The Last Embrace

Chapter 333 - Car Chase!

Sarah was stunned and shocked. "OMG! What's going on!?"

Jessy immediately pulled her mother away from the area and put her sling bag around her mother. "Mom, listen to me! Go over there, get inside on that cafe shop there, no matter what happens don't go out and don't look for me, okay? Don't worry I will come back for you! Now go!" she pushed her shocked mother gently towards the cafe shop.

Sarah runs towards the cafe shop and immediately went inside the establishment, thankfully the guard allowed her in.

Jessy was left alone in that area because the people were already fleeing away from the bloody scene. She turned around and saw five more people on the ground bleeding, she can't pinpoint where are the wounds located on their body, three masked men holding assault rifles were firing at people randomly.

One of the masked men saw her, then the loud sirens of the police car were approaching from all directions. One black van skidded nearby, Jessy spotted another three masked men inside the van, must be the bad guys back up!

"Grab that woman! We will use her as a hostage!" one of the masked men said.

Jessy smirked. She covered her face with her palm pretending that she was terrified while altering here image silently to that of a pretty model she saw once in the magazine.

One of the masked guys pointed his gun on her temple. "Move! Towards the black van!" the guy pushed her roughly towards the van, she nearly stumbles on her feet. Jessy obeyed the guy without any resistance. She was shoved inside the van nearly hitting her face on the car seat, she gritted her teeth in anger.

Once they all get inside the black van, the driver navigated the vehicle away from the area.

While the police cars were in hot pursuit of the black van.

A car chase was happening on the highway...

Inside the van.

Jessy was sandwiched between the masked men. She stared at their faces with a calm face.

"This woman here looks so calm! Are you not afraid of us—Miss?" one of the men asked, grinning.

They leered at her maliciously.

One man was trying to feel her chest, she quickly slapped his hand away.

"Don't you dare touch me, or you will die!" she looked at the guy defiantly, gritting her teeth in anger she was near to losing her temper.

The masked men were laughing hard. One guy pointed his gun at her temple. "Let say if you can still resist!" he was trying to insert his filthy hands inside her blouse, Jessy slapped him hard on the face.

"Ouch! Mother fucker!" he touched his face feeling the sting, this woman surely slaps hard, her palm is very strong, he heard his jaws snap with the impact of her slap.

Jessy had finally lost her temper, just when they were about to pounce on her and wants every piece of her body, her hands moved swiftly around her and freeze the six guys instantly, except the driver.

Jessy grabbed one of the rifles, she looked outside the vehicle wanting to know where they are, they were now in the middle of the bridge, she pointed the gun to the driver's temple. "Stop the car or I'll shoot!"

The driver was hesitating for a minute or two...then he finally stops the car in the middle of the bridge.

He turned around slowly and was shocked to see that his buddies were already frozen on the back seat. "W-who the hell are you? What did you do to my companion?" he asked in disbelief.

Jessy grinned. "I just put them to sleep for a while. You pick the wrong woman!" she freezes the driver as well. She looked outside, front and back.

Police cars were blocking the entire area, the van was now cornered in the middle, no way out.

She looked at the frozen faces of the masked men inside the van, she can't risk allowing them to live, the driver will tell a tale...

She gazed at the rifle that she was holding, it was the same rifle they used to fire at random people in the food festival.

Now is the time to learn how to use the rifle, just like in movies, she wrapped her hand firmly on the pistol grip and positioned her index finger on the trigger...she pressed the rifle's muzzle on the head of the guy sitting next to her, then she closed her eyes and fired three shots with no guilt and no remorse...she did the same to the rest of them....with three bullets per head they all died quickly. Then she unfreezes them.

Outside the van.

The policemen that were trying to advance to the van halted on their steps after hearing the consecutive firing of firearms coming from the inside of the black van, alarmed, they began darting for cover behind their patrol cars fearing that the masked men were aiming at them.

Snipers were on standby alert mode...they were informed that the masked men had held a hostage woman inside the van.

The sounds of guns being fired inside the van stopped after a few minutes.

Jessy noticed that the inside of the van was now flooding with fresh blood from the masked men. Yikes! A large amount of blood splattered on her face and all over her clothes, she's wanting to vomit suffocated by the nauseating stench of blood and death inside the vehicle.

She needs to get away from here!

She emptied a total of two rifles killing the masked men.

She grabbed the two rifles in her arms and initiated the teleportation process.

A minute later, she landed on her favorite beach. She inspected the whole area, no one is around to see her. She walked towards the area where coconut trees are growing abundantly situated a few meters away from the beach.

Using her power, she dug a hole in the ground and buried the two rifles ten feet under.

She then looked at the calm sea in front of her. She sprinted towards the sea wanting to get rid of the blood from her body.

Jessy submerged herself below the water for a few minutes...rinsing her clothes off the blood.

After getting satisfied that the blood was already washed off from her clothes, she comes out of the water, then she teleported into her room in the mansion to change into dry clothes.

She landed inside the bathroom of her room in the mansion. She quickly took a shower and lather her body with soap three times, a few minutes later, she was finally satisfied 'coz she can no longer smell the stench of blood anywhere her body.

After changing into her dry clothes, she put her wet clothes in cellophane and dumped it inside her backpack, time to go back to the city and fetch her mother...

She initiated the teleportation process back into the city.

A minute later, she was already outside the cafe shop, squinting her eyes looking for her mother.

She finally spotted her inside the shop sitting in the corner sporting a worried face. Jessy entered the main door and walked hurriedly to her mother's side, she sat down on the vacant chair as if nothing happens.

"Hi, Mom! I'm back! Are you okay? Sorry to keep you waiting for long..." she said smiling, but deep inside she was waiting for her mother to interrogate her on what happened to her.

"Where have you been?" Sarah asked calmly.

"I'm just looking around," she lied.

Sarah was looking at the TV screen inside the cafe shop....the breaking news was flashing the face of the woman who has held hostage by the masked men. The hostage woman was missing and can't be found inside the black van, while the men inside the van were brutally killed.

Jessy bit her lip.

"Surprisingly...that woman has the same clothes as you," Sarah said in a low voice.

Jessy looked at her clothes. "You must have mistaken, Mom. Looked at my clothes now..." she said shrugging her shoulder dismissing her mother's hints.

Sarah smiled a bit. "I'm glad you're safe. Let's go home now!" she said to her daughter.

Jessy smiled and linked her arms to her mom. "Let's get to the restroom first, I need to pee," she said and winked at her mother.

They went inside the ladies restroom and closed the door behind them. Jessy holds her mother's arms and teleported them inside her room in the Facility.

Inside her room.

Jessy looked at her mother. "Mom, are you okay?" she asked worriedly.

Sarah nodded her head. "Yes, I'm just shocked, that's all."

"You're not angry at me? Aren't you going to scold me? Aren't you going to ask me what happened inside the van?" Jessy said.

Sarah shook her head. "No need, spare me the details. You need to do what you need to do. Who am I to judge you?" she asked calmly.

"So...are you still going to go with me in the city?" she asked terrified that her mother will no longer go with her because of what happened in the food festival.

Sarah smiled. "Yes, why not?"

"Thank you for being understanding, Mom! I love you!" Jessy shrieked in happiness.

"You rest now and sleep," Sarah said.

"Okay, Mom. Good night!" Jessy said.

"Good night!" Sarah replied and left the room.

A moment later.

Jessy's eyes were still wide awake while lying in the bed. The horrific events that took place a few hours ago kept playing in her mind.

When midnight strikes, she finally succumbs to sleep.

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