The Last Gentleman

Chapter 133: 【Broken person】

Chapter 133 [Breakthrough]

The black wooden box is filled with a very high-density soft substance [Oak-Mucus],

The oak cultivation area collected inside Zion, through the means of artificial infection, allows oak infection to infect a controllable disease.

After infection, the oak trees are president out of the tumor tissue, which regularly flows out of the mucus with closed, plasticity and controlling. The initial mucus is light gray, with a transmittance of 30 ~ 40%.

Can make oak mucus with different uses by dilution or purification.

The packaging of diseased substances can effectively curb the spread of the diseased ingredients, and take into account the two effects of "storage" and "sealing".


In the concentrated and purified mucus, there is a special gun that is dominated by black and silver.

Because of its "gun -type gun" and "no butt" structure, Yi Chen mistakenly thought it was a pistol at first glance,

If you look closely, you find that it is a portable shotgun with a short barrel design.

The silver shell at the connection between the gun handle and the magazine is decorated with flying feathers and engraved with the oblique word of Mariano (Mariano).

The overall is a short and slightly heavy, portable but very lethal contradictory sense ... Especially the exaggerated barrel size, as if it can directly break the human body.

Most importantly, the atmosphere of activity diseased from the overall escape of the firearms.

Even Teacher Zide, who crawled on the table, smelled a slight danger, and even wanted to test the power of this gun in person.

Yi Chen immediately identified the origin of this gun, "This is!

"That's right ... the first gunman recognized by our family, also my father, Illifrele, Mariano, personally designed and manufactured, and named it [The-Body-Break].

After eliminating the awareness of the disease, the activity of the material itself is retained to the greatest extent. Therefore, it will emit a pathogenization atmosphere and needs to be encapsulated with oak mucus.

Considering William, you like it, even obsessed with the close -up of the patient,

Therefore, when I consider the type of firearm, I chose this closer -to -kill shotgun design. "

"Wait ..." Yi Chen interrupted Edmond's introduction, "Edmond, isn't the ownership of the disease give you completely? The use of the disease that matches you so much is much higher than me?

You can even choose to refine the disease into [disease crystals] to obtain the corresponding disease characteristics.

Or make a gun that is more suitable for you like this. "

Edmond shrugged, and he seemed to have no idea at all.

"I have received the corresponding" reward "in the task settlement, and the family's trouble is eliminated.

Without William you and Miss Jin's support and rescue, Dagbert's injury at the time had lost his combat power, and I was restrained by fully attributes.

Moreover, another team also has personnel injuries.

The final result may die in the factory or be forced to escape to give up the task.

Even if we are really lucky to fight all the means, it is impossible to achieve this degree of [alive]. In the end, it will probably be escaped by the target, causing the casualties in other small towns or cities nearby.

This thing belongs to you and gold,

And Ms. Jin has given up on ownership on the way back to the city ... Therefore, I have the same opinions with my father, creating such a portable shotgun that retains the activity of the diseased material as [Xie Li]. "

This made Yi Chen a bit unknown, and was embarrassed in the face of such a gift.

"I have never used it ... guns."

When he said this, the memory pictures locked by multiple safe locked by multiple safe have been slowly overflowed by the locks, and the brain was blackened and the corresponding picture was attached.

Rainy night,

Dark coating iron door,

Three security personnel who have been headshot and poured to the blood pool,

One of the corpses was not in the waist, but in the hands of the seven -year -old teenager at the door.

For the heavy, cold and limited pistols in the hand, the teenagers were easily killed by the three people although they were cracked during the shot.


"William, what are you doing? 』

A reminder from the consciousness of small grapes to pull him back from memory.

at this time,

He has already grabbed the short shotgun in his hand and even made a shot attitude.

Staying in the hands of Yi Chen, who retained the activity, seemed to acknowledge that the new owner did not take the iron element in the body or fired by himself at all.

Except for Teacher Zide, Edmund and others are away.

Some of the reasons for them are due to the danger of firearms, and the other part is derived from the death atmosphere emitted on Yi Chen.

"I ... I just remembered some previous things, sorry."

Seeing that the state returns to normal, Edmond leaned over again,

Looking at the standard posture of Yi Chen's gun and the controlled live firearms, Edmond said relieved: "My feeling is true, William, you really have the talent of firearms.

If you usually have time, you can come to my house to practice guns. "

"Okay, then I will accept it."

Now that he has mentioned this, Yi Chen has agreed.

In addition, the feeling of holding the handle is quite comfortable, and it even stimulated the body to secrete adrenaline, and couldn't wait to use it to kill the enemy.

"I still introduce you to the gun information and usage. After all, this is different from ordinary firearms.


The length of the gun is 419mm, the length of the barrel is 165mm, and the air gun weighs 4.01kg.

The total weight is variable. After absorbing the iron filling with a bomber, the total weight can reach up to 10.55kg.

It is not equipped with ammunition, but instead uses "corpse bomb".

Shooting contains metal targets,

You can obtain ammunition with metal objects with a gun body, and the rare metal transformed by iron or iron transformed from iron is the best.

The form of ammunition is divided into two types, corresponding to two different shooting modes:

1. BuckShot, each ammunition contains 10 projectiles, scattered shooting. The shooting range is the best effect within five meters, and the maximum range is 50m.

2. Rifled-Slug, a single spiral warhead, heavy and huge, single-point shooting. The effective range of effective range is also good at close range. The effective range is 250m, and the shooting range is the best effect within ten meters.

When the gun is gripped, the thumb is equipped with a "switch" to change the type of ammunition by pulling.

Considering William, you should use it most of the time, and the requirements for the degree of alignment are very low.

Therefore, during the production, the father transferred the [self -aiming characteristics] that the disease possessed into the damage increase.

The damage of this firearm is quite terrible, and it will increase incremental damage with the purity and scarcity of metal.

And it also has growth and developmentability. Real value and additional purposes require William. You explore it yourself.

If you want to retain the whole body of the patient, try not to use it. "


Teacher Zide on the side immediately came to interest after hearing the information about firearms and put forward an opinion:

"There are 21 minutes and 37 seconds left from the end.

How about the power of this gun on the spot? Map the body with the most powerful scattering mode, and make sure that all the projectiles are bombarded on me. Let's try it! "

Zide took off his shirt with excitement, and his fingers were strange to the abdominal area of ​​the muscle structure.

"it is good!"

Because of his long -term contact with Zade's flesh, Yi Chen was very clear about the teacher's thoughts, and he did want to try the power of the firearm.

   (end of this chapter)

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