The Last Embrace

Chapter 334 - No Regrets!

The next day.

Jessy entered her mother's office. Her mother was busy reading something on her computer and she was curious about what is keeping her mother's eyes glued to the screen.

"Good morning, Mom!" she whispered and walked to her side.

Sarah eyed her daughter. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, why are you asking me that kind of question, Mom?" she was puzzled.

Sarah pointed her fingers on the screen. "Because of this..."

Jessy read the news article dated yesterday.


'The Mystery Of The Hostage Woman'

Last night, the citizens were shocked by the random killings happening in the Food Festival. Fifteen people were wounded by masked men opening fire at random people, as of now, five people were already confirmed dead on arrival at the hospital, some of the victims were still in the hospital in critical condition fighting for their life.

The masked men arrived at the Food Festival firing their guns everywhere. One woman was held hostage by the killers when they fled the area aboard their backup vehicle when the police cars were closing in on the venue of the heinous killings.

The CCTV near the area caught the woman's face clearly and one of the masked men pointed his gun to the woman's head. They shoved the woman inside the vehicle and the car speeds up while the police cars were in hot pursuit trailing the black van from behind.

The escaped vehicle suddenly stopped in the middle of the bridge and was cornered by the police cars. According to the cops, they heard guns being fired inside the vehicle, they were already expecting the worst-case scenario thinking that the hostage woman was already shot dead inside the van.

After a few minutes, the firings stopped and no further gunshot can be heard coming from the van, silence took over the area as everyone was holding their breath trying to analyze what happened inside the van. Cops wearing bulletproof vest finally advances towards the van.

After they managed to shatter the windows of the van, and opened the doors, they were shocked to find all the masked men slaughtered and covered with their blood, all suffered three fatal gunshot wounds on their heads. The surprising thing was that the cops can no longer find the hostage woman inside the van. She vanished without a trace!

This mysterious incident baffles the policemen who are trailing the van from behind because they never saw the van stopped even once or saw the hostage woman jumped from the van.

There were ongoing speculations and rumors that the woman was an assassin who managed to outnumbered the guys inside and killed her hostage-takers instead. But other people are contradicting this bizarre claims because it would be impossible for one woman to overcome those burly ruthless armed men in a crowded van. It needs extraordinary courage, skill, and agility for the woman to beat her opponents, and if she did successfully beat the men on their own game, where did she go? How did she get out of the van undetected? It doesn't make sense! 

The woman's image found in the CCTV was finally traced. It belongs to that of a model who suffered depression and committed suicide last two months ago. Some people are urging the authorities to reopen her grave just to make sure her remains were still in her coffin intact, making sure she didn't become a ghost and annihilated the gunmen. The suggestion was dismissed by others as nonsense!

The mysterious woman's identity and whereabouts were still a big mystery.

For anyone who has information about the said woman, please dial the hotline on the screen below to help speed up the police investigation.


Jessy and Sarah looked at each other. All the happenings of their outing come back in their mind in full force.

"They're looking for the model woman, not me!" Jessy said.

Sarah's face looks subdued. "Do you think three bullets per head is too much, child?"

Jessy released a deep sigh and shrugged her shoulders. "Mom, please don't be affected by what happened last night. Those men already killed five innocent people and injured others. They intended to kill anyone who crosses their path. They are prepared to die too. If I let them live longer, they might exchange fire with the police officers and there is a possibility they will kill some of the policemen out there, so I decided to just finish them off so that they can no longer hurt anyone," she explained her actions and decisions why she had to kill those despicable sorry excuse of a human being the brutal way.

Sarah sighed. "I understand why you did it, daughter, just that sometimes I still have difficulty accepting that you can kill people like that without suffering regrets afterward. Anyways, let's not talk about this depressing and horrific topic anymore," she said.

Jessy bit her lower lip.

"Okay, Mom. I will go back to the clinic and start the blood transfusion. See you in the canteen for lunch..." Jessy said and exited the office.

Jessy went to her room and opened the drawer of the bedside table. She took out the index card and put it in the pocket of her pants. She will read the index card later while she was lying in the clinic bed doing blood transfusion.

She exited her room going to the clinic, she feels a bit gloomy that her mother was affected by her methods of killing those evil men. Sometimes she always executes the first idea that comes up in her mind especially during critical moments. If she doesn't have the luxury of time to think carefully about her actions, she just decides and executes right away without further thinking. Right now, her mother's question echoed louder in her mind...why did she use three bullets per head? Why not one or two only? Do three bullets per head was too brutal for those disgusting men? She thinks not, those evil men who have no conscience deserved their brutal end because they were about to molest her and kill her after, they all have to die the gruesome death so that the victims who died in the food festival will have quick justice delivered on their graves.

'Burn in hell bastards!' she cursed their souls in her mind.


One hour later.

Jessy was looking at Samuel's index card. There wasn't much to read in the first place, there's not much info about him. He just wrote that he was abducted for two years now. He did not write anything about personal info and the address he wrote was the city's church, the St. Bernard Parish Church to be exact.


Maybe he is a priest or one of the members of the church.

After the blood transfusion ended. She went to visit Samuel in the human's living quarters.

When she entered the room, Ben was in the bathroom taking a shower, so she was able to talk with Samuel alone.

"Samuel, I just want to clarify this address that you had given me. It's the address of St. Bernard Parish Church located in the western part of the city. Am I right?" she asked.

"Yes, Ma'am Jess, that is correct," Samuel replied quickly.

"So, you are a priest?"

Samuel shook his head. "No Ma'am. I work in the church as the priest assistant. I grow up in an orphanage, a good priest adopted me and from that moment forward I grow up in that church. Priest come and go to be assigned to other places, but I remained in that church serving whoever priest that was assigned in that church," he explained.

"Ah, okay," Jessy nods her head in understanding. Her confusion was finally cleared.

"Do you still have a question, Ma'am Jess? Just ask and I will answer everything," he said.

Jessy racked her brain for that one last question she wanted to ask him. "Um...why you did not get married and have a family of your own?" she asked curiously.

Samuel smiled. "I chose to stay single all my life and I already made an oath to serve the Almighty God in heaven until I die," he said.

"Ah, okay," Jessy said, she was amazed by his dedication to serving God all his life. "Thanks for your answer, Samuel. I will go now," she said. She walked towards the door.

"Have a good day, Ma'am Jess," Samuel said.

"You too! Bye Samuel," Jessy said and exited the room. She went to her room to rest for a few minutes before going back to the clinic.

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