The Last Embrace
Chapter 49 Reunion
~The Facility~
It's been 7 days of torturous uncertainty...
And finally, Jessy has woken up from her deep unconscious state.
The last few days have been nerve-wracking, despair resonated to all corners of the Middle and Pit area where the vampires were living, the rumors have spread wide in all part of the Facility except in the outer area, the savior was still unconscious. Vampires were worrying and doubting if the prophecy can indeed become true one day. They were afraid the savior will die, too soon without fulfilling the prophecy.
When Jessy finally opened her eyes, she got the biggest surprised of her life...
She was surrounded by two of the most important people in her life...her missing parents!
"Mom...Dad!" she cried uncontrollably in front of them. She had a hard time forming words to say to them. It's been ages since the last time she had seen them. Now that she knew they were alive and well, all the pain, longing, anger, and negative emotions she harbored deep inside her heart were all gradually dissipating into nothingness.
Her mother Sarah cried a river while holding her daughter's hands. "Am happy to see you again my dearest daughter! Jessy!"
Hector grasp Jess' left hand, misty-eyed. To see the daughter they left behind in the mansion fifteen years ago, now seeing a pretty and grown-up woman in front of them is like a dream come true, his heart jumped with joy filled with intense happiness. Through the years she had grown up without a father's love yet she remains strong and steadfast and he's so proud of her.
"We miss you so much, Jess!" she said. Sarah gently dried her daughter's tears with her handkerchief.
After the last drop of tears was already fallen and dried, Jessy moved her body into a sitting position and began firing questions to her absentee parents. She deserves an answer to her questions and she will get her answer today.
"...Why both of you disappeared last fifteen years ago, Mom-Dad?" she faced her teary-eyed parents.
Hector let out a deep sigh. It's a long story but his daughter deserves the truth. He started talking:
"During those years we vanished from your life, it's also the most troubled times for our vampire clan. We're facing enemies left and right. The Facility was still under construction at that time and only got finished a year after. The anti-vampire vaccine makes things even worse for all vampires under the King's leadership. When the construction of the Facility finally ended and operations were started in full swing, we were able to experience peace temporarily. The King and Queen decided that it's better that you will be housed in the mansion under the guidance of Nanny Aida so that you can have a normal life and not hidden away underground like the rest of us. Besides, if the Facility will get attack by enemies, you are safe on the other side to carry on with the prophecy one day."
Hector paused for a quick breath, then he continued:
"As first we didn't agree to abandon you, we can't just let you grow up and be on your own alone. We felt that you are not safe with Nanny Aida on the mansion and she's inadequate to protect you. Until the Queen suggested that they will send one of the Prince to take care and protect you. They sent Prince Adam in the mansion to be with you as your companion and protector. Sadly, we knew that the young Prince was cursed and will die young on the eve of your transformation."
Sarah smiled adoringly at her daughter. "Sorry, we were not able to visit you in the mansion because we're busy here in the Facility. My job is to manage the human workers on the Outer part. Then your father has to manage the mining of the gold in the Pit. We both have a very demanding responsibility, day in and day out. And there's also the danger that we might be trailed upon by the enemies if we sneak out from the Facility and visit you. We can't afford that to happen. As much as possible we want you to be safe all the time."
Jessy hugged his father and her mother tight. Now she knew why they have to disappear from her life abruptly, their reasons were valid enough for her and well accepted by her forgiving heart. She no longer felt abandoned, after all, it's all for her safety.
"But why Adam did not tell me about you guys?" she asked. She's been wondering about that. Now that he's dead she can't ask him about that lingering question that keeps popping in her mind right now.
"The King and Queen prevented Adam to tell you about us and we also told Adam not to tell you about us. Adam has no choice but to obey us," said Hector.
Sarah stared at her daughter's eyes. "Does Adam treat you well while he's still alive?"
Jessy smiled a little, but her smile did not last long, she crumbles again and wept hard when she remembered Adam.
"I miss him so much, Mom!" she blurted loud with a heart-wrenching sob, she cried in her mother's arms.
Sarah and Hector stared at each other eyes. They felt that something wasn't right when their daughter started sobbing with just the mere mention of Adam's name. And the way she sounded when she said that he misses the dead Prince, it sounds more like a lovers cry of heartfelt longing.
"Jessy, look at me!" Alarmed, Sarah held her daughter's teary-eyed face in her hands.
"D-do you have a romantic relationship with Prince Adam?" she curiously asked.
"Yes. I love him so much. We love each other so much but he's already dead. I can no longer see him," she said sadly.
"Shhh...shhh...lower your voices," said Hector. They can't afford scandal and gossips at this point in time. "I will go outside the door to guard this room, you two can talk freely but make sure you lower your voices. This is a sensitive matter, you understand-girls?"
The girls nodded. Hector exited the door and sat down on the bench outside the door. He was in deep thought. The King, Queen, and Prince Zain must not know about the relationship of her daughter to the dead Prince. He felt the uneasiness and worries settled uncomfortably at the pit of his stomach.
While inside the room...
Mother and daughter looked at each other's eyes.
Sarah grasped her daughter's hands. "Jessy, tell me that you never had an intimate moment with Adam, that you never had sex with him...please tell me!" her voice frantic almost to the point of pleading.
Jessy blushed a crimson red. "M-mom, we did. So many times that I forgot to count," she continues blushing.
Sarah let go of Jess' hands and covered her face with her own trembling hands.
"Mom, why?" asked Jessy in a worried tone.
"Because you are going to marry Adam's older brother, you should be pure! Did Nanny Aida forgot to tell you about your future marriage with Prince Zain?"
"She did warn me and inform me about Prince Zain and the marriage stuff, but I have no interest with a loveless marriage with Prince Zain. I don't love him. And I won't marry somebody I don't love," she said in a firm voice.
Sarah sighed deeply. Prince Adam is already dead and a dead man can't talk. Therefore, as long Jessy won't tell anyone about her intimate relationship with the deceased Prince then her daughter's secret will be safe.
"Jessy, you have to keep your previous relationship secret okay? Tell no one," Sarah said gravely.
"Okay Mom," Jessy quickly agreed and nodded just to appeased her mother's worries.
"By the way, how long I've been unconscious, Mom?" she asked.
"It's the seventh day today, we are very much afraid that you will go comatose, everyone here is worried. Now that you finally awaken, everyone felt relieved and looking forward to your wedding with the Prince. It's gonna be a joyous occasion and after the wedding, the process of administering your blood to all vampires to convert them into humans will start two weeks after your wedding."
Jessy shivered. She just loses her lover recently and now she will get married to a guy she didn't love, it's indeed a cruel joke of destiny. She's not done yet with her mourning of Adam's passing, for Christ sake! She grumbled deep inside.
"When is the wedding takes place, Mom?"
"In three months time."
"Huh? But it's too soon, my heart is still bleeding, it will take me decades or even a lifetime before the pain in my heart will heal. I only want to marry Adam in this lifetime. I don't want to marry anyone," she protested.
Sarah sighed again. "Jessy, Adam is already dead. As soon as you can forget him, the sooner the better. You might as well start nurturing affection for Prince Zain in your heart right now, you will have a good marriage waiting for you if you do. Please think wisely. You can't keep agonizing over a dead lover. You have to move on. Do you understand me?"
She nodded, just to make her mother stop pestering her about her impending marriage.
Jessy closed her eyes. She fought back the tears from falling down again on her face. She already cried a lot for today, her eyes were already swollen because of nonstop crying.
Her heart still refused to believe that Adam is already dead. She already missed him terribly. Missed his hugs, his kisses, his smile, his warm body, and their awesome adventures together.
She wants to go back to the mansion right now and lay down on his grave.
Although she's happy that she was finally able to meet her parents again after a long time of separation, she still wants to get closer to Adam in the mansion. She wants to go back there because their happy memories will keep her company.
Tomorrow night when everyone is already sleeping she will sneak out of her room and teleport herself into the mansion.
She slept soundly that night thinking and dreaming of Adam and their steamy mind-blowing lovemaking session in the Beach.
~The Facility~
It's been 7 days of torturous uncertainty...
And finally, Jessy has woken up from her deep unconscious state.
The last few days have been nerve-wracking, despair resonated to all corners of the Middle and Pit area where the vampires were living, the rumors have spread wide in all part of the Facility except in the outer area, the savior was still unconscious. Vampires were worrying and doubting if the prophecy can indeed become true one day. They were afraid the savior will die, too soon without fulfilling the prophecy.
When Jessy finally opened her eyes, she got the biggest surprised of her life...
She was surrounded by two of the most important people in her life...her missing parents!
"Mom...Dad!" she cried uncontrollably in front of them. She had a hard time forming words to say to them. It's been ages since the last time she had seen them. Now that she knew they were alive and well, all the pain, longing, anger, and negative emotions she harbored deep inside her heart were all gradually dissipating into nothingness.
Her mother Sarah cried a river while holding her daughter's hands. "Am happy to see you again my dearest daughter! Jessy!"
Hector grasp Jess' left hand, misty-eyed. To see the daughter they left behind in the mansion fifteen years ago, now seeing a pretty and grown-up woman in front of them is like a dream come true, his heart jumped with joy filled with intense happiness. Through the years she had grown up without a father's love yet she remains strong and steadfast and he's so proud of her.
"We miss you so much, Jess!" she said. Sarah gently dried her daughter's tears with her handkerchief.
After the last drop of tears was already fallen and dried, Jessy moved her body into a sitting position and began firing questions to her absentee parents. She deserves an answer to her questions and she will get her answer today.
"...Why both of you disappeared last fifteen years ago, Mom-Dad?" she faced her teary-eyed parents.
Hector let out a deep sigh. It's a long story but his daughter deserves the truth. He started talking:
"During those years we vanished from your life, it's also the most troubled times for our vampire clan. We're facing enemies left and right. The Facility was still under construction at that time and only got finished a year after. The anti-vampire vaccine makes things even worse for all vampires under the King's leadership. When the construction of the Facility finally ended and operations were started in full swing, we were able to experience peace temporarily. The King and Queen decided that it's better that you will be housed in the mansion under the guidance of Nanny Aida so that you can have a normal life and not hidden away underground like the rest of us. Besides, if the Facility will get attack by enemies, you are safe on the other side to carry on with the prophecy one day."
Hector paused for a quick breath, then he continued:
"As first we didn't agree to abandon you, we can't just let you grow up and be on your own alone. We felt that you are not safe with Nanny Aida on the mansion and she's inadequate to protect you. Until the Queen suggested that they will send one of the Prince to take care and protect you. They sent Prince Adam in the mansion to be with you as your companion and protector. Sadly, we knew that the young Prince was cursed and will die young on the eve of your transformation."
Sarah smiled adoringly at her daughter. "Sorry, we were not able to visit you in the mansion because we're busy here in the Facility. My job is to manage the human workers on the Outer part. Then your father has to manage the mining of the gold in the Pit. We both have a very demanding responsibility, day in and day out. And there's also the danger that we might be trailed upon by the enemies if we sneak out from the Facility and visit you. We can't afford that to happen. As much as possible we want you to be safe all the time."
Jessy hugged his father and her mother tight. Now she knew why they have to disappear from her life abruptly, their reasons were valid enough for her and well accepted by her forgiving heart. She no longer felt abandoned, after all, it's all for her safety.
"But why Adam did not tell me about you guys?" she asked. She's been wondering about that. Now that he's dead she can't ask him about that lingering question that keeps popping in her mind right now.
"The King and Queen prevented Adam to tell you about us and we also told Adam not to tell you about us. Adam has no choice but to obey us," said Hector.
Sarah stared at her daughter's eyes. "Does Adam treat you well while he's still alive?"
Jessy smiled a little, but her smile did not last long, she crumbles again and wept hard when she remembered Adam.
"I miss him so much, Mom!" she blurted loud with a heart-wrenching sob, she cried in her mother's arms.
Sarah and Hector stared at each other eyes. They felt that something wasn't right when their daughter started sobbing with just the mere mention of Adam's name. And the way she sounded when she said that he misses the dead Prince, it sounds more like a lovers cry of heartfelt longing.
"Jessy, look at me!" Alarmed, Sarah held her daughter's teary-eyed face in her hands.
"D-do you have a romantic relationship with Prince Adam?" she curiously asked.
"Yes. I love him so much. We love each other so much but he's already dead. I can no longer see him," she said sadly.
"Shhh...shhh...lower your voices," said Hector. They can't afford scandal and gossips at this point in time. "I will go outside the door to guard this room, you two can talk freely but make sure you lower your voices. This is a sensitive matter, you understand-girls?"
The girls nodded. Hector exited the door and sat down on the bench outside the door. He was in deep thought. The King, Queen, and Prince Zain must not know about the relationship of her daughter to the dead Prince. He felt the uneasiness and worries settled uncomfortably at the pit of his stomach.
While inside the room...
Mother and daughter looked at each other's eyes.
Sarah grasped her daughter's hands. "Jessy, tell me that you never had an intimate moment with Adam, that you never had sex with him...please tell me!" her voice frantic almost to the point of pleading.
Jessy blushed a crimson red. "M-mom, we did. So many times that I forgot to count," she continues blushing.
Sarah let go of Jess' hands and covered her face with her own trembling hands.
"Mom, why?" asked Jessy in a worried tone.
"Because you are going to marry Adam's older brother, you should be pure! Did Nanny Aida forgot to tell you about your future marriage with Prince Zain?"
"She did warn me and inform me about Prince Zain and the marriage stuff, but I have no interest with a loveless marriage with Prince Zain. I don't love him. And I won't marry somebody I don't love," she said in a firm voice.
Sarah sighed deeply. Prince Adam is already dead and a dead man can't talk. Therefore, as long Jessy won't tell anyone about her intimate relationship with the deceased Prince then her daughter's secret will be safe.
"Jessy, you have to keep your previous relationship secret okay? Tell no one," Sarah said gravely.
"Okay Mom," Jessy quickly agreed and nodded just to appeased her mother's worries.
"By the way, how long I've been unconscious, Mom?" she asked.
"It's the seventh day today, we are very much afraid that you will go comatose, everyone here is worried. Now that you finally awaken, everyone felt relieved and looking forward to your wedding with the Prince. It's gonna be a joyous occasion and after the wedding, the process of administering your blood to all vampires to convert them into humans will start two weeks after your wedding."
Jessy shivered. She just loses her lover recently and now she will get married to a guy she didn't love, it's indeed a cruel joke of destiny. She's not done yet with her mourning of Adam's passing, for Christ sake! She grumbled deep inside.
"When is the wedding takes place, Mom?"
"In three months time."
"Huh? But it's too soon, my heart is still bleeding, it will take me decades or even a lifetime before the pain in my heart will heal. I only want to marry Adam in this lifetime. I don't want to marry anyone," she protested.
Sarah sighed again. "Jessy, Adam is already dead. As soon as you can forget him, the sooner the better. You might as well start nurturing affection for Prince Zain in your heart right now, you will have a good marriage waiting for you if you do. Please think wisely. You can't keep agonizing over a dead lover. You have to move on. Do you understand me?"
She nodded, just to make her mother stop pestering her about her impending marriage.
Jessy closed her eyes. She fought back the tears from falling down again on her face. She already cried a lot for today, her eyes were already swollen because of nonstop crying.
Her heart still refused to believe that Adam is already dead. She already missed him terribly. Missed his hugs, his kisses, his smile, his warm body, and their awesome adventures together.
She wants to go back to the mansion right now and lay down on his grave.
Although she's happy that she was finally able to meet her parents again after a long time of separation, she still wants to get closer to Adam in the mansion. She wants to go back there because their happy memories will keep her company.
Tomorrow night when everyone is already sleeping she will sneak out of her room and teleport herself into the mansion.
She slept soundly that night thinking and dreaming of Adam and their steamy mind-blowing lovemaking session in the Beach.
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