The Last Embrace

Chapter 50 The Pervert Guy~I


~The Mansion~ 9:00 PM


Nana Aida and Adam were sitting on the sofa in the living room watching a random television show.

Nana Aida smiled at Adam, it's the first time Adam watched a TV show with her, when Jessy was still around, the two were inseparable.

"Have you packed everything?" she asked.

"Yes," answered Adam.

"What time you will leave?"

"Tonight midnight, Nana."

"Where are you staying in the city?"

Adam fell silent. He has no idea where to stay. The city is vast, maybe there is something or someplace where he could fit in or stay for a while before he can fully sort out his future moves.

"I have no idea where am staying, Nana."

"You have no money?"

"I have little savings, some money you have given me."

The older woman frowned.

"Adam, your savings is not enough to stay in the city comfortably," she said.

Nana Aida rose to her feet and went into her room. When she's back in the living room, she carries a pouch with her. She drops the pouch on Adam's hands.

"Take that with you. You will need it more than I do."

"Nana, what's this?" Adam took a peek inside the pouch, small golden stones shimmered inside the darkness of the pouch, it's precious gold.

"Your mother gave it to me as a present, you can have it. Keep it and spend it any way you like," she said.

Adam shook his head and returned the pouch of gold to Nana Aida.

"I can't take it, Nana. It's yours," said Adam.

"But you don't have much money with you, how will you survive in the city? If you live in the city and you have no money you won't survive," Nana said.

"Nana, you forgot that I still have my power with me. I will survive somehow," he is adamant.

The older woman sighed. "Are you going to use your power to steal money to buy foods?"

Adam shook his head. "Nana, am not gonna do that. Am not a thief."

Nana Aida sighed again. "Why are you so stubborn?"

Adam grinned at the older woman he considers as his second mother.

"Am not, just that it's not right that I will accept that present from you. It's yours, to begin with. Please keep it and enjoy it, Nana. You deserve it."

"How about this, if at some point in time in the future you need money, come back here and you can have this golden pouch anytime, okay?"

"Yes. I will do that, Nana," said Adam just to pacify the older woman.

Nana Aida finally stopped pestering Adam about bringing the pouch of gold with him.

They watched some more boring shows together.

By 10:00 o'clock, Nana Aida was already feeling drowsy. She yawned.

"Adam, am gonna sleep. You can continue watching the TV and locked the door before you go to sleep, okay?"

Adam nodded.

Nana Aida looked at Adam one last time with sorrow in her eyes.

"By the time you leave the mansion am already in deep sleep. Am not gonna be able to say goodbye to you. You have to take care of yourself in the city, okay? If you experience difficulties in there, you can always go back here," Nana Aida said misty-eyed.

Adam nodded. He already felt an immeasurable sadness piercing through his heart. It's gonna be hard leaving this mansion he calls home for many years. But tonight is the time to leave, to start a new life, in a new environment and meet new people and live the life he envisioned for himself.

Nana Aida was about to rise when the door of the mansion suddenly opened...bringing a burst of cold wind into the living room.

"Nana Aida, am back!" the cheery voice of Jessy broke into their reverie. She came running into the living room with a full radiant smile plastered on her face. Her beautiful smile touches Adam's heart~so intense it took his breath away.


Nana Aida froze...

Adam froze...

Adam's heart skips a beat. No...his heart do a somersault!

F*uck! Adam swore to himself. He's not expecting this! Just hearing her voice again, seeing her angelic smile and beautiful face. His heart melted right away. He fights the urge not to turn into a puddle on the floor.

Jessy looked at him...

Adam looked at Jessy...

They exchange a brief glance at each other, then he drops his gaze quickly.

Jessy eyebrows rose upon seeing a complete stranger accompanying Nana Aida in the living room watching TV in the middle of the night. Weird! she told herself.

"Jessy, my child! Am glad you're back! Am so happy to see you!" After the shocked, Nana Aida was able to regain back her composure. She immediately pushed the pouch into the pocket of her skirt.

Jessy hugged the older woman tightly.

"You know what, Nana-? I have a huge surprise waiting for me in the Facility! You wouldn't believe it!" she beamed brightly.

"And what is it, child?" Nana feels excited.

"I meet Mother and Father in the Facility, they're alive and well!" she smiled joyously~her voice carries tons of happiness around her.

Nana Aida smiled at Jessy, her happiness is contagious.

"Am happy for you, Jessy!" said Nana Aida.

Adam continues staring at the floor. Unsure of what to do. Her sudden presence immobilized him. Hearing her voice made his heart flutter. He wanted so badly to run to her side, kiss her and hug her tight. But he controls himself. Once he will give in to his feelings for her he will never be able to leave her. As long Jessy won't come near him, he can make his urges under control.

"Nana, who is he?" she suddenly asked. She glanced again at the stranger with curiosity in her eyes.

"O-our new h-houseboy," Nana Aida stuttered with her reply. "I have so many chores to do and since both of you and Adam are no longer here, I can't keep up with all the chores, so I hired him," she explained.

"Ah, I see." Jessy walked towards the stranger.

Adam saw her moving towards her...he kept his gaze fixed on the floor.

F*ck! This is not good...he told himself.

She stopped a few inches from him, peering at his eyes.


"Hi...I'm Jessy, what's your name?"

Adam didn't reply. Deep inside he was already falling apart. His heart screamed for his yearning towards Jessy. He desperately wanted to touch her right now. The close proximity between them is not helping, it only make things worse for his sanity. He's holding his breath...feeling tortured deep inside.

Jessy was waiting for his reply, yet the stranger kept his silence.

"Nana, why is he not replying to me?"

"He is mute, he can't talk since birth," said Nana Aida.

Jessy finally give up talking to the mute guy. She returned to Nana Aida's side.

Adam was finally able to breathe in relief. Good one, Nana! He told himself.

Jessy sat down on the sofa. "What's his name? What's his history, Nana? Where did you meet him?" she continues to stare at him.

"His name is Ronnie. One of my acquaintance in the market introduces him to me. He's an orphan. He's got some previous jobs. But employers fired him because he can't talk and always made mistakes with the chores assigned to him. So I took pity on him and decided to give him a work here. He will be our new gardener, he can take care of your rose garden if you want," Nana suggested.

"Oh, that's sad!" said Jess.

Then her eyes lighted up. "Ah, yeah. That reminds me, I need someone to take care of my roses. Good idea, Nana!"

While the girls were having a conversation, Adam rose to his feet to escape...

"Oops, Ron, come with me!" Jessy shouted when the mute guy was about to walk away from the living room.

Adam turned around and stare at her.

"W-where are you taking him?" Nana Aida asked puzzled.

"In my rose garden. I will teach him how to take care of my rose garden. I have some important instructions to tell him regarding my roses. I want my roses to stay beautiful and healthy even if am no longer here every day. I can't teach him tomorrow because I need to get back to the Facility before the break of dawn. So I need to teach him now," Jessy said.

She motioned for the mute guy to follow her in the kitchen.

Adam and Nana Aida looked at each other.

The older woman motioned Adam to follow Jessy.

Adam groaned.

He was now walking behind her, his eyes glued to her back. He longed to touch her hair. But he holds himself back.

Then suddenly Jessy turned around and collided into the mute guy's body!

Adam swiftly grabs Jess' waist to steady her from falling. His hands automatically gripped her waist tight pressing her body closer to him, head to head, their breath almost intertwined.

She gasped...

He groaned...

His head slowly bends down to her mouth to claim her lips. The urge to kiss her~so strong he can no longer deny it.

That was also the moment when Jessy was able to discern what's going to happen next, she moved her head, causing the mute guy's kiss to land on her cheek instead of her lips.

The touch of his lips on her cheek is enough to create a tiny pulsating electricity surging through their bodies.

They were both stunned!

F*ck! Adam realizes too late the mistake he has done! Quickly, he released Jessy from his grasp and ran out of the living room, towards the door, outside the mansion.

Jessy screamed...

Nana Aida rushed to her side.

"What happens, Jess?"

"Nana, that mute guys is a pervert! He just kisses me! He stole a kiss from me without my permission. I will kill him!" she hissed.

Nana Aida tried hard to control her laughter. Tsk Tsk! Poor Adam, he was not able to control himself.

"Jessy calm down! It's just a kiss. That mute guy might have not kiss a girl before, as beautiful as you. Can you please be lenient with him. Don't scare him to death," said Nana Aida.

"No! I will find that pervert guy and break every bone in his body! I will teach him a lesson he will never forget!" she said fuming. She went out of the door in a hurry to find him.

"Goodluck with that," said Nana Aida to Jess' retreating form.

Nana Aida was left alone shaking her head. She turn off the TV, no longer interested with the boring show that nobody is watching, there is much better interesting live show outside waiting for her.She walks towards the door that will bring her outside, a smile curled up in her lips.

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