The Last Embrace

Chapter 320 - Forgiveness & Acceptance

Jessy stared at his face for a long time. "Start with forgiveness and acceptance. Accept that your parents already died and no amount of revenge can bring them back to life. Then forgive yourself and your enemies, sometimes it's very hard to forgive the people that cause us so much pain. It won't happen overnight though, time can heal any type of pain as long you start letting go of your hatred and start living your life without anger. Negative emotions breed negative actions and should know that by now," she said gently as if talking to a child.

"Easy for you to say that...if your parents were killed by the enemies you will understand how I feel," Jagger snorted. Then he remembered what his late mother had told him way back, to not seek revenge and live peacefully with his brother along with the remaining descendant of the savage vampires. Why is it that Belle was echoing the same thing right now?

She looked at him sadly. "I'm so sorry that your parents died because of the war. If they can only talk right now, they want you to live your life differently and not be tied to the past. The vampire clan was now standing on the precipice, about to get annihilated from the face of the earth, it's not beneficial that all vampire clan will start killing each other. We should be united to defend all vampire clan from total annihilation..." she went on.

Once again the silence descended upon them.

Then Jessy spoke again. "Do you know that before the women, and old folks in the cave were killed, I give them a chance to surrender and I will spare their lives...but sad to say they don't want to surrender they tried to attack and hurt I have no choice...they all died because of their hatred. But I managed to save Antonia and the five kids because they are the only ones who ask for mercy, they are now converted into humans and living peacefully inside the safety of the Habitat," Jessy said.

Jagger's eyes gleamed not expecting to hear something like this, he thought everyone was killed in the cave. "Belle...d-did you kill any of my men inside the cave?"

"No. I have not killed a single vampire on that night because I'm busy saving the humans you abducted and imprisoned in the cages..." Jessy replied. She would very much like to blame and remind him of what he had done to the captive humans, but it's not the time for that. If she wants to cultivate his trust and friendship, she should refrain from touching topics that might trigger conflict and arguments between them. Jagger carry on with his revenge the brutal way, he wants to kill, thinking that only the deaths of his enemies can bring solace to the pain he felt when his parents died in the hands of the king, but he failed to realized that no matter how many times he will kill the king and his men, their deaths can never bring back the dead. As always, revenge and hatred only bring more killings and bloodshed, it won't resolve the exact reason why the killing and conflict happened in the first place. She realized that most of the time men settle differences and conflicts trough brutality and force not by peaceful means.

Silence once again enveloped them for a few minutes, they were both occupied with their thoughts.

Jessy can not see any difference between Leo and Jagger, their hearts were filled with hatred and revenge that resulted in the loss of lives and they continue harboring distorted outlook in life. She previously planned to kill Jagger, that was before, after hearing his sad story, she fully understood where he's coming from, but she doesn't approve the killing though. Jagger has no empathy for other people's life what's important for him is revenge. His stone-cold heart is very hard to crack.

Sighing, she recalled that the lives of the people she meet lately are very complicated, each of them was carrying heavy baggage on their shoulders. The only thing she can do for them makes their load lighter and not make things worse. She's trying to make the right balance and right decision in every given situation.

"Belle, what is the reason you didn't kill me?" he asked suddenly. His penetrating gaze boring into hers trying to read what's she's thinking in her mind and heart.

She looked him in the eye. "I have my reason, and trust me it will benefit all. Even if I kill you right now nothing will change right?" she said, meeting his gaze with her own.

Jagger's eyes were veiled with a dark shadow. "If you kill me right now, nothing will happen since I have no relatives that will go after you for revenge, I am exactly a lone ranger all alone in my crusade of wanting revenge to the ones that killed my parents," he answered. He knew deep inside that even if he dies in the enemy's hands his brother won't seek revenge. He suddenly realized that he was living a lonely life all this time, no family and no one to love and offer him comfort, no one to cheer him up when he's feeling lonely and down.

She looked at him and smiled. "Don't worry I won't kill you. Just don't provoke me and don't do something stupid behind my back, okay?"

He just looked at her but never say yes or no. He can't commit to her right now. Though he was beginning to see Belle in a whole different light after their conversation today. They were enemies but in spite of that, she saved him from death and only treats him with kindness and tenderness. That's something to ponder about and it's been weighing on his shoulder in the past few days. His heart yearns for someone like 'Belle' who is gentle...kind and warm.

Jessy rose to her feet.

"I'm going home now Jagger, take care of yourself, and I have to remind you that my name is not name is Jessy..." she bid him goodbye and disappeared from his sight.

"Bye Belle!" he said softly clinging to her jacket, treating the piece of garment as her extension.

Jagger looked at the stuff she brought for him. Belle cares for him and that is all that matters to him right now.

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