The Last Gentleman

Chapter 2: cemetery

Chapter 2

When Yi Chen reads a article [rules],

It is roughly determined that the place where you wear more and more comes is mixed with the 'weird' factor that the original world does not have.

at the same time,

The unknown crisis is constantly approaching

But he still has a line of vitality,

According to the reminder of the last rules, Yi Chen leaned over to the wooden bed.

Show off the dark grid of the mobile floor, and grab a moderate weight of a heavy weight between the groove.

"Is this the so -called defense prop?"

The ax made of mountain walnuts, the surface of which is outlined with the line that increases friction,

Light, tough and not easy to get off,

The carbon steel forged ax can not find any flaws,

I have experienced a special blade process, extremely sharp, and silver plating on the ax blade.

Light, hard and very destructive,

Om ~ When trying to chop, a slight breeze in the air.

This excellent hand ax brings an inexplicable sense of security, making the tense mood slightly soothing.

"Good body defense weapon ..."

After some simple warm -up, I returned to the desk again.

"According to the records of the testament, the root cause of this guy's mistakes is rules [Article 3],

That is, when inspecting the graveyard No. 4, the number and order of the tombstone were not found. "

Yi Chen bites his nails,

Now he is facing an important choice,

In the end, stay in the wooden house and wait for the danger to take the initiative,

I still go to the cemetery alone to face the danger and break the dilemma.

"Take the initiative ... According to the rules, perhaps only to restore the No. 4 cemetery to completely eradicate the crisis. It is not moved to stay in the wooden room. It is probably just waiting for death."

Yi Chen tried to treat the situation in front of him as a test after crossing.


A series of preparations must be made before departure.


Use the smart brain to make the cemetery map, as well as the planning map of the 4th cemetery, as well as organizational marks in the appendix, and the organization's marks.

in addition,

Put on a work clothes stacked at the end of the bed,

This is a dark gray coat between the raincoat and the windbreaker. The loose hood can cover half of the face and hides the face in the dark.

"This dress is too fit ... I have never worn such a comfortable coat, is it tailor -made?"

Not only did the coat not bring any action restrictions, but the body movement became smoother.

He also found a metal brand card on his left chest, printed on it with the name of the original owner of the body- [William Berranus].

Everything is ready,

In front of the iron door, try to use the phone on the side wall.


There is only harsh inside the handset, and the telephone line seems damaged and cannot be contacted to the outside world.

"The probability is the reason for violations. The" manager "above has been disconnected from the connection with here ... Let's go."

Click ~

When the door axis rotated, it was like a twilight old man made a warning sound from the depths of his hoarse throat.

Yi Chen stood at the door and was alert to the danger of possible arrival,

Passing in seconds,

Only the disgusting smell of the rotten meat and the soil,

The moon tonight is completely blocked, and the only light is only the kerosene lamp in my hand.

"It seems that [danger] has not been asked yet, this is a good thing ... start to explore."

Silver light overflowing on the right hand, hanging on the side of the thigh,

The kerosene lamp raised from the left hand level to the chest,

Yi Chen in a deep gray coat has been completely substituted into the "tomb guard" and opened the first exploration of the cemetery.


The same as the map depicted,

The wooden house, known as [Safe House] is located in the center of the cemetery,

Cemetery 1 ~ 6 surrounds the surroundings,

The hollow iron bar, about three meters high separates the graveyard of different serial numbers and does not disturb each other.

A little trail of the tomb is allowed to pass a maximum of one corpse car,

The distorted branches of random growth meet at the top of the head, cover the night sky, and shrouded the entire cemetery ... If the previous wooden house was like a small coffin, then this cemetery is a large coffin.

Yi Chen was panicked by such an environment,

Even a pale feet behind him followed him behind him, and various branches turned into one arm to touch his shoulders.

Called ...

Take a deep breath.

When he was a child, he heard that the orphanage said that he should not turn back when he passed by some gloomy places at night, otherwise it is likely to lead dirty things upper body.

Therefore, the front end is directly looking at the front end, and the head moves up to 45 °.

Follow the map route in the memory room and soon come to the iron gate in the Cemetery 4.


An idea emerged between the head.

"I moved between the cemetery for several minutes ... Although I was embarrassed and suppressed, at least I didn't encounter danger and I didn't see any dirt.

The danger of existence between the 4th cemetery can force a person to commit suicide, which is by no means easy to solve.

I'm afraid I need to run away and fight guerrilla warfare.

It is better to walk the entire cemetery first, familiarize the area and position of the escape, hiding, and hiding ~ uh! Just do that. "

Temporaryly left in front of the graveyard 4th,

Yi Chen started to visit the entire cemetery in the clockwise direction,

The flow of time prompted him to gradually adapt to the atmosphere between the cemetery,

In addition, some interesting and settings between the cemetery have been discovered in the cemetery.

The cemetery with different serial numbers has different nature.

For example, the cemetery is unified as a stone arched tombstone, with clean steps and stone bonus aisles, giving a clean and comfortable feeling.

The 2nd cemetery next door uses oak cross -type tombstones. It is crooked east and west, weeds are clustered ... the overall is extremely gloomy, and even the temperature is 10 ° C.

There is no danger all the way all the way,

According to the order, come to the last 6 cemetery.

The soil here is extremely humid,

Each step is like stepping into the mud pits, and the soles will be trapped at least two cm.

The tombstones here are piled up by stones, and no life information about the deceased is not recorded.

"Hmm ... that?"

The more keen observation ability, let Yi Chen notice a detail,

Cemetery 6 is close to the corner position,

The tombstone piled up in stones is scattered, as if it was destroyed by something.

He took the ax forward to check, walked around the grave for two laps, and did not find any abnormalities.

Perhaps it is completely substitute for the current occupation,

Perhaps due to respect for the deceased,

In the case of confirming that there was no danger, Yi Chen squatted down and re -built the scattered stones to restore the tombstone.

Before leaving, he consciously closed his hands and bowed lightly.


He hasn't taken two steps yet.

A weird voice came from behind.


This sound is weird, like a sound made by a multiplayer's throat, ups and downs, and directly into the dirty.

Yi Chen turned behind him as soon as possible, and at the same time blocked the ax in front of him.


The cemetery behind him was calm and there was no change.

"The nerves are too nervous, is it an illusion? No ... I did hear it.

There are indeed supernatural things here ~ However, the gratitude just now sounds like no hostility.

Try not to cause trouble, first solve the most critical issues now. "

Yi Chen quickly withdrew from the No. 6 cemetery of the mud.

So far,

Except for the establishment of the edge separately, it is used to store and deal with the unknown corpse cemetery,

He has touched the general situation of the cemetery,

There is also the best route of escape and detour between the heads.

Next, you need to face the [Cemetery No. 4].

Shortly after Yi Chen left,

Cemetery No. 6,

The grave piles that were repaired just now, the soil signs of loose soil,

A mouth that chewed the coffin covered with dandruff and covered with a humid soil came out.

There seems to be a eyes in my mouth,

As if he could watch the young man who was "helpful" through layers of fences and plants.

Thank you for your support. The new book is the same as before, and it is updated at about two times, 17:00 and 22:00 (Sunday, one more). This content is pure original, and the difficulty of writing is higher. I hope everyone can tolerate it. When it is time, it will still explode.



   (end of this chapter)

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