The Last Gentleman

Chapter 117: No weakness

Chapter 117 There is no weakness

Yi Chen guessed that the probability of Jin would not come true in advance,

However, she did not expect that she would directly replace the [head] option to [arm].

Although the pain of the arms is completely disappointed, it can even use pain to stimulate the flesh and warm up quickly.

However, this left arm was interrupted by the village chief not long ago. Shortly after picking up, he was removed by Jin ... Yi Chen always felt a little pitiful.

Eyes moved to the middle of the cave, with long umbilical cord wings, flying in the holy tire in the air.

Ancient texts woven by maggots were slowly emerged between the retina.

[Disordered Holy Tire-Marcos (open source, blocked, has spy on some old knowledge)]

"Although it is blocked, this guy still has a short period of connection with the ancient things, and it will inevitably get something. And drawing so many teachers' blood, its strength will inevitably be over the severe disease.

Little grape ... Can you? 』

Just when Yi Chen asked tentatively, the little grape guessed what he wanted to do.

"Ben grapes said, last time Mr. Li was the only and special situation, I would never provide combat assistance. 』

"All right. 』

Yi Chen could only seal the fracture of the left arm with plants, and she was ready to do with one hand.

At this moment, there was a burst of flesh beside him.

The left arm holding in the golden hand has been transformed into the shape of a growth knife.

1. The handle has not been modified too much, and it is still the left palm of the hand, holding her handshake.

2. The knife body is compressed by bone and flesh, which is made with nerve embedded, which is sharp and suitable for bleeding.

When the handle of the palm structure is tight, the knife body will also shrink and accumulate, suitable for explosive cutting.

"Your physical body is really different. I still have seen this" closing feeling "for the first time ... each of your muscles and bones seems to be crushed and reconstructed with high intensity. Pork down.

Forget it ~ This is enough. "

Gold stared at the target in front of the eyes, and the saliva kept exuding from the corner of the mouth.

"I have never met such an interesting opponent, William we are going to go, so don't force ourselves."


at this time,

Malcos floating in the air vomited for a while.

Spit out the skulls that cannot be digested for some reason, a big nine small, and sticking to each other with new meat.

Large skull comes from the mother of the newborn, while the remaining nine small skulls are the elimination of the holy tires that have not survived in the "raising" and stick to each other to form a "cranium ball"

As the cranium fell on the ground, each skull made a faint cry.

At this time,

The umbilical cord wrapped around the arm suddenly shot and connected with the cranium to form the whole.

In the next second, Malcos's eyes turned to the two, throwing the right arm!

Through the extension of the umbilical cord, they were involved in the two people who smashed the cranium to ten meters away.

  Boom! A loud noise,

A large number of concave pits were smashed on the ground, and the horror faces were even imprinted between the pit.

Although Yi Chen and Jin flickered away for the first time, they noticed that the cranium ball was quite weird ... When the sphere approached, his body was a little unprepared, and the skin surface layer would produce some resonance wave patterns.

"Gold! Dodge as much as possible, don't go to the front!"

When Yi Chen gives reminders,

The gold that flashed out of the side had already fell to the ground, and a air ripple was stepped out of the ground on the ground.

Yi Chen immediately follows the rhythm of gold,

However, he chose to bypass the larger outer circle, trying to reduce his sense of existence, and clip the holy tire from the other side.


The Holy Tire made a strange bark, pulled the right arm, and the cranium ball was immediately retracted.

His eyes locked the gold that rushed over, ready to smash her brain.

The two are about to be close, and the cranium in the hands of the holy tire is about to be smashed.

A very delicate chain explosion occurred between Jin's ankle.

The power of this explosion does not hurt the bone, giving a spiral driving force, driving the ankle and footing to quickly reverse.


The cranium smashed, still just smashing a potholes.

The original gold in front of it actually came to the left side of the holy tire instantly.

Such a fast and superb skill, looking at Zion, can only be done among their peers.

And, and

The arm knife in the golden hand has been wrapped in a red silk thread, and the weird fresh red lotus is outlined on the surface of the knife! Gives a feeling that may explode at any time.

Why do you have to remove Yi Chen's arm because Jin needs a high -quality flesh and can bear the flesh of [Red Lotus].

Yi Chen has been specially trained like this, and the body that perfectly inherits Zede's mantle is obviously the best choice.

"Wow! William, your body is really great! I can bear such a high red lotus content! Let me try the power of chopping."

There is no sloppy mud.

At the moment of Jin Sheng's body, the force generated by reversing was borrowed.

Twist your waist and turn your back, double hold!


A burst of flesh was cut into the sound of rapid cutting, without any hindrance.

The flesh of the holy tire is divided into two,

Not only that, the flesh -cut body part of the blade dyed the silk thread symbolizing the red lotus.

A red silk thread drill into the body along the incision, growing different specifications of red lotus flowers on the surface of bones, organs, and even some blood vessels.

Back to the knife.

Jin retrieved the blade with a very elegant action ... Boom!

The strong red explosion accompanied by the miniature mushroom cloud,

Because Jin did not provide the protection of gentleman clothing, she was also blown out.

These powerful explosions are enough to shake the steel stone heart in the village chief.

[Holy Tire-Marcos] Naturally, the largest piece of meat does not even exceed the size of the finger.


At the moment of landing, these meat residue aggregated at a certain position at the fastest speed.

Such aggregation is naturally noticed by gold, and can't help but amazed:

"What is terrible regeneration?"

Spit off the blood in my mouth,

Kim pushed the force through the feet and rushed forward again! Prepare the twice of the flesh in the aggregate [explosion] to fry these minced meat more thoroughly.

Just as she was approaching, the skull structure of the Holy Tire had been completed.

WAH! !

The crying crying sounds came from the mouth,

The closest gold is the closest gold, and the bleeding is instantly bleeding and the body is rigid!

Although he returned to God in a second, the upper body of the holy tire had been converged, and a hammer hit the abdomen of Jin.


After the back of the waist and abdomen was hit by the cranium ball, the flesh and blood blurred and branded on the face.

The huge impact carried her into the edge wall and smashed out the potholes of half a meter deep.


A large mouthful of blood sprayed from the pig's head mask, and the corners of his mouth twitched. "It's terrible. It is indeed a sick person who has felt the old illness! I have to add some oil."

Jin Zhang opened his right hand and stuffed a ball of minced meat into his mouth, swallowing without chewing.

Professional characteristics "physical affection (passive

The flesh -and -blood abdomen grows new meat instantly, and even the internal organs are quickly repaired.

"Wow! This effect is several times more than the" compressed meat diced "I refined. I want to determine your body! "

King had just swallowed it, the sanctuary shattered meat splashed on her. Although the number was not large, it was collected by Jin intentionally ... I did not expect the effect to be so good.

No stay,

Gold climbed out of the depressed wall and continued to rush to the holy tire like a crazy dog.

in addition,

Yi Chen, who intends to approach the side, stopped because of the severe explosion.

Just like dealing with Mr. Li, Yi Chen once again observed it carefully as a "audience",

Observe the peristalsis and aggregation of each piece of meat, observe the regeneration process, and try to find the "pathogenic core".


Until the sanctuary re -aggregate,

Yi Chen had nothing to observe, and his face was tight: "How is it ... why is there no part of the part of" the core of the pathogen "? This guy did not reach open source. "

The sound of small grapes comes:

"The original open source process was interrupted by you, and it was the first time I saw this situation.

Such a sick person may not be judged with conventional concepts. Perhaps he did not have the core of pathogens from the beginning, and only killed him over and over again, exhausting his vitality until he could not aggregate.

Or take out special diseases above the "new disease" to try to suppress him. 』

"Ling Driving in the New Year's disease ..."

Yi Chen immediately thought of an answer.

   (end of this chapter)

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