The Last Embrace

Chapter 281 Coming Of Age

She will just return tonight at midnight to see if they are indeed a couple or not. If they were a couple they would be sharing one bedroom, but not all couples share one room, some live in a separate room, and that is one mystery she wants to unravel tonight.

Well...enough of thinking too much, whether they are a couple or not, it's still not clear.

She will be back tonight.

She teleported into the city. She found a restaurant that sells cheesy nachos, she has one order of beefy cheesy nachos just enough for her mom, then she went to the store across the restaurant that sells ice cream.

Done with her purchases, she went back to the same restaurant where she bought the nachos and walked towards the toilet and entered in one of the vacant cubicles, from there she teleported back to her place.

Back in the Facility.

Jessy went to her parent's room.

Sarah smiled upon seeing her daughter holding a grocery bag, she can already smell what's inside the bag. "Wow, finally! Let me see!" she said excitedly.

Jessy handed the bag to her mother. "Here's your order, Mommy dearest!"

"Wait— aren't you going to eat with me?" Sarah asked salivating at her favorites.

"Nah, some other time, I will head back to the clinic because the doctor and the recipient were already waiting for me," she said.

"Thank you, daughter, for this!" Sarah hugged her daughter.

"Enjoy your favorites, Mom!" Jessy said, her eyes twinkled in merriment, she was glad that she was able to put a smile on her mother's face although it's just simple comfort foods. She turned around, exited the room and closed the door quietly behind her.

She walked briskly towards the clinic in big stride.

When she arrived inside the clinic the recipient and the doctor was already waiting patiently for her presence. She felt relieved that they don't look annoyed at all due to her tardiness. They don't have the right to feel upset because she'd been tirelessly donating her blood to everyone so that they can all live normal lives just like human beings do.

"I'm sorry, guys, I was on an important errand outside," she smiled at them.

The doctor and the recipient smiled back at her.

"No need to apologize, Jess. You just arrive on time, let's begin the process..." he said.

"Okay," Jessy nods her head and lies down on the bed. This will be the last blood transfusion for today. After this, she will teleport back to the condo unit that Elza and her future husband were sharing.

She was puzzled and confused... who was that woman?

They could be blood relatives, cousins or just friends...or lovers?

And what about the baby—?

If they were lovers the baby would be their offspring.

Well, all her questions will surely have an answer later. She should just rest her hyperactive mind.

She closed her eyes thinking of Adam, she already misses him so much. Tomorrow she will visit him in his place so that they can schedule a visit to Nana Aida and Grandpa Waldo in the mansion. The last time she and Adam visited the mansion, the old folks were doing fine, there's nothing to worry about them.

Then all of a sudden...her mind wandered to Captain Mercado. It's been long a while since she has last seen him. Then his thoughts wandered to Aston and his family. How's Suzanne, Emma, and the kids? How are they doing? She might drop them a quick visit one of these days if she's not super busy.

Wow, she already met a lot of people after leaving the mansion. When she was still young it's just Nana Aida and Adam that she regularly sees every day, but now that she already reached adulthood and finally obtained her powers, her world expands tremendously and she had met many people from all walks of life, quite a few of them are bad... but majority are good.

It's a coming of age for her.

Welcome to Adulthood! the period of no return.

She had been making a lot of adult decisions lately and killed a few bad people as well.

As long she will continue meeting and crossing paths with a violent and murderous individual, the number of people she will put to death will keep growing on her list.

It's gonna be her ultimate destiny and it's futile to escape it, so, it's better to embrace it and utilize her power to her advantage.

After her first kill...the rest is easy.

To protect the people that she loved and cared about she has to resort in killing to silence her enemy, then it's getting easier after her first kill.

She was so preoccupied with a lot of things running in her mind that time flies so fast!

Two hours later.

"We're done!" the doctor announced and took the needle out of Jessy's arm.

"I will go now, Doc! See you tomorrow!" she said and exited the clinic.

She sauntered towards her room.

Inside her room. She donned her jacket, then transformed herself into her invisible form. She teleported into the condo unit of Elza and her future husband.

A moment later.

She landed in the living room. The television was on.

She saw Elza's future husband in the kitchenette pouring drinking water into a glass and drink from it. Then the guy returned to the living room and sat down on the sofa to resume watching a show.

Jessy did not see the woman and the baby, they must have been asleep already, she went inside the room.

Inside the bedroom, the lampshade was providing a warm glow to the entire area.

She saw the woman sleeping soundly and the baby was also asleep on the crib beside the bed.

She will just stay for a few minutes in this room to find out where the guy will sleep later.

A few minutes later, she was feeling sleepy already. The guy has not entered the room yet, where is he? she left the room and went back to the living room, the guy was still sitting on the sofa watching the TV show, then he reached for the remote control in the center table and turn off the TV.


The guy turns off the light in the living room and went to the next room.

Hmm, the guy did not enter the room where the woman and the baby were sleeping, interesting! Maybe they were just roommates? She was frowning, is that so?


Anyways, she will bring Elza back here tomorrow.

As to what exactly is the relationship between the guy and the woman? Until now it's foggy to her. She can't say that they were lovers because they weren't even kissing or holding hands. But how about those moments when she was gone back to the facility? Of course, she had no idea what they're doing after she left the condo.

She will know tomorrow.

But this kind of scenario won't sink well with Elza...seeing the woman and the baby inside the love nest that she had built with her husband-to-be will surely anger her.

She can detect trouble brewing in the distance...

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