The Last Gentleman

Chapter 118: Moonlight in Darkness

Chapter 118 The Moonlight in Darkness


Since the era of disease, endless diseases have spread in the world.

After the G & D tissue is completed, it has been collecting information about various diseases in the process of confrontation, and the types of diseases archived in Hippokrada Hospital-Disease Center are growing every year, which means that novelty diseases will emerge at any time.

Gentlemen need to classify these diseases, and understand the type of infection of patients in advance, which can effectively improve the efficiency of disease removal.

The disease corresponding to different types of diseases may have a great difference in threat.

Some rare and rare infections can even kill the gentlemen accidentally.

Such diseases are essentially better than ordinary diseases. If they are infected with ordinary diseases, they can even suppress and remove other diseases, and they are unique.


【Underground Ceremony Area】

When Yi Chen thought of this answer, Little Grape also thought that after all, the two had jointly borrowed 'Moonlight' to kill the indestructible village chief.

It is undeniable that the [Moonmatic disease] created by the accident of the Twilight Clinic is absolutely ranked in front of the disease category and belongs to extremely rare new diseases.

However, there is a problem.

To switch to the "full moon form" of the weapon, two hands need to be used, and Yi Chen's left hand is gone.

"Little grapes, do you understand me? 』

"I have already said before, there is no room for discussing this. And the assistance of the Twilight Clinic is just the structure of the palm ... you think of other ways. 』

"it is good. 』

Yi Chen is not forced. After all, small grapes have helped a lot in the incident, and it is enough to provide visual support.

One hand is enough!

Huh ~ the momentum precipitate, lower the body.

The rhythm is matched with the other end to force the life of the sanctuary.

en route,

Yi Chen pressed the "rat -shaped sculpture" at the bottom of the ax with the only left hand,

Take [mouth] as the second hand, the mouth of the tooth bite the upper end of the ax handle,

Turn your head up!

Kaka ~ The ax handle is dragged, metal friction and a certain spark splash.

Successfully switched the "full moon form" through the assistance of the mouth.

"The length of the ax handle is increased, and it is more difficult to wave alone ... Fortunately, when dealing with the village chief, the physical fitness increases, otherwise the next chop effect will be greatly reduced. 』

Yi Chen and Jin were almost on the left and right side of the holy tire at the same time.

The two also conducted instantaneous communication between their eyes

Hand ax and arm knife, beheaded the target from different angles.

But ... wow!

The wings of the Holy Tire Malcos, with the gently steps of the toes,

His body made an ultra -fast back shift, and even left a shadow in the original position, making the two attacks all empty.

This instant flash is very similar to the "instantaneous" used by the ankle just now.

Not only that,

When Malcov completed the instant flash, he waved his right arm ... The umbilical cord dragged a heavy skull ball and swept the two in front of him.

Gold relying on high maneuverability, then jump away,

Yi Chen was looking through the trend of attacks, flashing in advance, and avoiding it.

"Gold ... this guy was born in the world, and he is quickly adapted to the battle in front of you, and can even quickly learn the combat skills we use quickly.

The time for this battle cannot be long, otherwise this guy will become stronger and stronger. "

These words unexpectedly stimulated Jin's emotions.

"Want to keep up with my speed, want to learn my physical skills? Just rely on your failed product?"

In a moment,

The red lines appear in the body of Jin,

Cracking ~ You can hear a weak explosive sound from the gold body in a few meters,

She adjusted the effect of "explosion in the body" to 150%of the rated index. The so -called rated index refers to the degree of not harming her body.

The current 150%will quickly damage each area of ​​the body and not suitable for long -term operations.

Step out, slap!

The ground is directly stepped out of the foot of gravel.

The speed that burst out in an instant made Yi Chen a bit unclear.

During the running period, the joints of the whole body were slightly bleeding, so the red residual shadow was dragged.

Naturally, the holy fetus can not see the speed of the pig head woman in front of the eyes.

Just as he was ready to release "pain and sorrow", he issued a 'spiritual impact' inherited from the mother to prevent the approaching of gold.


The blade has been inserted into the mouth, and then stabbed from the back of the brain to interrupt.

Under the pig's head mask, a pair of congested eyes stared at the holy tire, and said in a very scornful tone: "Learn it quickly! Do you learn?"

After the words,

The wrist twisted, driving the knife to turn the body in the mouth of the holy tire for a week! Then pull down hard ... 下! Slim the flesh again and detonate.

The gold that was also fried and flew out, quickly landed and picked up the meat residue in the nearby area and put it into the mouth, chewed and swallowed.

This is the most powerful part of [Gold]. As long as the opponent is a flesh, she can continue to snowball and build an advantage.

"These meats are not as fresh as the beginning, and the effect is not so good ... Kill you more than ten or twenty times, should you be able to die?"

Gold did not come forward immediately this time,

"Body explosion" that exceeds the rated limit causes multi -organ and bone damage, and she needs to slowly slowly.


On the other side, although Yi Chen was shocked by the terrible strength of Jin Shi, he also acted as soon as possible.

Stepping on the ground on the ground, rushing to the regeneration point of the holy tire.

"With my [intelligence] and special brain, you should be able to carry this guy's" crying ", and you must not miss such an offensive opportunity. 』

When Yi Chen walks closer,

The holy tire has quickly aggregated the entire head and part of the upper body,


The cry of pain and sorrow was released from the mouth, and Yi Chen, who had pre -prepared, widened his eyes and activated his brain!

His hissing ~ Tengteng spills from the top of his head. Even if Qiqiao bleeds, Yi Chen's eyes still maintained a firm look.

The pace was only slightly slowed and did not stop.

Black leather shoes step into the effective attack range,

The month of the slaughter has already raised, and the head of the sanctuary is aimed at.


The holy tire actually spit out a umbilical cord from the mouth, quickly wrapped in Yi Chen's right arm.

Soft and powerful,

Moreover, this weird new umbilical cord actually tried to seize the control of the right arm after contacting the arm, quickly stick to the flesh and blood on the surface of the arm, and then bordered the nerves.

While stopping the attack, it also threatened Yi Chen.

The short stalemate state allows the holy tire to continue to regenerate, and the upper body is about to be completed. Seeing that the arm of the holy tire is formed, and it will penetrate Yi Chen's body.

At a critical moment, a voice sounded consciously.

"let go! 』

Yi Chen, who heard the sound, raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, seemed to fall into the danger intentionally, waiting for the sound of this moment.

Decisively pine the right hand with an ax.

When the month of the slaughter slipped in the hand, when the ground was about to fall,

  Shoo! A black shadow flashed, holding the ax in the air!

There is any reaction without waiting for the sanctuary,

Silver Mang is cut off!

The ax blade overflowing moonlight has cut off the head and upper body of the sanctuary,

And leaving a monthly mark that cannot be eliminated in his body, derived a large amount of moon -light mouse, bite the body and restrict regeneration.

On the other hand, Yi Chen,

The left arm that should have been missing reappears at this moment,

It was just that this arm did not fully belong to himself. The surface was covered with a black fluff with peristalsis with the wind, and his mouth was open between the arms, revealing the weird eyes.

   (end of this chapter)

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