The Last Embrace
Chapter 439 - Let's Get Started!
Inside the bed-chamber, the royal couple was seriously talking about the important issue that Jessy bought into their attention regarding the survival of their clan.
"We don't have a choice, right?" King Antone asked his wife.
Queen Margaret nodded her head. "Yeah. If we can get clemency from the government there is a big chance we no longer have to hide here inside the Facility and able to go outside without fear, besides we have to do it for the sake of the new generation. They have the right to live in freedom among humans because they're already a transformed human being. We have to let Jessy go and trust her judgment this time," she stated.
"We can always continue with the blood transfusion after Jessy is done with her mission. Or... we can send Adam as her replacement after one year so that she can continue the blood transfusion," King Antone suggested.
The queen nodded her head in agreement. "That's a good idea!"
"The only way for us not to be dependent on human blood is to finish transforming all the vampires into humans. This way, the government can easily award as the clemency once they knew that we are no longer a threat to everyone. We just want peace and a secure place to live, that's all we need," Queen Margaret said positively.
"Yes. I hope it will happen very soon," said the king. In his mind, he was thinking that if they can't beat the enemy they might as well cooperate with them for the greater good.
Queen Margaret's face brightened up, despite the uncertainty she was looking forward to the completion of this new development in their lives. "This turn of events is very exciting and also terrifying. We don't know for sure if Jessy's endeavor will indeed produce great results, but if we don't grab the chance now we may lose this chance forever. I'm just glad that there are still some good people left in this world willing to help us and trust us during our darkest times," she said with a smile of gratitude.
King Antone hugged her wife lovingly. "Let's hope for the best and always prepare for the worst," that's the only thing he can say.
Inside the clinic.
Lying in bed, Jessy looked outside the glass window and saw Princess Abigail smiling at her.
The princess entered the clinic and whispered something in Jessy's ear. "They're waiting for you in the study room," she said.
Jessy nods her head. "I will be out fifteen minutes from now," she responded.
Princess Abigail exited the clinic after hearing her reply.
Twenty minutes later, finished with the blood transfusion, Jessy exited the clinic and went to the study room.
She entered the room and saw the royal couple waiting for her.
"Sit down, child," the king ordered.
Jessy obeyed and sank comfortably on the sofa.
"We have decided to give you our blessing. If you need ȧssistance from us, I can always send my men to ȧssist you. We will support you in this new journey. We are glad that you take the initiative to befriend humans with good intentions. If this mission of yours yields a good result, we can give a present of gold to these military officials. This is not a bribe more like a token of gratitude," the king revealed his plan to reward the officials with gold nuggets.
Jessy dismissed the idea. "That's not necessary right now, Father. These men want an end to all the biggest problems their society is facing right now and they think I can help them eliminate those problems. If I can deliver a good result and they are satisfied, then for them it would be like winning the lottery."
"Okay, that's good to know, child. We still insist though. Anyways, we wish you good luck in your journey," the king gave his blessing to Jessy.
Queen Margaret hugged Jessy. "You take of yourself, daughter!"
"Thank you, Mother and Father," Jessy said and smiled to the couple she considered her second parent. "I will let you know when I will start my mission and I will be probably staying in the mansion together with Nana Aida when my mission started. I will drop a visit her once a week to update you on my progress. Please, let's keep it a top-secret for now," Jessy requested total secrecy from her parents because the General and the President of the land does not know yet of this project. She doesn't want the spy to know about it as well.
"Okay, child. We will not tell anyone about this matter," the king responded.
Jessy rose to her feet. "I will leave now..."
The royal couple nodded their heads and smiled at her.
Jessy walked towards the door and left the room quietly.
Jessy went to her parent's room to inform them about her new mission. She hadn't mentioned to them about anything yet.
She slumped into the sofa and looked at her beloved parents.
"Mom, Dad, please sit beside me here on the sofa. I have something to tell you that will be a game-changer for all of us," she announced with a serious face.
Hector and Sarah sat beside their daughter.
"What is that important thing that you wanted to tell us, daughter," Hector asked.
"I don't like that serious look in your eyes daughter. Did something wrong happen?" Sarah asked nervously.
Jessy giggled. "There's nothing wrong, Mom. Anyways, folks, listen carefully. I will be stopping blood transfusion starting next week," she informed them.
"Why—?" Hector's brows knitted together in confusion.
"Tell us daughter, why?" said Sarah in urgency.
"Relax guys. The truth is... I'm going on a mission. I met good military officials who are willing to team up with me. They will be giving me ȧssignments such as solving unresolved crimes, finding a missing person, finding drug dealers, capturing smuggling syndicate, and locating masterminds of human trafficking and a lot more. There are so many problems that human society are facing nowadays, they want to utilize my power and skill for the greater good and in return, if my achievements are excellent, they will ask the government officials to grant clemency to the surviving vampires hiding in the Facility and Habitat," Jessy elaborated.
"Can these military officials be trusted?" Sarah asked.
"Yes, they can be trusted," Jessy answered. "I've read their minds and they're good men."
"Does the royal couple already know about this?" Hector asked worriedly.
"Yes, Dad. They are the first person who knows about this issue," Jessy replied.
Hector was feeling relieved that the royal couple already gave their blessing to Jessy. "Do you need a sidekick, daughter. I will volunteer," he joked.
Sarah felt uneasy about her daughter's new mission, she elbowed her husband. "Why are you joking around? This mission is dangerous for our daughter, I'm not consenting to it!" she protested.
Hector sighed. "Don't worry wife, our daughter is indestructible. She has powers and skills that those menace of the society can't match. Those bad men only got guns, knives, and ordinary weapons, while our daughter can manipulate fire, water, wind, and air. Her power is truly wasted here, she belongs outside to lend a helping hand to humans. If she can achieve clemency for us then we can finally get out of her and enjoy freedom again. It's worth a try, besides our daughter already accepted the mission and so was the royal couple, so nothing we can say that can change their mind. Am I right, daughter?"
Jessy smiled at her father. "You are right, Dad, nothing can change my mind anymore," she said and looked at her mother. "Mom, don't worry I will take care of myself. Besides, I already shielded my body with a protective barrier and no weapons can penetrate my skin, so you don't have to worry anymore, okay?" she ȧssured her and rubbed her mother's back wanting to ease her worries away.
Sarah smiled a little feeling better. "So, when are you going to start your mission?"
"Probably next week or within this week, I still need to visit the military camp and meet the officials again for a meeting then get the ȧssignment," Jessy answered. "I will be staying in the mansion with Nana Aida. Don't worry, I will visit you guys here once a week so that you won't miss me," she said, smiling for their benefits. She doesn't want them to worry about her.
The couple looked at their daughter. Sarah was teary-eyed.
"Good luck daughter, take care of yourself!" she finally said. She must give her daughter her blessings and consent so that Jessy can perform her mission smoothly.
"Thanks, Mom and Dad. I will go back to my room now," Jessy spoke and rose to her feet, she walked towards the door and exited the room.
She went back to her room and from there she transformed herself into her invisible form. She teleported into the Habitat first and located the house where Hannah and Zain were residing. She entered the house passing through the closed door.
She went to the rooms and in the 2nd room, she saw Zain and Hannah lying in the bed with their baby in the middle. A few seconds later, Hannah rose to her feet and placed the baby in the crib. Then she went back into the bed and hug Zain from behind. Zain turned around and hug her back.
Aww, how romantic!
Jessy smiled and left the room.
She teleported into the prison room to see Adam.
He was still wide awake when she was crash landing in his bed.
"Jessy!" he exclaimed in surprised opening his arms wide to embrace her.
She giggled and hug him tightly. "I miss you so much!"
"I miss you too! How's life outside?" he asked, kissing her forehead.
"Still the same. Nothing new," she answered. "I will spend the whole night with you," she whispered playfully in his ears.
Adam grinned in pŀėȧsurė. "Then let's get started," he said in a husky voice.
They locked lips and shared a passionate kiss, and luxuriated on each other's company all night long.
"We don't have a choice, right?" King Antone asked his wife.
Queen Margaret nodded her head. "Yeah. If we can get clemency from the government there is a big chance we no longer have to hide here inside the Facility and able to go outside without fear, besides we have to do it for the sake of the new generation. They have the right to live in freedom among humans because they're already a transformed human being. We have to let Jessy go and trust her judgment this time," she stated.
"We can always continue with the blood transfusion after Jessy is done with her mission. Or... we can send Adam as her replacement after one year so that she can continue the blood transfusion," King Antone suggested.
The queen nodded her head in agreement. "That's a good idea!"
"The only way for us not to be dependent on human blood is to finish transforming all the vampires into humans. This way, the government can easily award as the clemency once they knew that we are no longer a threat to everyone. We just want peace and a secure place to live, that's all we need," Queen Margaret said positively.
"Yes. I hope it will happen very soon," said the king. In his mind, he was thinking that if they can't beat the enemy they might as well cooperate with them for the greater good.
Queen Margaret's face brightened up, despite the uncertainty she was looking forward to the completion of this new development in their lives. "This turn of events is very exciting and also terrifying. We don't know for sure if Jessy's endeavor will indeed produce great results, but if we don't grab the chance now we may lose this chance forever. I'm just glad that there are still some good people left in this world willing to help us and trust us during our darkest times," she said with a smile of gratitude.
King Antone hugged her wife lovingly. "Let's hope for the best and always prepare for the worst," that's the only thing he can say.
Inside the clinic.
Lying in bed, Jessy looked outside the glass window and saw Princess Abigail smiling at her.
The princess entered the clinic and whispered something in Jessy's ear. "They're waiting for you in the study room," she said.
Jessy nods her head. "I will be out fifteen minutes from now," she responded.
Princess Abigail exited the clinic after hearing her reply.
Twenty minutes later, finished with the blood transfusion, Jessy exited the clinic and went to the study room.
She entered the room and saw the royal couple waiting for her.
"Sit down, child," the king ordered.
Jessy obeyed and sank comfortably on the sofa.
"We have decided to give you our blessing. If you need ȧssistance from us, I can always send my men to ȧssist you. We will support you in this new journey. We are glad that you take the initiative to befriend humans with good intentions. If this mission of yours yields a good result, we can give a present of gold to these military officials. This is not a bribe more like a token of gratitude," the king revealed his plan to reward the officials with gold nuggets.
Jessy dismissed the idea. "That's not necessary right now, Father. These men want an end to all the biggest problems their society is facing right now and they think I can help them eliminate those problems. If I can deliver a good result and they are satisfied, then for them it would be like winning the lottery."
"Okay, that's good to know, child. We still insist though. Anyways, we wish you good luck in your journey," the king gave his blessing to Jessy.
Queen Margaret hugged Jessy. "You take of yourself, daughter!"
"Thank you, Mother and Father," Jessy said and smiled to the couple she considered her second parent. "I will let you know when I will start my mission and I will be probably staying in the mansion together with Nana Aida when my mission started. I will drop a visit her once a week to update you on my progress. Please, let's keep it a top-secret for now," Jessy requested total secrecy from her parents because the General and the President of the land does not know yet of this project. She doesn't want the spy to know about it as well.
"Okay, child. We will not tell anyone about this matter," the king responded.
Jessy rose to her feet. "I will leave now..."
The royal couple nodded their heads and smiled at her.
Jessy walked towards the door and left the room quietly.
Jessy went to her parent's room to inform them about her new mission. She hadn't mentioned to them about anything yet.
She slumped into the sofa and looked at her beloved parents.
"Mom, Dad, please sit beside me here on the sofa. I have something to tell you that will be a game-changer for all of us," she announced with a serious face.
Hector and Sarah sat beside their daughter.
"What is that important thing that you wanted to tell us, daughter," Hector asked.
"I don't like that serious look in your eyes daughter. Did something wrong happen?" Sarah asked nervously.
Jessy giggled. "There's nothing wrong, Mom. Anyways, folks, listen carefully. I will be stopping blood transfusion starting next week," she informed them.
"Why—?" Hector's brows knitted together in confusion.
"Tell us daughter, why?" said Sarah in urgency.
"Relax guys. The truth is... I'm going on a mission. I met good military officials who are willing to team up with me. They will be giving me ȧssignments such as solving unresolved crimes, finding a missing person, finding drug dealers, capturing smuggling syndicate, and locating masterminds of human trafficking and a lot more. There are so many problems that human society are facing nowadays, they want to utilize my power and skill for the greater good and in return, if my achievements are excellent, they will ask the government officials to grant clemency to the surviving vampires hiding in the Facility and Habitat," Jessy elaborated.
"Can these military officials be trusted?" Sarah asked.
"Yes, they can be trusted," Jessy answered. "I've read their minds and they're good men."
"Does the royal couple already know about this?" Hector asked worriedly.
"Yes, Dad. They are the first person who knows about this issue," Jessy replied.
Hector was feeling relieved that the royal couple already gave their blessing to Jessy. "Do you need a sidekick, daughter. I will volunteer," he joked.
Sarah felt uneasy about her daughter's new mission, she elbowed her husband. "Why are you joking around? This mission is dangerous for our daughter, I'm not consenting to it!" she protested.
Hector sighed. "Don't worry wife, our daughter is indestructible. She has powers and skills that those menace of the society can't match. Those bad men only got guns, knives, and ordinary weapons, while our daughter can manipulate fire, water, wind, and air. Her power is truly wasted here, she belongs outside to lend a helping hand to humans. If she can achieve clemency for us then we can finally get out of her and enjoy freedom again. It's worth a try, besides our daughter already accepted the mission and so was the royal couple, so nothing we can say that can change their mind. Am I right, daughter?"
Jessy smiled at her father. "You are right, Dad, nothing can change my mind anymore," she said and looked at her mother. "Mom, don't worry I will take care of myself. Besides, I already shielded my body with a protective barrier and no weapons can penetrate my skin, so you don't have to worry anymore, okay?" she ȧssured her and rubbed her mother's back wanting to ease her worries away.
Sarah smiled a little feeling better. "So, when are you going to start your mission?"
"Probably next week or within this week, I still need to visit the military camp and meet the officials again for a meeting then get the ȧssignment," Jessy answered. "I will be staying in the mansion with Nana Aida. Don't worry, I will visit you guys here once a week so that you won't miss me," she said, smiling for their benefits. She doesn't want them to worry about her.
The couple looked at their daughter. Sarah was teary-eyed.
"Good luck daughter, take care of yourself!" she finally said. She must give her daughter her blessings and consent so that Jessy can perform her mission smoothly.
"Thanks, Mom and Dad. I will go back to my room now," Jessy spoke and rose to her feet, she walked towards the door and exited the room.
She went back to her room and from there she transformed herself into her invisible form. She teleported into the Habitat first and located the house where Hannah and Zain were residing. She entered the house passing through the closed door.
She went to the rooms and in the 2nd room, she saw Zain and Hannah lying in the bed with their baby in the middle. A few seconds later, Hannah rose to her feet and placed the baby in the crib. Then she went back into the bed and hug Zain from behind. Zain turned around and hug her back.
Aww, how romantic!
Jessy smiled and left the room.
She teleported into the prison room to see Adam.
He was still wide awake when she was crash landing in his bed.
"Jessy!" he exclaimed in surprised opening his arms wide to embrace her.
She giggled and hug him tightly. "I miss you so much!"
"I miss you too! How's life outside?" he asked, kissing her forehead.
"Still the same. Nothing new," she answered. "I will spend the whole night with you," she whispered playfully in his ears.
Adam grinned in pŀėȧsurė. "Then let's get started," he said in a husky voice.
They locked lips and shared a passionate kiss, and luxuriated on each other's company all night long.
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