The Last Embrace

Chapter 277 You Don't Have To Feel lonely!

It's been three days already since Jessy religiously throws herself into her blood transfusion duty, starting at 8:00 in the morning 'till midnight.

Right now, she was thinking that there's no need to visit Virgie because she was sure that the woman was doing well since she left her some money and the kids were already given back to her grandparent's care, so, no need to see her.

But then she kept thinking about her.

It wouldn't be much of a hassle if she will just visit Virgie later at 7:00 in the evening, that's what she's going to do.

Tonight will be the last time she will visit her.

Two hours later.

Jessy left the clinic to visit Antonia and the kids in the Habitat, she will also drop by to check on Grandma Alicia.

She walked down the tunnel, a moment later she emerged inside in the conference hall of the Habitat. She went directly to the flat were Antonia and the children were residing.

And what greeted her eyes put a broad smile on her lips and made her happy.

In the small living room...the children gathered around Granny Alicia. The children were trying to sketch

Alicia caught sight of Jessy. "Come here, young lady, why don't you take my place? These kids think I'm a model or something..." she groaned.

Jessy laughed. "Just take it easy Granny, once they got bored making your portrait, they will move on to another."

Alicia looked at the drawing of the boys, she was horrified to see that her head was looking like a watermelon! "Grrr! These kids murdered my portrait!" she feigned anger.

Jessy glanced at their sketches, some drew Alicia like an elephant, some drew her like a giant blob, they drew big eyes, nose, and mouth, complete with tails and horns, all their drawings were hilarious. She had to hold back her laughter afraid that Alicia will only get angrier.

Then the old woman laughed all of a sudden upon seeing the children's drawings and Jessy let go of her laughter that she was trying to hide, the kids looked at each other's drawing and they all erupted in peals of laughter.

When the laughter died down.

"Listened up kids, it's break time, let's allow Grandma Alicia to rest first—okay? In the meantime, why don't you watch cartoons on TV?" she said. She picked up the remote control and turn on the television and chose the kids channel that was currently showing a Peter Pan movie. The children shifted their attention to the show.

Jessy faced the old woman. "Wow, fancy seeing you here, Granny!"

Alicia smiled. "I'm never good with children, but it's not too late yet to enter their world and share their laughter and mischievousness."

"So—how's the experience?" she asked.

"It's fun, but sometimes tiring because the kids have boundless energy and they would pester you about anything, they would ask me to tell them stories and we can go on for hours and hours and...Jesus... they would not want me to stop! They want me to continue telling them the story. So yeah, that's how it is." explained Alicia.

Jessy asked, "Where is Antonia? I can't see her?"

"Ah, she's in the laundry room, washing the kids' clothes, she will be back anytime now. So, I'm kind of doing some babysitting here while the Nanny is out," Alicia smiled.

"You seemed to be doing a great job," Jessy commented. "Granny, did you come here every day to visit the children?"

"Yeah, sort of. You know...I just drop by and see how they are doing. Then Antonia and I will engage in some pleasant adult conversation together."

"That's good! I'm happy that you find something worthwhile to do with your free time."

"These kids want to swim in the pool earlier and I told them that they'd better wait for Antonia to return here so that she can accompany them in the pool, these mischievous children decided to draw my portrait instead. Later at 5:00 in the afternoon, we will be going to have a walk in the park for some light exercise," Alicia said.

Jessy smiled fondly at the old woman. "I'm happy that you are getting closer to the kids, Granny. You don't have to be alone anymore, you have an adopted family to share your day with."

Alicia smiled. "Well, it's not that bad. I think with my age right now I can use some company, a family to share with my daily existence. I hope they won't get bored and feed up with my presence," she said.

"Of course not!" Jessy said. "By the way, how's your health?"

"I'm fine nothing serious, just the usual tiredness and weakness due to old age," Alicia replied.

"That's good, Granny! Stay alive as long as you can for the children!" she said and massaged the old woman's back as a sign of affection.

A moment later.

Jessy stood up. "I have to leave now, I'm going back to the clinic. Bye kids!" she said.

"Bye Sister!" the children said in chorus.

"Bye Alicia, please tell Antonia I drop by for a few minutes," Jessy said and sauntered towards the door. She exited quietly and went back to the conference hall and entered the secret door leading towards the tunnel.

Emerging from the tunnel, Jessy went to her mother's office.

"Hi, Mom! I'm going to the city tonight to check on Virgie and the kids. Is there something you want me to buy for you? I can buy you anything!" she offered.

Sarah's eyes gleamed, she has been missing her favorite rocky road ice cream and cheesy beef nachos! "Ah, my child! Can you please bring me a half-gallon of rocky road ice cream and cheesy beef nachos?"

"Yes, I will Mom! I will bring them to your room tonight. Is that all? How about, Dad? What does he want? What can I bring for him?" she asked feeling delighted to do something for her mother.

Sarah smirked. "Human Blood," she joked.

Jessy grimaced. "Um...that is one thing I can't bring..."

"Never mind, daughter, I'm just joking! Your father doesn't need anything," Sarah said.

"Okay, I will go now, Mom. See you later after I come back!" she walked heading for the door.

"Don't stay long outside!" Sarah said.

"Okay, copy Mom!" Jessy exited the office and went down to the middle core to return to the clinic.

She changed her mind, instead of going to the city at 7:00 tonight, she will just finish the blood transfusion before going out, just in case something comes up the doctor and the recipient doesn't have to wait for her return. She doesn't want them to keep waiting for her since there will be no specific time when she could come back to the Facility.

She went back to the clinic and resumed the blood transfusion.

While lying in the clinic bed, she was holding the index card of Elza in her right hand. Elza is a 27 years old woman and was held in captivity for one year and four months. She will be the next woman to go home this week. Her address was situated in one of the premier condominium residential units in the city. She had seen that building a few times before while she was hovering in the city, it will be easy to locate her address. Elza also included the unit address.

She specifically written that before she vanished, she and her husband-to-be were living in that condo and planning to have a civil wedding the next week, the date has already been set, but she was abducted four days earlier before the civil wedding took place.

Jessy sighed.

Too many lives have been affected by the savage vampires' forceful abductions of humans!

She hopes that no human being will ever suffer this way again!

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