The Last Embrace

Chapter 440 - Greater Good

The next day, during her afternoon break from doing blood transfusion, Jessy teleported into Capt. Mercado's office in the military camp.

"Hello Uncle and hello Colonel Brown, good afternoon!" she greeted them.

Capt. Mercado and the colonel nodded their head acknowledging her presence.

"So, you already have another representative ready?" the captain asked.

"Yes, Uncle. When shall I make him report to you?" she inquired.

"Tomorrow, he has to be here at 1:00 in the afternoon. He will be joining the special envoy heading to the Middle East because Iraq invaded Kuwait and 35 nations coalition force lead by our government will go to Kuwait and free it from Iraq's invasion. I tell you, it's gonna be a bloody war over there, so you should tell this other representative of yours to be prepared for the unthinkable," Capt. Mercado said.

"Okay, no problem. Uncle, I just want to ask why you won't send me there instead?" Jessy asked.

"Because young lady... the war that's going there is going to be dangerous and bloody, with lots of gore and madness. It's not a good sight for a woman to see. If for example, I will send you there...what you're going to do?" the colonel interjected.

"I will go straight and find the Iraqi leader who invaded Kuwait and have him surrender so that no blood will be spilled on the ground both from the Iraqi forces and the coalition forces. War is not the solution, it's not worth it, there will always lose of life and loss of infrastructure, homes and other properties and people will surely die, people are suffering already, war is never the answer," she said fiercely.

"Good answer young lady. Now tell your companion to find the leader who invades Kuwait and deliver a swift end so that deaths and war can be prevented," Colonel Brown said.

"Yes, I will tell him," Jessy replied. "And how about me, Sir? What will be my ȧssignment?" she asked excitedly.

The colonel produced a brown envelope and inside was a list of the Top 10 Wanted People in the city and also the Top 10 Wanted people of the whole country. "This is yours," he said.

"Let's start with these people on the wanted list, their crimes range from human smuggling, drug trafficking, hacking, bank robbing, terrorist, hijacking and a lot more and so on. I will team you up with a police officer who will provide you all the details regarding each of these suspects, including the last crime they committed and the people that you can conduct surveillance that might lead you to those wanted men."

"Cool!" Jessy scanned the fierce faces of the criminals and their mug shots.

"I will not give you a deadline. Work and investigate at your own pace. Whatever your question is regarding the criminal and their can ask the police officer that was ȧssigned to you. You can also ask me or Capt. Mercado here. We will provide you all the support that you need. You just have to ask and we will provide you everything. If you need back up all you need is to call for ȧssistance. I already ȧssembled an elite unit that will ȧssist you. But I have fate in you and you won't place my men in grave danger," Colonel Brown said.

"Of course. I won't do something stupid, I will be careful," Jessy responded.

"You can bring that envelope home with you so that you will get acquainted with their faces. The longer you stare at their faces the more their images will be embedded in your brain and it would be easier for you to find them.

Jessy put back the wanted list in the brown envelope. Then she addressed the two officers with a serious face. "I just want to raise some question, Sir. What if General Smith and the President of our country won't approve the clemency and would still deploy an order to attack the Facility and the Habitat? What's gonna happen then?"

Capt. Mercado and Colonel Brown looked at each other.

"If the attack happened... it will produce casualties from both sides, because your clan will fight to the death, right?" the colonel asked.

"Yes. That would be the likely scenario, Sir," confirmed Jessy.

"So, if that is the case then we just have to do things differently. Here in this paper lies my answer to you," the colonel handed her a paper with a handwritten message on it.

Jessy read the message a few times before she fully understands what the message was implying.

'A few lives is nothing compare to the lives of many...and some sacrifices are needed for the greater good.'

Jessy looked at the military official's faces for confirmation, they just stared back at her. She smiled and opened her palm, in an instant a fire was growing in her left palm, she burned the paper with it and the flame devoured the paper in just a few seconds turning it into dark ashes.

The military officials stared in amazement at the flame that appeared in Jessy's palm. This is just one of her amazing power! They continue looking at the flame in awe dazzled by her power.

"Amazing!" Colonel Brown muttered to himself.

"She is indeed what we need," Capt. Mercado said.

Jessy smirked watching the officer's eyes filled with wonder. It's now time to stop the show. She closed her palm and the flame was gone only the ashes remain, she walked toward the trash can in the corner and dropped the ashes in the bin.

She turned around and faced the officers. "Anything else, Sir? If our meeting is done, can I leave now?"

"Where are you going, Jessy?" Colonel Brown asked.

"I'm going back to the Facility and resume blood transfusion then I will also inform my comrade that he has to report here tomorrow with me," she answered.

"Alright, you may go home now," the colonel gave his consent.

"Bye Sir, bye Uncle!" Jessy smiled at the two men and disappeared from the room within split seconds.

Capt. Mercado and Colonel Brown stared at the empty space where Jessy used to be.

"She's gone!" Capt. Mercado murmured.

"How cool it would be to have power like her, we can teleport anywhere in just seconds and minutes. No traffic, no wasted moments, just initiate the teleportation process and be there in the place where you wanted to be in just a few seconds. So, mind-blowing indeed!" Colonel Brown smiled. "If we can guide Jessy to the right path she can do a lot of good things for humankind," he declared.

"Yes, indeed!" Capt. Mercado replied. "Meeting her was meant to be, for a good purpose, of course!" he muttered aloud.


Jessy landed in the Facility and went to the clinic for another session of blood transfusion.

Two hours and a half later, the blood transfusion went smoothly, Jessy exited the clinic heading towards Roden's room.

She knocked at the door and it opened right away. "Hello, Mahlia!" she greeted the wife.

"Hi...Jess...come husband was still inside the bathroom taking a bath. Wait a moment please," she said, opening the door wide.

"Thanks, Mahlia," Jessy smiled at the woman and entered the room.

Jessy sat on the bed and looked at the children watching a colorful book. She patted their heads gently. "Hello, kids!"

"Hello, Aunt Jessy!" they responded in unison and returned their attention to what they're doing.

A moment later, a freshly bathed Roden came out of the bathroom. "Oh, Jessy, you're here. What's up?"

Jessy smiled at Roden. "I need you to come with me and see your brother," she said.

Roden raised his brow. "Huh, something wrong happens to my brother? Or... did he committed atrocities in the city?" he asked in alarm.

Jessy shook her head. "No. Please calm down, Roden. Your brother has been behaving well, so far I'm satisfied with his good behavior. I just want you to see him before he leaves the country," she explained.

"Huh? My brother is leaving the country? Why? And where?" he asked in bewilderment.

"I will explain to you everything after we arrive at your brother's place," she told him.

"Okay, let's go," he said and looked at his wife.

Mahlia nods her head silently at his husband.

"Bye Mahlia and bye kids," Jessy bid goodbye to the kids.

"Bye Aunt, Jessy!" the kids responded in chorus.

Roden and Jessy vanished from the room instantly.

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