The Last Gentleman

Chapter 23: Sensory improvement

Chapter 23

There is still two minutes left for the time limit,

There are four carriages in the gathering point of Zhenkou.

A large number of crazy towns chased here, a small part of them naturally noticed Yi Chen, who came by the lake by the lake, and turned to chase.

At this time,

One of the carriages of the carriage suddenly opened,

A strong arm of a stone pillar is exactly the previous cooperation, from the [Northern Big] Dagbert.

The blonde Edmond also sat aside and beckoned to Yi Chen.

"Isn't this William? Come on, we are just a person here."

This is a critical moment that is related to the end of the assessment, and naturally there is no need to refuse.

Quickly step forward,

When Yi Chen stretched out his hand and got in touch with Dagbert's palm ... a giant power beyond imagination came,

None of the jumping actions, the whole person had been pulled into the carriage.

Sitting on the side closed the door synchronously.

Since this carriage is full, the driver no longer waits.


The reins beat on the back of the horse and quickly left this town full of fishy smell.

Except for four of them in the compartment,

There are also two raw faces, both in injury ... One wrapped around the waist with a bandage, the one was cut off a large amount of flesh, and was spraying a potion at the wound.

In comparison, the Edmond team's injury is very small.

Dagbert’s left upper arm is entangled with a small circle of bandages,

Yulianna is resting on the carriage, and one hand falls on the right side of the waist and abdomen. It seems to have a little injury.

The blonde Edmond only stuck a piece of sticky bandage on his cheeks.

In contrast,

Yi Chen, who was unscathed, naturally became the attention of everyone.

Edmond asked his face and asked curiously:

"Mr. William, I'm a little curious ~

The three of us were almost killed along the town center, and there were two stays and observations along the way. We did not find your trace at all.

Is it from the lake? "


"How do you do this? The town riots are the most dangerous than the lake that breeds the pathogen ... basically no assessment will approach there at the last moment."

"It's just an accidental insight." The gap]. "

"Is that so?"

"In other words, how long does it take to go from here?"

Seeing that Yi Chen, who was talked about, asked for inquiry, Edmond quickly explained:

"Generally, it is not far from the organization where the assessment point is too far away ... This is conducive to monitoring the test sites and avoid accidents.

For up to three hours, we can reach the organization headquarters-Zion. "


Yi Chen no longer ask,

Taking this time to keep your eyes closed, restore the remaining trauma to stay at the spiritual level.

at the same time,

You can also pay attention to the state of small grapes.

With this lake at the bottom of this lake, although the small grapes have a certain selfishness, it can still be trusted as a whole.

Gagaa ~

Plant root must be active in the body, try to contact the small grapes that are breeding, and check its status.

When it is about to be close, the plant's root must be dispersed again.

"Forget it, don't disturb it ..."

Two -in pocket with both hands,

Rely on the carriage of the carriage, ready to sleep well,

But I found that there were something in my head, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't sleep,

As long as you close your eyes, you will think of the abyss laboratory and unknown existence.

Since I can't sleep,

The inertia thinking of engineering students starts to think about the root cause of the incident of Lvhu Town.

"The main envoy behind the scenes should be the unknown existence I saw by accident.

The giant eyes at the bottom of the lake are just a product he experimented.

Putting this eye with some parasitic samples and putting them together to Green Lake Town ... Rather than the diseased invasion of the town, it is better to use the town as [farm].

Once a high -quality patient is produced, it may be taken to the abyss.

It's terrible ...

What kind of thing is this world dominated by a group of things? 』

Recalling the epic music between the sea, and the golden framework that emerged from the unknown,

Yi Chen showed a smile and was eager to explore the secrets of this world.


About two hours later

Suddenly a strong bumpy feeling.

at the same time,

The carriage also gradually tilted up, obviously on the slope.

"Finally up the mountain? Oh ~ I can get it right away, I really look forward to it."

The blonde Edmund stretched his waist, and then he claimed to open the back door of the carriage. ... For such behaviors, the driver didn't say anything.

As long as you go up the mountain, there is no risk of disease.

At least this is the case.

The moment when the car door was completely open.

"Fuck! 』

The effects of the high disease sweeping the brain of Yi Chen instantly, and instinctively stared at his eyes ... Fortunately, he didn't sit in a position, otherwise he would be scared.


The carriage is driving up along the extremely steep edge mountain road.

The right side is the cliff, the visual height is more than two hundred meters,

The most terrible thing is,

The width of the mountain road is only less than ten centimeters more than the carriage,

The rolling wheels are almost at the edge of the road, and side slippery may occur at any time ... Instead of any ordinary per capita, it will feel instinctual fear, a fear of death.


The rest of the assessors did not have much expression change, and completely trusted the driver's technology.

When the carriage bypass a corner between the cliffs,

A distance between hundreds of meters apart,

Look at the top of the cliff,

There is a black city standing there.

The city was built on the mountain cliffs, and even 1/3 of the area extended outside the cliff.

There are thick fogs over the city, and some areas are even across the black film, which can effectively block the external peeping.

"This is [Zion]. 』

Do not know why,

When Yi Chen looked at the city, his body would produce a cold and comfortable sense, as if he found a safe shelter in the world full of sores.

at this time,

There was a turmoil in the body.

The skin on the shoulder of Yi Chen quickly bulged, and a black silk thread drilled through.

Tear the skin without a trace of pain,

Drilling the same black meat ball as the original,

The nerve connection between the two is also normal.

The sound of small grapes came from:

"Are you about to arrive in the organization? So fast. 』

"Little grapes, you are fine? I thought you had to spend a few days. 』

"It's just a beautiful meal, and it is enough for a few hours to digest ... I barely count as a good thing, bringing me a certain improvement.

Let you experience it too. 』

When the small grapes share the newly upgraded visual characteristics,

Yi Chen's field of view, between

There is an extra line of circular dotted line that symbolizes [locking].

As long as there is any living target in the field of vision,

This dotted coil will automatically fall on the other side,


Blonde Memon happened to be in Yi Chen’s field of vision,

The circle dotted line is like a self -aiming, and immediately circulates the head of the target.

After a second,

The dotted line gradually becomes a solid line, which means that the lock is completed.

The sound of small grapes comes,

"Okay, already locked the target! As long as you move the relevant thoughts, spiritual radiation will directly act. 』

"what! ? 』

Yi Chen quickly moved away from his vision and blinked at the same time.

[Lock] It is naturally lifted.

The blonde Edmond seemed to feel that Yi Chen was sneakying on himself, and he didn't care at all.

   (end of this chapter)

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