The Last Gentleman

Chapter 3: Beyond the existence of cognition

Chapter 3 Beyond the Existence of Cognition


The standard Arabic numerals are carved on the stone arches.

The iron bar with a spike at the top of the hollow and printing was slowly pushed away.

The door is equipped with a wooden cart, iron shovel, hemp rope, and sacks, which are used for repair, changes or tingling in the cemetery.

Yi Chen put the ax and kerosene lamps together on the cart,

Huh ~ take a deep breath,

Promote the wooden car,

When the rolling wheel of the cart was pressed into the soil of the cemetery, the danger of expected was not hits.

Yi Chen also looked around while set foot in the Cemetery 4,

Rough look,

Nothing finds any 'monster' wandering here,

There is no weird feature,

Compared with other cemeteries, the feeling here is 'satisfactory',

Appropriate temperature and humidity,

It is hard and not much of weed soil,

The proportion of open space, grave and vegetation is just right.


There are two special places worth noting.

1. The vegetation here, especially the trees distributed on the edge, gives people a withered, may be broken at any time ... The leaves are also shedd off, unlike other cemetery.

2. The number of graves here is more than sixty, more than other cemetery.

And the style of the tombstone is not 'unified', and all kinds of tombstones exist.

Stone, wood and even metal,

Rectangular, arched, cross -shaped,

It is as messy like a funeral area,

Yi Chen pushed the wooden board to move between the cemetery,

Observing every area passing by carefully, and further confirming that there is no 'foreign body' existence, the tight heart strings are slightly relaxed.

Immediately afterwards,

The ‘original distribution map’ is transferred from the brain, compared with the cemetery in front of you, and try to find the difference and order in order.

After all, it is an engineering background,

It is still very good for this 'finding differences', and soon get the answer, a answer that makes Yi Chen shudder.

[One more grave]

The extra grave of this mouth is deeper,

Cross -type metal tombstone inserted on the ground,

The height of the raised grave is consistent with the surroundings,

Looking at the extra grave of this mouth, Yi Chen thought:

"According to the rules, the extra graves need to be completely flattened.

If there is a corpse inside,

According to the rules, it should be feasible to transfer No. 7 cemetery to the unknown corpse.

But ... things must not be so simple, otherwise the original owner of this body will not choose to commit suicide, and you must act carefully. 』

After confirming that there is no strangeness around, it is officially opened.

There is no metal cross,

In his opinion, this symbolic cross can play a role in suppressing evil things.

Pick up the iron shovel on the cart, the pile of the bulging soil ... 嚓!

When he was in an orphanage during his lifetime, he often helped to do a lot of farm work in the backyard. The use of iron shovel was quite good.


Until a loud metal impact came,

Under the light of the kerosene lamp, some coffin covers were revealed.

"Metal coffin?"

Remove the soil of the surface,

The dark hexagonal coffin covered the coffin with strictly seams without showing signs of opening the coffin.

Now that the problem has been settled, the determination to clean up the mess,

In the face of the metal coffin in front of him, Yi Chen immediately found an effective fulcrum.

Try to knock,


The sound of the coffin was pried open, like a spike, and instantly pierced the silent curtain between the cemetery.

The fire released by the kerosene lamp can't wait to squeeze into it, showing the specific situation in the coffin.

"This is…"

A naked adult male body,

His skin is completely green, and the rotten blood vessels form a marble pattern, spreading all over the corpse ... at the same time, it is also covered with a large amount of moss plants.

The beads between the eye holes have no longer existed, and it is replaced by a fungal group.

These slightly creep umbrellas are like insects.

"Moss, fungi?

How can these things grow in this completely sealed metal coffin? "

At the same time,

Yi Chen noticed an extra details.

The corpse is flat between the palms on both sides,

Nails fall off,

The surface of the nails has grown a slender root beard to extend the bottom of the coffin.

Gives a feeling of ‘sticking to’ coffins.

A sense of weirdness that cannot be said in the heart of Yi Chen, even stimulating the generation of fear, and abandoning the idea of ​​"transsing the corpse",

He grabbed the kerosene lamp and tried to throw it into it,

Give this weird body a 'live cremation',

The idea has been done, and the right hand also makes a downward action ...


At the moment of the moment the kerosene lamp is about to get off,

The picture led by the lighthouse flashed between the brains,

The intuition from the brain told Yi Chen that the only light source of the cemetery must not be destroyed.

Yi Chen, born in the engineering department, values ​​and understands the meaning of the so -called intuition.


It is the result of the brain under certain opportunities, to quickly collect environmental factors, integrate all memory data, including subconscious data, and comprehensive analysis.

Because self -awareness cannot keep up with this process, it feels like an instant feeling.

Some people are not serious,

However, it is often a correct and effective analysis result.

Such intuition left the kerosene lamp in his hand and did not throw it out.

"The only light source ... I can't determine what the real" danger "is.

If there is a problem with the entire cemetery, once I lose the light source, it may be swallowed by the darkness here.

Let's follow the original thoughts. "

Yi Chen patted his cheeks with his hands to improve concentration.

Restart the iron shovel,

Stretching the coffin wall into it,

Try to pry the corpse and change to [sitting] ... In this way, it is convenient for the whole corpse to move out.


More weird things appeared,

It was extremely difficult to leverage the process.

Through the gaps that pry up,

Yi Chen saw a weird picture that made him unforgettable all his life ...

The back of the corpse grows differently and densely.

These roots have already penetrated the bottom of the coffin and tied into the depths.


Suck, suck,


Nutrition from underground.

The scenes of these people immediately made Yi Chen associate with the withered and dying trees between the graveyards of the 4th cemetery.

"This guy is drawing the" vitality "of the cemetery!"

Just at the same time,

There was a ripe warning sound from the periphery of the cemetery,

§Be careful§

This sound is exactly the same as the gratitude heard in the Cemetery of the 6th and has a high degree of recognition.

Due to the high degree of concentration of spirit,

The sudden warning sound prompted Yi Chen to roll backwards, pulling about one meter more than one meter distance.

In his just standing, a rotten rattan appeared on the ground ... If he couldn't roll away, I am afraid that he had been entangled with his feet and dragged into the coffin.

Immediately afterwards,

Gagaa ~

Under the support of the root bears,

The corpse between the coffin stood up,

The roots that were tied underground were pulled out, and the length was between 30cm ~ 100cm, swaying between the back.

The bacteria umbrella in the corpse's orbit gathers together, combined into the shape of the eye -like eyes,

Looking directly at Yi Chen's eyes.

Between the viewing,

Yi Chen immediately understood why the owner of this body- [William Berranus] did not want to fight hard, but committed suicide.

The pain of drinking poisons is really comfortable to eat more than being killed by monsters and even absorbing the nutrition in the body. It is indeed too comfortable.

≯ It is impossible to hit 打

If it is just a zombie in the science fiction film, Yi Chen thinks that he can just be positive.

But the living corpse in front of you,

Already far exceeds his cognition,

Faced with such an unknown individual, if you come forward recklessly ... the next second may be killed instantly.


Without any hesitation,

The coal lamp hangs on the skin buckle around the waist, and run away when pulling the leg.

Between your mind also conceived the best circuitous route.

"It must take time to make a roundabout and observation, and figure out some of its characteristics ... not in a hurry! Calm down and keep normal breathing frequency! 』

When it is about to slip out of the graveyard,


With no signs,

About three meters high, the iron bar door suddenly closed, and

Yi Chen in the sprint state, kicking the iron door with one foot ... Dang!

The closed door lines remained motionless and completely sealed it inside.

Watching the iron chain that I don't know when the door is wrapped,

Yi Chen couldn't help but burst into a national essence.

The work has been signed, and the sacrifice is required, the sacrifice, the sacrifice ~

Thanks to Shuyou [Novels and Whatever I like the most (CS)] Dedication



   (end of this chapter)

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