The Last Embrace

Chapter 438 - Few Options Left

Jessy and the royal couple gathered in the Queen's study room to discuss an important issue. Without further ado, Jessy informed them about the military officials' offer for their clan.

As the royal couple was listening to Jessy's news, disbelief shone in their eyes. They were having a hard time digesting the news. They have mixed reactions in their minds. They can't make up their mind if the news is good or bad for the clan.

A few minutes later, Jessy was done talking, she stared at the couple calmly, watching the expression of astonishment plastered on their faces. Several minutes had already passed after she revealed to them the military officials' eagerness to help her negotiate a peace treaty between the surviving vampires and the government.

"Who are these military officials, Jessy?" King Antone asked.

"Just my casual acquaintance in the past. When I visited them several days ago, they told me their plans," she explained.

"C-can they be trusted? "the queen eagerly asked.

"Yes. I froze them and read their minds. They have good intentions, not only that, they're one of the few good men left," she answered confidently.

"How can you be so sure?" the king asked not sold to the idea.

"I'm sure of it. I can guarantee their honesty after I was able to scan their memories and thoughts stored in their brain," Jessy answered. "We just have to give it a try, there is nothing to lose and we have so much to gain if the negotiation is a big success," she was trying hard to convince them.

Jessy watched as King Antone was submerged into a deep silence. She took a deep breath, convincing them proves to be difficult. She needs to keep talking so that they will see the positive side of the negotiation.

"Father, as vampire being, our power is our main advantage over the weak human beings. The biggest problem we are facing nowadays is the dwindling blood supply which we can no longer get abundantly from humans due to the lethal anti-vampire vaccine, sooner or later our sources will run dry... and not to mention the unforeseen attack that may occur anytime coming from the men in uniform," she stressed out.

"Y-you mean to say they want our power?" Queen Margaret interrupted.

"Yes. They want our expertise, our power, and our cooperation. The truth is, the human government and the whole human society was plagued with countless problems such as human smuggling, kidnapping, illegal drugs, cybercrimes, corruption, deaths of soldiers due to war outside and inside the country, unsolved crimes, terrorism, and etcetera. Human society is facing many complex problems that mere police officers or soldiers can't solve. They want to tap onto our supernatural power and used it for the greater good," Jessy elaborated further.

"And you mentioned that they wanted two representatives from us? Who are the representatives from our side?" King Antone inquired curiously.

"Myself and a friend of mine. He is a powerful vampire that I met previously and I saved his life from certain death. One night, I saw him starving in an alley, so I have him drink my blood and he transformed into a human being. But since he had vampire blood and expertise in black magic, he retains his power during the transformation. He agreed to become one of the representatives based on my request as a token of gratitude for saving his life," Jessy revealed.

The queen's brows furrowed. "He must be one from the savage vampire clan," she commented. "And the other one-?"

"Me," Jessy answered.

King Antone shook his head. " That can't be! You are doing blood transfusion every day, that cannot be stopped," he reasoned out.

"How about Adam, we can release him out of the prison room as one of the representatives," the queen suggested.

"Wife...wait..." King Antone interjected. "We need to be sure that this is not a trap," he insisted.

"Rest ȧssured that it is not a trap, Father. I have faith in these two military officials, besides, they needed our expertise to solve a lot of their complex problems. I'm glad that they only required two representatives from us for the time being. I can't let them know about Adam because we needed him here to protect the Facility and Habitat just in case there was an attack from enemies that we don't know about. All I know is that we can't keep hiding from our enemies forever, we have to gamble and grabbed whatever opportunities that is within our reach," Jessy expounded.

Queen Margaret was hesitating. She becomes suspicious all of a sudden. "I dunno if we should cooperate with the government..."

Jessy sighed. "We don't have many options left for survival, Mother. The truth is... the General wants to kill all vampires regardless if they are already a transformed humans to complete his revenge because the entire family of his beloved brother was killed by the savage vampires resulting in his brother committing suicide due to depression of losing his entire family. He won't rest until he will complete his vendetta against us. He had plans to annihilate the remaining vampires after I transformed them all to humans..."

The royal couple's eyes widened in shock after Jessy's revelation.

"What the hell? How did they know?" King Antone asked as uneasiness gripped his entire body.

The queen's eyes darkened. "There is a mole or spy among us?" she asked.

"We should locate that spy and kill him!" the king said in an angry tone.

Jessy was shaking her head. "No. I suggest that we do nothing to locate that spy or do him or he any harm. Based on my ȧssumption, that spy was planted in the Habitat to report directly to the higher-ups. By now they already know everything about the Habitat, let that spy continue spying. If we do something bad to that spy, we only face the risk of angering the military. We needed sufficient time to show them how useful we are. If it's the only way to establish long-lasting peace and safety for our clan we should compromise with the human leaders. It's only a small token of sacrifice from us but the reward is huge, it can secure our safety and a chance to be accepted into society. We have to make a sacrifice for the next generation."

"Your statement is making sense, Jess," the queen finally said. She glanced at her husband for confirmation.

King Antone was contemplating about their situations, thinking what is the best course of action to take. Right now, a lot of things were running in his mind but he had to agree with Jessy that they don't have many options left to begin with. It's a torture every day waiting when the enemy will strike the Facility and how long they can hold on to this temporary peace they were enjoying right now?

He released a deep sigh and looked at Jessy with a grim expression plastered on his face. "So, what's your suggestion, child?"

Jessy took a deep breath before delivering a long speech.

"First, I don't want Adam to know about these new developments. Second, I want to halt the blood transfusion for the time being. I want to focus on building a good record so that the higher military officials will be impressed and grant our clan the clemency. The sooner I will do it the quicker we will obtain our freedom. So far, I already transformed 2, 500 vampires into human beings. After I finished the missions that were ȧssigned to me, we will wait for the result. I'm sure the clemency will be awarded to us along with some conditions attached, and if they will require me to finish transforming all the vampires into humans then that will be the time to resume blood transfusion," she clarified. She already had everything planned out in her mind. As long the royal couple agrees and gives their consent, she will start next week.

"Child, I need more time to process everything. I needed to check this matter from all angles. I just want to make sure that we won't regret our decision later on. Can you give us a few hours? We will inform you of our decision tonight, before midnight," King Antone concluded and heaved a sigh.

"No problem, Father. I will go back now to the clinic to resume blood transfusion," Jessy muttered and rose to her feet.

"Okay child, you may go now," Queen Margaret dismissed her.

Jessy ambled towards the door and left the room.

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