The Last Embrace

Chapter 342 - What The Hell!?

Jessy stared in horror to see her shoes starting to change color, something wrong with the liquid, she caught sight of the person fleeing the area...what that person had just thrown onto her face?...then she saw a small bottle nearby...the liquid must have come from it!

What the hell!?

She picked up the small bottle, it has a Sulfuric Acid written on it.

Dang! It was an acid attack! Directed to her face!

Who would dare throw acid to her face? She gritted her teeth in anger. Grrr!

She dropped the shoes and run to the sea and washes her hands and face quickly to get rid of the liquid, it has no smell though, thanks to her shield, the liquid just slides on her skin and did not inflict any damage. But if she was just a normal person, she could be suffering a horrific burn right now! It's her shoes that got all the acid's fury!

Damn! To hell with psychotic people who are just lurking in the dark waiting to strike anyone.

People are turning crazier every day!

She darted to a dark area nearby and transformed into her invisible form. Then she rose above the air and went to the direction that her attacker runs to.

She spotted the person wearing a black sweatshirt with a hoodie in the parking area of the hotel. The person disappeared behind the color red Buick Regal GS vehicle. A minute later, the car was already getting out of the hotel's vicinity and speeding into the highway, as if the owner was in a hurry to get away from the hotel as far as possible.


You think you can get away from me!

Jessy trailed the car from behind, wanting to know where that person is going. She wants to know why she was targeted for an acid attack. She rarely interacts with human people of her kind in the outside world, if she goes out, it's only to send back the rescued humans to their homes or sometimes she goes to a department store to buy stuff, then why she was targeted? Was it just a random acid attack?

How could an attacker get invited to that hotel's grand opening party? Unless that person was invited also?

She had a chance to freeze that woman while she was still in the parking lot of the hotel and then press charges in the police station but it's going to cause a negative publicity to the hotel that just opened today, it's bad for business, besides she was also thinking of the owner's side who poured millions to make the hotel a big success, and there was also the workers who work in the hotel...their means of living depended on the hotel's good publicity, she can't cause a stir inside the hotel's premises, many people will get affected!

Imagine, who would patronize a hotel that allows an acid attacker to roam freely on its vicinity? Bad publicity indeed! But it's not the hotel's fault, it's the fault of that psycho person!


One hour later, the vehicle arrived in a high gated sprawling mansion. The mansion was situated in a wealthy neighborhood. That person who throws acid on her face is a wealthy individual who got a demented personality.

The gate was opened by the guard.

The car entered the lawn and parked on the front of the house. The person in the hoodie entered the house and climbs the stairway in big stride.

The person entered one of the rooms on the second floor.

Jessy followed the person inside.

When the person took off the clothes, Jessy was shocked to discover that it was a woman!

What the Hell!?

The woman's face...looks familiar to her...she noticed that face too many times at the party in the hotel!

Her eyes widen when she saw Gavin's poster adorning the woman's room, about six posters in total. Hmm, this woman must be one of Gavin's obsessed fans. Now she finally understood what was the woman's real motive behind throwing the acid on her face. This woman was jealous of her. Some crazy fans can be obsessive and act irrationally after discovering their idol already had a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Jessy was shaking her head in disbelief...dang!... this crazy woman elevated her insane jealousy to the highest level!

The woman discarded the rest of her clothes until she was only wearing her undies. Then the woman entered the bathroom.

Jessy followed her inside.

The woman was looking for something in the cupboard of her spacious bathroom...then Jessy saw small bottle that has a packaging of Sulfuric Acid near the top of the cupboard!


Just perfect!

She wants the woman to taste her own medicine!

She grinned wickedly...then she wielded her power and changed the packaging of the Sulfuric Acid into a makeup remover. Then she made the bottle that was the real makeup remover disappear.

The woman, Stella, reached for the make up remover but it was nowhere in sight, she was sure she had seen it a second ago. Where is it? She searched in the upper part of the cupboard and saw it, the bottle of makeup remover!

Stella quickly grabs the bottle and opens it then she took some cotton balls and poured a generous makeup remover liquid into the cotton balls. Then she applied the cotton all over her face, a seconds later she felt a stinging sensation all over her face...a burning's so painful as if her skin was about to peel from her face...damn it's so painful!...she was about to splash water on her face but why she can't move her hands and her body!?...but she can move her face...what's going on? Then she looked at the liquid make up remover...her eyes grow bigger because it has Sulfuric Acid written on the packaging! Dammit! She had mistaken the bottle as make up remover? hell no! the pain continues to assault her senses, she thought she will pass out because of the stinging sensation...

"Help me! Somebody help me!" she scream and shouted for help in her mind but no one can hear her cries because she can't even move her mouth!

Stella watched in horror while her skin reddened like potato she knew she was suffering second-degree burn on her face...and the excruciating pain took her breath away... she finally realized how it feels to have an acid thrown at your face...she then remembered that woman in the beach that she had thrown acid with.


Jessy thinks it's finally the right time to end the woman's torment...her right hand move quickly unfreezing the woman from her frozen estate.


Stella tried to wiggle her arms once more...she can finally move...! With painful steps, she went to the shower and let the water run down her face. Her tears were also streaming along with the water.

After a few minutes under the running water...she finally stopped and walked slowly towards the mirror to inspect the damage on her skin.

When she looked in the mirror....she can no longer see her pretty flawless face...all she saw was a damaged face with red scarred skin sticking out from her face...

"Noooooooooooooo!" she let out a painful scream that tore through her room alerting the woman who passes by her door during that time.

The middle-aged woman rushes to her daughter's room after hearing the blood-curling scream. She found her daughter slumped on the tiles on the bathroom with a burnt face.

"Oh my God! What happened to you my daughter!?" the woman asked in a panic mode.

Stella silently pointed her finger to the bottle...

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