makes you happy is always what every mature adult has to decide for themselves."

"Which means—?"

"You have to be responsible for all your actions. Some major decisions can change our life. And sometimes the result is not always positive and tailored to our liking. I don't want to judge Lilian but considering that she and Alex had sex instantly the moment they laid eyes on each other again, then the result would be catastrophic. What if Lilian will get pregnant with Alex's child? What's gonna happen then?"

"But Mom...they only had sex once! The chance to get pregnant after one contact is next to zero," Jessy said.

"Really? How can you be so sure about that? Did you saw them used contraceptives like condom or morning pill before engaging in physical intimacy?"

Jessy pondered for a moment, well, she was there when the couple starts kissing each other and began discarding their clothes, although she already exited the bedroom and did not see what transpired next, she can be sure that the couple did not use any contraceptive at all. It's like a spur of the moment decision for the couple and they have no time to think about anything, they just execute the deed because they feel a strong urge to do it. She was shaking her head. "I think they were not using any contraceptive at all."

"That's it! and it's the same with you and Adam. If you and Adam were engaging sex without contraceptive then you will get pregnant soon and that would be super awkward and complicated because you are the wife of the elder brother and the lover of the younger brother. How does it sound, my child?" Sarah looked at her daughter's face keenly.

Jessy pouted. "Mom, why does it made me feel that you are against my relationship with Adam? Why you always making me the example?" her face turned gloomy.

Sarah released a deep sigh. "Please don't be dishearten my child, your situation is really not that bad. You just fought for what you believe in, and besides, Zain knew beforehand that you did not love him but he still insisted on marrying you, so it's his fault. What he was suffering today is all because of his stubbornness. Just like the saying goes...what you sow is what you reap."

Jessy smiled in elation. "Thanks, Mom, for understanding my emotions, my choices in life and for not condemning me in fighting for my own happiness."

"And my child, let's not talk about Lilian again, okay? You are getting emotional and attached to her. Lilian is old enough to decide for herself, let her made her own choices in life. If Lilian chose to be Alex's mistress then there is nothing you can do about it. It's her life decision and she has to navigate it on her own without anybody's interference."

Jessy nods her head. "I understand, Mother."

"Since our lunch is over, we have to leave now," Sarah said.

The women stood up and left the canteen.

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