The Last Embrace

Chapter 282 Was That Baby, Yours?

The Next day.

Jessy went to the human beings living quarters to get Elza, today is the day for her to go home.

"Hi Elza...hi Olivia!" she cheerfully conveyed her greetings to the two women.

"Hello...Jessy!" they replied in chorus.

"I'm here to take Elza with me, she's going home today. Don't worry Olivia, you will go home next week too," Jessy said to the other woman who was wearing a forlorn expression on her face. It will be lonely for Olivia staying in the room alone from now on.

"I'm looking forward to it, Jess!" Olivia responded feeling a bit happy now.

"Jess, have you seen my condo unit? Have you been there and visited the place? Have you seen my future husband, he is good looking right?" Elza asked excitedly.

Jessy doesn't have to lie. " saw your future husband. But I haven't exchanged a word with him, all I know is that he looks fine and healthy and good looking too!"

Elza smiled. "OMG! I missed him very much. I'm very excited to see him again and continue our wedding and create a happy family together!" she continues blabbering.

"Hmm, Elza, where is your parent's home?" Jessy asked because the woman didn't include her parent's info in her index card. She wants to bring Elza to her folk's house instead, not in the condo because seeing that woman with the baby will surely shock her. She might go ballistic!

Elza's face becomes sad all of a sudden. "I lose both parents in a car accident when I was young, my mother's sister was the one who raised me."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, why don't I bring you into your Aunt's house instead?" Jessy suggested.

"No thanks! My Aunt is now living in Australia with her children. I'm on my own now, and my husband to be is my only nearest kin, so naturally, I will go home to him," Elza explained.

Jessy bit her lower lip. "Um...okay. Girls say goodbye to each other now."

Elza and Olivia hugged each other tightly.

"Let's meet in the city, okay?" Elza said to Olivia.

"Sure! I'm looking forward to seeing you again!" Olivia responded.

"You know my address and I also know your address, let's meet again in the city! Bye Olivia!"

Elza hugged Olivia one last time and together with Jessy, they exited the room.

The ladies walked in the hallway leading to the queen's room.

They entered the study room.

"Hello, ladies...!" Queen Margaret greeted the visitors cheerfully.

"Hi, Queen!" Elza bowed her head to pay her respect to the queen of the vampires. "Thank you very much for allowing me to stay in your place," she said.

Queen Margaret smiled. "It's my pleasure to help you, my dear. Are you excited to go home, today?"

"Yes Please!" Elza beamed excitedly.

"Okay, let's get started," the queen said.

Queen Margaret and Jessy looked at each other.

Jessy waved her hand and freeze Elza on the spot.

Queen Margaret ambled towards the frozen woman and placed her hands on Elza's head to start erasing all her memories relating to her abduction and all the nightmares she suffered in the hands of the savage vampires.

Jessy sat on the sofa and wait until the process is finished.

Thirty minutes later.

"I'm done erasing Elza's memory, child. You can send her home now," the queen said.

Jessy nods her head. "Thanks, Mother!" She held Elza's arms and teleported into the inside of her room in the facility.

She settled the frozen Elza in the bed.

Then she was pacing inside her room back and forth. She doesn't want to bring Elza into the condo unit that she was sharing with her future husband. But she can not bring her into other places and abandon her in the middle of nowhere, it's against her conscience.

Jessy released a deep sigh.

There is no other way but the painful way. She holds Elza's arms and they both become invisible, then she executes the teleportation process.

A few moments later.

They landed in the empty hallway of the residential condominium complex. Jessy and Elza were standing outside the condo unit.

Jessy looked around her, no one is around, it's about time for Elza to appear while she remained invisible, she knocked on the door three times, then unfreeze Elza.

The door opened and the future husband was staring at the woman in front of him in shock! His mouth agape.

"Honey...w-why are you looking at me like that?" Elza asked and kissed his cheek casually.

" this really y-you? Am I...I dreaming?" he stammered.

"Yes..." Elza was frowning. "Huh? Why are you staring at me like I am a ghost or something—?" Elza was bewildered. She was about to enter the room when suddenly he blocked her way. Her brows snapped together. "W-why are you blocking my way? Are you not going to let me enter the house we build together? What the hell is wrong with you!?" her voiced raised a notch higher.

"George...who is that?" a woman's voice floated in the air.

Elza's face turned dark after hearing another woman's voice in her very own paradise that she was sharing with the love of her life, her future husband, George!

She stormed inside, and behold, she saw a stranger...a woman sitting on the sofa watching TV while breastfeeding a baby in her arms.

Elza's face turned hot in rage!

"Who is she!" she pointed at the woman, clenching her teeth.

The face of the woman who was holding the baby turns ashen.

"Elza please calm down, please let me explain!" George was trying to calm down his 'ex' who suddenly appeared out of nowhere after one year and four months' disappearance.

Elza was biting her lower lip in agitation, tears were falling down her face. "How dare you betrayed me with another woman!"

George was scratching his head. How did everything come to this? "What I'm supposed to do? You leave me without saying a word of goodbye, you abandoned me when we are about to marry each other! You broke my heart in a million pieces! It took me more than a year to move on...and just when I found somebody to love again, you suddenly appeared in my life!"

Elza breathed deeply, thoroughly confused now. "Huh? What are you talking about? I did not go missing! I didn't go away! Why would I do that when we are about to get married! You're a liar!" she hissed in anger.

George looked at the woman on the sofa. "Suzy, get inside the door and don't come out until I say so..."

The woman named Suzy was frightened, she scrambled to her feet and went inside the room bringing her baby with her.

Jessy was watching the trouble unfolding before her very own eyes...

Elza's body was trembling, her knees buckled under her weight, she sat down on the sofa.

Did she really disappear? Why can't she remember that she went missing?

George sat down on the sofa facing his ex-girlfriend. Confusion and agony were marring his face. "Yes it's true, you disappeared, Elza, I'm not lying to you or just making it all up. I will never betray you...just that I thought you already abandoned me and eloped with another man. I waited for your return for one whole year, expecting that you will come back until my heart gets tired and I meet Suzy and fall in love with her..."

Elza shoot daggers into George's eyes. "You are a liar! You're just making things up! I did not disappear! I swear I didn't!" she's starting to feel confused now.

George released a deep sigh running his hands on his hair in agitation. "Wait here... I will show you something..." then he stood up and went inside his room.

When he returned, he brought with him a newspaper. "Here, read for yourself, I even filed a missing person ad on the newspaper to help me find you..." he said with deep sadness in his eyes.

Elza was holding the newspaper with trembling hands while reading her missing ad, her mind was busy thinking how on earth she disappeared? How did it happen without her knowing it...why and how? Everything is not making sense in her mind right now! Her head was hurting trying to remember the day she disappeared, why can't she remember anything? Goddammit why!?

"Are you still not remembering anything, Elza? Are you kidnapped by someone or by some human smuggling syndicate? Where did they take you?" he asked her in urgency.

Elza was shaking her head. "I...I... can't remember anything!" then she began crying hysterically.

George gathered Elza in his arms. He still has feelings for his ex-girlfriend. "I'm so sorry that it all comes to this," he genuinely said.

"That that baby yours?" she asked in a trembling voice.

"No. The baby is Suzy's child from her abusive ex-husband who loves giving her body bruises all the time. I pitied her and then one day I found myself liking her and eventually falling in love with her, then she decided to leave her husband and live with me here. They were still on the process of filing their annulment papers in the court," George explained calmly.

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