The Last Embrace

Chapter 319 - Let Go of The Pain


Jessy just finished the last blood transfusion for the night, today a total of five recipients was transfused with her blood, she feels great while exiting the clinic.

Back in her room.

She donned her gray sweatshirt with a hoodie over a black tank top, black pants and black canvass shoes.

She's ready to visit Jagger in the forest.

She picked up the two shopping bags and initiated the teleportation process in her mind.

A minute later, she landed inside the treehouse that was shrouded in darkness. She lowered the shopping bags on the floor and grows a flame in her palm then lighted the torch situated near the door. The light exploded inside the house.

Jessy caught sight of Jagger sitting in the same spot where she left him the other day, his back on the wall, his eyes were intensely staring at her. She attempted a small smile. "Hi are you feeling today?" she asked.

Jagger released a deep sigh. "I told you to not see me again!" he barked at her.

She pouted. "Hey don't be so stingy! I'm here because I'm bringing you some useful stuff," she said and emptied all the contains of the shopping bags into the floor.

Jagger's eyebrows knitted together.

She picked up a matchbox, she opened it and took one stick and produce a fire out of it. "With this match, you can start a fire and cook your foods." Then she picked up the knife. "You can cut everything with this knife...or clean the fish you caught in the streams and make a fish soup inside this stainless steel pot here," she put the ladle inside the pot. "I also bought three pieces of plates, three pairs of fork and spoon, a soup bowl and two glass so that you can use it for drinking water, you don't have to use the coconut shell anymore," she explained and continue.

"Then I bought you two packs of two sliced bread with peanut butter and strawberry spread, try it! It's super delicious and yummy! Then here are some noodles, and some canned foods, you can make a stew or soup or any dishes out of these, as for the noodles just add some hot water and they are ready to eat after a few minutes. Here's some biscuit for you to munch while you are bored. I also bought a pack of salt, sugar, soy sauce, oil and vinegar to enhance your cooking experience, oops, I'm sorry I forgot to buy you a coffee!" she said.

She smiled broadly looking at the things she bought for Jagger.

Jagger was teary-eyed, staring at the things Belle has bought for him, dammit! why he becomes so emotional all of a sudden. He doesn't know if he will feel grateful for her for showing concern about his current condition or get angry and lashes at her because her kindness was already digging a wide hole in his heart and it's been going on for some time now.

Jessy stood up and took a peek at the earthen jug, it's nearly empty! Whoa, he surely drinks a lot of water.

"I will get drinking water from the stream. I'll be right back!" she said. She picked up the jug and flew out of the window heading towards the stream.

After arriving on the stream, she filled the jug with water up to the brim and then hovered back into the treehouse.

After she landed in the treehouse and placed the jug near him, she noticed that Jagger wasn't interested in all the stuff she bought for him, all this time he remained silent. But she was not bothered, sooner or later when hunger strikes he will eat anything in sight.

Jessy opened the pack of sliced bread and the bottle of peanut butter, she picks up the spoon and spreads the peanut butter on the sliced bread evenly, she put the bread on the plate and placed it on Jagger's lap. She also made her peanut butter sandwich and began munching on the yummy bread.

Jessy glanced at him, he was still not eating the bread she gave him. "Yummy!" she gushes and continues chewing on her food enticing him to grab a bite. "What are you waiting for? Eat!" she urged him.

Jagger's hands finally reached for the bread on his lap and began munching on it.

She smiled at him, finally!

She took another slice of bread, then made him another peanut butter sandwich and put it on his plate.

She scooped water from the jug using the glass and placed the glass near him.

Jagger finished eating the bread in no time, then he drinks the water. "Thank you," he said in a low voice, he was keeping tabs on every little meaningful thing she did for him.

Jessy smiled. "You're welcome!" she replied. After a few minutes of silence, she addressed him. "So, tell me your story. Why are you attacking the Facility? Is it because we killed all your companions in the cave? That is why you want revenge?" she bombarded him with questions.

Jagger released a deep sigh. "My hatred towards the king and his men run for many years. I witnessed how my father died in the hands of the king and my mother died in the hands of the king's men while trying to shield my father from the king's blows. I was still young during that time but I made an oath on their dead bodies that one day I will avenge their death and kill our enemies," he narrated. A glimmer of anger leaped from his eyes.

Jessy shook her head, feeling sad, it's about anger and revenge again, so many people die because of revenge. Now she understood why Jagger's hatred towards the king runs so deep. "What happens in the past—children should stay out of it! The fight between parents already ended in the past, the best thing you can do is put the past in rest. You should have let go of the pain and every negative thing you harbored inside and avoid nurturing revenge in your heart, the bloodshed in the cave could have been prevented..." she did not finish her words but sighed instead.

Jagger smiled painfully. "So, Belle...tell me how can I make this pain and anger go away?" he asked her point-blank. All his growing up years was geared for revenge, vengeance was all that he ever wanted to do his whole life but he only got small success so far.

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