The Last Embrace

Chapter 343 - Teach Her A Lesson!

The woman's eyes widen in shock and horror. "You accidentally used Sulfur Acid on your face!? But how come? Why did you do it? My daughter, what's going on? Why is this happening to you? Why you have Sulfuric Acid in your bathroom? This is a dangerous chemical! Come on let's bring you to the hospital!" there was urgency in her voice.

The mother went to the closet to find clothes to cover her daughter's nakedness.

Stella sat down on her bed, shell-shocked.

Her flawless plan to throw acid on Gavin's girlfriend's

backfired on her big time, and now she was also suffering the acid burn on her face.

Karma is indeed a bitch!

If she only knew in advance that she will suffer the same fate as her victim...she might have acted differently. But what bothered her the most was the happenings earlier when she began applying the liquid makeup remover on her face...she was unable to detect the acid because it has no smell...and she was one hundred percent sure that it's the bottle of makeup remover that she was holding not the Sulfuric Acid itself! When she was still planning to attack Gavin's woman, she bought two bottles of acid, she put one bottle on her shoulder bag and then the other one on her bathroom. Then she remembered that at some point in time during her painful ordeal, her body was freezing. Was that a side effect of panicking? Did she suffer an anxiety attack earlier? Or maybe she was just hallucinating?

The mother has finished dressing up her daughter and guided her out of the room and down the staircase. "Don't worry about your face, daughter, we will get the best cosmetic surgeon to fixed your face, you will get your beauty back," she said trying to console her child, fighting hard not to cry in front of her daughter.

Outside the main door of the mansion, the driver scrambled on his feet to get the car out of the garage.

A few minutes later, the car was now speeding in the highway heading to the nearest hospital.

Jessy no longer follows the car.

She was done teaching that bitch a grave lesson... that woman will surely remember this particular horrific event all her life every time she looked at the mirror.

Jessy released a deep sigh.

Sometimes, people will do stupid mistakes and inflict cruel acts on fellow human beings out of anger, jealousy, whim and simply on sheer evilness...when the same thing that they were planning to do to other people will backfire on them they simply are unprepared to accept the consequences of their actions. That is why, if people will only think a hundred times before doing something cruel to others, a lot of bad things can be prevented. Just that some people are lacking guilt, remorse, and compassion inside their hearts resulting in crimes and bad deeds.

This is one ugly truth of how other deranged human beings operate and think.

Some are just not worth saving.


Time to go back to the hotel.


Gavin was sitting on the lounge chair on the beach. He was puzzled 'coz when he comes back to the beach, Jessy was no longer in the place where he left her. He searched for her everywhere around the vicinity of the hotel and in the beachfront and eventually found her shoes lying near a bottle of sulfuric acid on the beach a few meters away from the hotel's front.

Looks like she encountered an accident... with whom?

Knowing Jessy...

He just has to wait for her return. If Jessy was done with her business, she will come back because she knows that he was waiting for her. He stared at the horizon, not worried about her whereabouts. Anyone who plans to mess up with his woman will suffer a terrible fate in the end. Guaranteed!

He looked at the west part of the ocean and saw a figure of a woman emerging from a distance.

Looks like the woman that he has been looking for has finally returned!

Gavin smiled while staring at his girlfriend walking in the sand barefooted.

Jessy smiled and sat down on the lounge chair as if nothing happens. "I'm sorry that I have kept you waiting here alone for a few minutes..." she said.

Gavin pointed at her deformed shoes and the bottle of Sulfuric Acid on the ground. "Can you explain to me, where did this acid come from?" he asked.

Jessy stared at the object of destruction. "Ah, that one? That was thrown to my face by your obsessive fan. Thankfully my shoes save my face from that deadly liquid," she explained. "That obsessive fan of yours think she can disfigure my face with that acid, but she was wrong! Anyways, it's over now. I already teach her a grave lesson and I'm sure she already repented her sin."

Gavin released a deep sigh. "I'm so sorry that it happened to you, Jess."

"Don't be sorry, I'm just glad that it happened to me if it happens to an ordinary girl what a painful life that poor girl would be facing every day looking at her burnt face, and the psychological and emotional trauma that was associated with this kind of scary incident is hard to overcome in this lifetime, especially when people place more importance on the physical look than what is the value inside," said Jessy.

"So, what did you do to that... woman?" he asked curiously.

Jessy shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing extreme. I just give her a taste of her own medicine..." she smiled.

"What do you mean—?"

Jessy's eyes were gleaming with wickedness while recalling the whole incident.

"While she was about to apply the makeup remover on her face inside her room in her residence. I made her picked up the Sulfuric Acid bottle instead of the makeup remover, she poured a lot of acid on the cotton and applied directly on her face. I think she will have a second degree burn, she's lucky I'm a bit merciful to her and I did not pour the entire contents of the acid on her face or else she will get a third-degree burn for sure..."

Gavin gasped. "Really—?"

Jessy was amazed by his reaction. "Don't worry, your psycho fan is wealthy, her family can afford to send her abroad to undergo cosmetic surgery to remove the burn tissue on her face, she will do fine...nothing to worry about," she said nonchalantly, then she sighed deeply. "Some people act and pretend like they were God and they are free to do horrendous things to other people and get away with it...people like them can make my blood boil!" she blurted angrily.

Gavin holds her hands and massaged them gently. "Calm down, Jess. You already had your revenge, just let go of it," he said.

Jessy shook her head. "Correction, it's not revenge, it's my way of teaching lessons to bad individuals like her," she retorted, amused.

"Okay, I got you. Let's go upstairs now. Let's sleep in my suite on the 10th floor then we will go home tomorrow morning," he said.

"How about, Caden?"

"I already called him and instructed him to go home, he doesn't have to fetch us tomorrow morning because we will just go home anytime we want," he explained.

"Alright, let's go to your suite and have a good night rest," she stood up and scooped her deformed sandal and the emptied bottle of acid and dumped them in the nearest trash can.

Then she stared at her bare feet.

Gavin noticed where her eyes had landed. "I will just have to carry you in my arms inside...or you can wear my shoes," he suggested discarding his shoes.

"No need, don't worry, I can walk. I won't die if I walk into the hotel without my shoes on," she giggled.

Gavin let out a chuckle. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too!" she replied and kissed his chin.

They walked towards the hotel holding each other's hands, they passed through the hotel's lobby and went to the elevator area.

A few minutes later, they finally arrived at the suite and fall asleep after one hour.

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