The Last Gentleman

Chapter 1: rule

Chapter 1 Rules

There are countless ships wandering in this sea like ink.

For the canoe for single people,

Or carrying multiple people's ferry,

Occasionally you can see hundreds of people's large ships,

However, no matter which vessel people take, they are in a state of confusion.

Their memories are slowly rolling up by the sea. No one knows where they will eventually go, and no one knows that they have died.


A lighthouse appeared between the sea, which should have come to the death of the death country, and was half -covered in the fog.

The light shot at the top happens to fall on a boat,

Light traction,

The canoe carries the youth on it, leaning on the lighthouse together.

With the increasingly strong lighting, the dark eyes inlaid on the face of the youth are slowly fading and becoming a god.

Gradually feel the burning sensation from the light,

When the boat is close to a certain distance, the hot spotted pattern runs through the head. It carries a sound, as if from the call of the world.


There is no longer a dark sea in front of me,

Instead, it is an old wooden table covered with wrinkles.

Gradually open the two -purpose youth, the pupil is facing an old -fashioned kerosene lamp in the upper right corner of the wooden table.

The light burning in it just overlap the lighthouse between the consciousness.


Under the arms of the head, a rough paper touch came from the yellow paper, which corresponds to a yellow paper with scribbled handwriting.

There is also a cup of water on the left side of the desk, and there is a strange and weird transparent liquid in the interior.

See such a strange scene,

The first idea of ​​the youth is neither afraid nor curious ... but an extremely important thought that emerges in the subconsciousness: to him:

"my paper!"

The last memory of his brain was revised the graduation thesis in the laboratory all night.

at the same time,

The end of this memory is also accompanied by strong angina pectoris and consciousness,

Thinking of this, young people realize the problem.

"Did I die suddenly?"

Raise your hands in detail,

There are a lot of wear marks between the yellow palms, and there are many calluses at the fingers. The nail cover is full of dirt similar to dirt.

The youth recognized at a glance that this was by no means an old man who accompanied him for decades.

"I ... I'm crossing?"

The youth is Yi Chen, a graduate student of a bitter chemistry engineering.

He likes to watch various novels and play games on weekdays, and he thinks of a keyword- [crossing] as soon as possible.

When you come to this conclusion,

No anxiety, no panic,

Instead, it shows an extremely relieved expression, and even the whole body is relaxed ... Because there is no need to write a dissertation, you don't have to worry about the feeling of reviewing and subsequent defense.

He came out of the orphanage, and after twenty -four years of single dog life, he did not have much nostalgia for the original world.


This relaxation does not last long,

The smell floating in the air makes the nerves tighten again.

"You have to figure out the situation in front of you as soon as possible ..."

Yi Chen shook his head and got up and looked up at this wooden house that was not more than 40 square meters.

On the left side of the desk,

Place a single wooden bed tightly attached to the side wall.

The bed foot can see obvious mildew prints, which has a lot to do with the humidity between the wooden room.


There is no window design in the entire wooden house.

The only thing related to the outside world is only a thick gray iron door, which is embedded in the door frame.

Old gray pigments, extremely rough and convex touch, I am afraid that it has been brushed up for four or fifty years.

The key of the iron gate is hanging on Yi Chen's trouser belt.

On the wall on the side of the door, there is also a dating machine phone.

In Yi Chen's memory, this kind of telephone was only seen in an orphanage ... in the era of subsequent smart machines, it was completely eliminated.

The phone line wrapped in the rubber skin extends upwards, drilling out the roof and connecting the outside world.

In addition, it is worth mentioning,

There is no light source in the entire wooden house. The only light -emitting device is hand -type kerosene lamps on the wooden table.

Such a humble and sealed wooden house design, plus the rotten atmosphere of the air, made Yi Chen think of a unlucky thing- [coffin].

It's like being sealed in a coffin in a wooden house.

Back to the wooden table,

Because there is no mobile phone or mirror, you cannot examine your appearance,

Probably reached out and touched the face. In addition to the somewhat unclean, the overall facial features felt pretty good, and it seemed to be more handsome than the original self.

From the perspective of the roughness of the skin, the age should not exceed 30 years.

Next is the exploration of detail information,

Back to the original wooden table, watching the [letter] left above.

"English? Is this abroad?"

Yi Chen took out the level of studying papers on weekdays and browsed quickly,

The first line of the first sentence is written with disturbing words- [DIE]

With the deepening of reading, the words on the letter climbed into the body like a maggot, making him uncomfortable.

I'm going to die, and I will definitely die.

But at least, I still have the right to choose the way of death.

Think about it carefully that there is nothing worthy of nostalgia in this world. The only thing that sorry is Dean Fran. The first job from the orphanage was messed up by me.

I am always not careful, and I also make mistakes in the orphanage.

Article 3 in the manual ... Obviously every day, it is still wrong.

There is nothing to say. I just hope that the person who sees this letter can forgive my cowardice and incompetence. I really dare not face the [result] caused by the mistake.

If you can, please burn my body.

Never bury me here! Bleak


Yi Chen grabbed the water cup at the corner of the wooden table and smelled the liquid smell remaining in it.

It has been able to fully determine the basic situation of the original owner of the body.

"This guy's childhood was spent between the orphanage? Due to similar experiences, similar appearances and body shapes, and the overlap of death, did you just make me cross him?

Knowing that you will die, so choose to commit suicide?

Just because you do not do a matter of doing things in accordance with a rules, you need to pay the price of death? What is this ghost place? "

In -depth analysis made Yi Chen smell the uneasiness and crisis permeated in the air,

At the same time, I also think about my own 'predicament'.

"Since I crossed it, [Bad Stall] naturally needed me to deal with it ... This guy didn't know that more useful information was written between the testament.

After making mistakes, what danger will there be?

Will a killer of an organization be removed? Or is there any weird thing to come to the door? "

Thinking of this, Yi Chen looked around again.

Even if the whole wooden house was sealed like a coffin, there was still no sense of security.

"Calm down ~ I have died once, nothing to be afraid.

First look for the [Handbook] mentioned in the testament, see what the guy committed and what he did. "

Open the drawer of the wooden table,

A map of sheepskin paper and a special manual for black fur packaging are placed in it.

According to the map,

Here is a [Cemetery] [Cemetery]

The wooden house is in the middle,

Around the clockwise ring around the cemetery No. 1-6,

In addition, on the corner of the map, a strange No. 7 cemetery is also set up, which is completely separated and you need to pass through a hundred -meter trail to arrive.

"This is the cemetery? Is this guy's identity a tomb? No wonder there is a faint decaying smell in the wooden house."

Yi Chen turned and picked up a manual with important information.

[Employee manual (Iston Town-Cemetery)]

The first page records the arrangement of working hours in detail,

The tomb guards need to inspect the corresponding serial number during the fixed period. Example:

The inspection time of the 1st cemetery is 7: 00-9: 30.

The inspection time of the cemetery No. 2 is 1: 00-3: 00.

and many more

in addition,

The graveyard No. 7 does not have inspections and does not need to be inspected. It belongs to a special area.

The timetable is barely normal.

When Yi Chen turned to the second page of the manual, his expression immediately became dignified.

When it comes up, it is a bright red font marked with a star number.

*Please read each of the following cemetery rules carefully and keep it in your heart. Any one that fails to do or make mistakes will cause disasters, and you will pay the price beyond death. *

Ⅰ. [Strictly inspect each cemetery in accordance with the timetable, the time error of the beginning and end of the termination must be less than one minute]

Ⅱ. [When inspecting the 2nd cemetery, you need to ensure that the Crossstand's tombstone is not standing upside down, or items similar to goat skull are hung.

If the above situation occurs, the tombstone must be restored and clearing the debris within the inspection time. 】

Ⅲ. [When inspecting the cemetery No. 4, the number and order of the tombstone must be consistent with the original.

If the number and order abnormality occurs, the extra grave must be removed during the inspection, or the sequence of the tombstone that reverses and misplaced it must be re -sorted. 】

*For the convenience of memory, the manual records records the original thumbnail of the cemetery.

墓. [Before the inspection mission of the 5th cemetery, be sure to ensure that there is no sound inside.

Once you hear any form of strange sounds, the inspection time needs to be delayed for an hour. If there is still a voice out one hour later, the information needs to be reported to the manager. 】

. [If there is a newly sent body at the gate of the cemetery, you need to check the corpse car carefully to ensure that the correct ‘tissue logo’ is printed on the bottom.

If the mark is correct, it is necessary to transport the number of numbers on the surface of the corpse to the entrance of the corresponding cemetery, and the corpse will be buried.

If no logo is found or wrong, please send the corpse car and the corpse on the day of the day to the graveyard. 】

*Organizational logos are discreated in the appendix.

地. [The rest of the cemetery only needs to conduct basic inspections to ensure that the grave is not damaged and there is no foreign body activity. 】

时. [Non -inspecting period, stay in the safe house as much as possible to reduce the possibility of accidents. 】

错. [If there is an error in work, the advent of disasters, and the organization is willing to give a chance to survive.

Pry open the floor under the bed, take defense props, deal with and solve the problem. 】

   (end of this chapter)

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