The Last Gentleman

Chapter 134: Friends and friends

Chapter 134 Partner and Friends

Zide, also known as [Corpse Manufacturer].

The "Master Doctor" certified by the former Westmani, who received a doctorate degree in pathology at Hippokrada Hospital at the same time. In just five years, he became a special professor at Ovaros Tika College and the youngest professor of that year.

The strength, talent, and its unique understanding of the flesh have been regarded as one of the dawn of the future of human beings.

Unfortunately, the permissions of [Mean] in the process of deepening the gray domain have become more crazy about the weird personality.

After returning from the gray domain, although it has been treated and cultivated for a long time, psychological counseling has been received.

During the teaching process of returning to the college, he was often complained by new gentlemen until a certain time ...

Perhaps it is why Zide's own illness,

Maybe it ’s a newcomer and gentleman who rely on the family background.

Perhaps it is a sudden situation in class,

Perhaps the influence of the gray domain that remains in Zade's body still exists and cannot be dispersed.

In the end, the direct death of the 7 new men and gentlemen was seized after the organizational investigation.

Considering some suspicious points in the incident, as well as Zide's contribution to the organization and personal value,

The trial would decide to imprison his lifelong life in the teaching building, but given normal supply to all aspects such as experiments and life, as much as possible to meet the relevant needs of Zade as much as possible, and let him continue to study the patient's body under the condition of imprisonment.

at the same time,

Hogney Zide is also retained as a "special combat power" to cope with the crisis that will inevitably occur in the future.

Zade's reputation can be said to be unknown between the college and no one knows it.

The person in charge of the cafeteria also stayed outside the private room during the dining dining of Zide.

Once there is any excessive food requirements for Zide, who has a weird personality, he can also arrange it as soon as possible. If there is any violation, he will also report to the college's senior management according to the situation.

The person in charge looked at the watch time and relieved it.

"Huh ~ it seems that everything is good.

It is estimated that they are almost eating, and Zade's activity time is left [20 minutes].

If the time has not gone, there will be a professor -level gentleman who comes over to force him back.

Hope to do anything! "

The fat person just took out the chest to prepare to wipe the sweat from the forehead,


There was an exaggerated loud noise from the private room, scaring his whole body to shake for a while, and he couldn't care about the expensive chest scattered scattered on the ground, and immediately rushed in.

Inside the private room,

Zide was torn up in the middle of the dining table by a large area, and kept standing upright.

His lower body was impacted by a huge impact. After the rebound of the wall, he just hung on the top of the top.

Although the flesh was torn, there was no bleeding.

"what's the situation!"

The person in charge was shocked, and his big belly sac tried to overwhelm the gun directly to the ground.

Zide's upper body crawled quickly and scolded strictly: "Who made you come in?"

The person in charge was stunned by Zede, "This ... I'm just ..."

At this time, Yi Chen next to Yi Chen had put the firearms into the oak mucus, closed the box body, and quickly followed the explanation.


Teacher Zide and I were testing a new weapon just now. I didn't expect that the voice would be so loud, and I was embarrassed. "

Yi Chen deliberately looked at the watch and pretended to be surprised.

"Hmm!? It's so late. Teacher Zade has twenty minutes left from your outdoor activities. We have to go back quickly ... If you go out for the first time, you may be difficult to get the opportunity to leave school in the future."

"Ah ~ Then let's go quickly."

呯 ~ ~ ~ ~

The chandelier shakes for a while, and the lower body hangs on the top jumps back to the desktop.

Thesing ~ A burst of ancient atmosphere overflowed between the wounds, and the upper and lower body quickly merged as the beginning. At the same time, a grain of metal projectile was spit out from the mouth to Yi Chen.

The pupil is full of appreciation of this firearm.

Edmond and others also followed, and sent Teacher Zide back to the teaching building.

However, they are not qualified to go in the underground area where Zide is, and can only say goodbye in front of the teaching building.

I have said it in the cafeteria,

Edmond waved and turned to leave with his teammates.

As the three left, their "distance" of Yi Chen went further and further.

"Wait!" Yi Chen suddenly shouted,

"If Miss Yuliana doesn't mind, I can help provide recycled treatment on the school during the weekend. Although the effect is not obvious, she should be able to restore her former state for more than ten days in advance.

If there is any appropriate task in the future, you can call me at any time. "

Edmond had no oral response, but just raised his right hand to make a [OK] gesture, and slowly disappeared into the field of vision.

At this time, Zide kissed with a rare teacher:

"In this regard, Edmond is better than 伱.

We are not a peaceful world here, but a place where you accidentally die.

If there is a [gap] between people, this gap will continue to expand with the growth of individuals ... There is no need to consider the past, and there is no need to deliberately pull others.

This will not only reduce your growth rate,

It will also allow the other party to not get the deserved tempering and growth. "


"Then, this kid's family really has the ability. It can actually control such live body diseases and create such a perfect firearm ... it is very suitable for you regardless of weight, length, and attack mode.

It is also enough to show that Edmond knows enough about you, and it is indeed a good brother.

Occasionally, it is not impossible to help a gang, look at your choice.

In the future, our physical discussion will also bring this gun. It feels so cool by closer bombardment ~ You are indeed very talented with guns, and the momentum of shooting is not like a beginner.

Practicing this thing well will be your way to get rid of disease in the future. "

"it is good."

"It's not too late, let's start the physical discussion."


time flies.

Unconsciously, Yi Chen has come to Zion for a whole year.

Yi Chen did not relax during this time,

Reading, special training, and occasional tactics and practical training with Kim to go to guest Simani.

Two attributes of the main development [Physical PHYSIQUE] and [Intelligence Intellect] have not been improved.

However, it can obviously feel that intelligence has a trend to rise, and the physique has also changed subtle changes during the special training period. As long as the amount of accumulation is sufficient, it may be improved until the opportunity to go out for a mission.

In addition, the [Coordinated Motorics], which represents the neural reaction and body speed, has changed.

When a month ago, when he conducted a special training in guest Simani, Yi Chen suddenly hid the flying knife from behind at an incredible response speed.

When the dodge is completed, the coordination value is directly increased to [3].

This flying knife is like an opportunity to break through the barrier, using the accumulated reaction experience for a year as an improvement of coordinated attributes.

One year after becoming a gentleman, Yi Chen's basic attributes are as follows:

【Physical PHYSIQUE】: 4+

【Coordinating Motorics】: 3

【Intelligence Intellect】: 5+

【Induction psyche】: 3

【Lucky Luck】: 3

Although such data is not as good as gold, it has surpassed most of the new gentlemen.

Another important thing.

Ovarus College will conduct [test] for the newcomer gentleman who enrolled for one year,

Especially the gentlemen who choose to go through the simple task every month and try to mix the days.

If the test fails, although the college will not be fired directly, it will cut some permissions and put forward strict requirements for their next year's development. Once they cannot be achieved, they will be ordered to drop out.

Yi Chen's personal archives have obtained the exemption qualification due to the record of five -star difficulty.


Whether it is Professor Qian Bosen or the second instructor Zede, he asked him to go to participate.

Qian Bosen is very interesting to consider the assessment of the college. Yi Chen may be able to learn something from it, and may even be favored by the hospital, so as to obtain more resource conditions.

Zide is just wanting to show off the students who are tuned from the college.

After all, in his eyes, Yi Chen completely inherited his mantle at the physical level ... If Yi Chen's performance is good enough, maybe he can get school permits in advance.

Early morning,

Zide slapped Yi Chen while sleeping and jogging on the treadmill.

"hurry up!

I deliberately took two hours of going out. We had to arrive at the assessment site in advance to let the group of guys look at your ability and see how fierce students brought by Zide. "

With dark circles, Yi Chen, who was pale, said weakly:

"Ah ... yes, there is an assessment today. Yesterday, I did a special training too late. I completely forgot about it, and I was so sleepy ~"

   (end of this chapter)

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