The Last Gentleman

Chapter 24: Enter the city

Chapter 24

After half an hour of climbing, the carriage finally left the road.

The wheels crushed the open avenue paved by stones, and this road will lead everyone to the city of Zion.

It is worth noting,

There are black lamp columns on both sides of the road, not kerosene lamps, but [electric lamp].

"Actually there are electric lights here? 』

Since coming to this world, Yi Chen has been curious about his age.

There is an old -fashioned telephone in the small wooden house between the cemetery, and it can only be contacted with the administrator. There are no other electrical appliances ... This allows Yi Chen to speculate that the world was not long after the second industrial revolution.

But as he left the cemetery,

I didn't see any electrical equipment in the outside world,

People use kerosene lamps and candles to get light.

Even the vehicles sent by the organization are carriages, not internal combustion engine -driven cars.

This makes Yi Chen even more puzzled,

At the road leading to Xiancheng, there will be a facilities related to [Electric], which makes him unable to figure out what is going on.

"Could it be said that due to the disease, some backward areas failed to keep up with development and stay in front of the industrial revolution? No, if you stay, the phone should not appear in the cemetery.

Is it a telephone that the manager belts from the tissue? 』

"Gray domain. 』

Suddenly the small grapes were inserted into Yi Chen's thinking and gave a keyword.

"How to say? 』

"According to the memory combined between my head,

The humans here have entered the [Electrical Age] for a period of time, replacing steam energy with extremely efficient and convenient electrical energy ... Unfortunately, under the influence of diseaseization, electrical energy has been 'division and restrictions' failed to achieve comprehensive development.

Because the gray domain is spread all over the world, it is spreading and breeding at all times.

Any substance in the gray domain will be affected, and even [electric] will not be exceptions.

When the wires pass through the gray domain, the current flowing in it will be affected and turns into a diseased medium.

The light bulb that is lightned by the current will affect the individual's skin through light radiation.

The influential telephone will also report strange noise and low words from the handset, which gradually affects people's thinking.

There will even be some vague and weird pictures between TVs, which spread through vision.


The development of electrical energy is completely curbed, and human technology has been forced to return to the era of steam.

However, in some relatively secure large cities, such as your upcoming arrival, there must be a power plant internally, maintaining the energy supply in the city, and maintaining the development of related technology.

That's how it is. 』

"Even the current will be affected by disease? What is the so -called [disease] and what is the origin? 』

"My memory is incomplete, I can't answer this question ... And even if it is placed between your human beings, I am afraid that no one can answer it. In the future, you should be able to know through exploration and knowledge. 』

Just when Yi Chen's doubts are increasing, and when you want to continue talking with the small grapes,

The carriage stops,

Edmond's voice came:

"Mr. William, don't fight anymore ~ ​​We have arrived in Xiancheng.

Next is an important assessment and evaluation and awards session, which is related to whether we can officially join the organization and follow -up corresponding treatment issues. "


Stepping off the carriage, I did not see the expected city gate,

Instead, two towering towers with dark and gothic spires stand in front of them, and the surface is outlined with vertical ribs.

There is a narrow, forced and dark channel between the tower,

This is also the only way to the city,

On both sides of the tower are the continuous black high walls, focusing on the spire and vertical structure.

There is a statue similar to the stone statue at the top of the wall, which adds a layer of gloom to the dark outer wall structure again.

Rather than the outer wall of the city, it is better to be a Gothic city wall with military characteristics.

"William, come soon!

We also have to pass this doorway for isolation, detection and purification to officially reach the inside of Xian City. "


A total of 19 people who were sent here

Everyone is relatively orderly, arranged into the narrow doorway between the tower,

The doorway uses cylindrical dome and arch rib frame, and the surface of the vertical column on both sides is equipped with classical decoration wall lamps.

Not far away.

A gentleman dressing, holding a elbow civilized stick, and a man wearing a white mask blocked the road.

The walls on both sides of his side each appeared in a dark road.

A mature and heavy sound came from the mask,

"I am very pleased that this difficult assessment can be approved by so many newcomers.

However, before you set foot in Zion, you must have a thorough physical disinfecting.

Men to the right,

Lady to the left,

After arriving in the [Elimination Room], take off your whole body in a short time.

If the disinfecting is complete, you still detect that there are diseaseized substances surpassed by indicators, or you have symptoms of infection, which will be cleaned directly. "

At the end of the men's team, Yi Chen arrived at a closed space.

Blonde Edmond was the first to get off.

When Yi Chen took off his clothes, he unexpectedly found that he was pretty good in William Berranus's body.

Although slightly thinner,

However, the four abdominal muscles are looming, and the body fat rate is also controlled in the normal range.

About half a minute passed,

The front and rear sides of the crowd, even the walls of the body and the walls above the head, extended a jet -type pipe.

A very pungent light yellow liquid sprayed out in high pressure,

Directly washed on the flesh of the crowd, and some of the seriously injured assessors were even sprayed a few times.

Yi Chen holds his body as much as possible.

"Is chlorine water? It seems to be mixed with something ..."

After the swing is over,

A weird peeping feeling quickly swept everyone's body, as if he was detecting something.

  Om! I only felt that the air had a slight tremor, and a young man sitting on the wall disappeared directly.

"Disappear directly? What is this method? 』

Yi Chen was quite surprised, but he maintained a state of concentration ... but he didn't see anything just now.

Everyone put on clothes one after another and returned to the doorway corridor.

After the disinfecting session, the number of people decreased to [17].

Everyone continued to follow the gentleman wearing a white mask and walked towards the exit of the doorway.

When crossing the doorway,

The glory of Chaoyang is instantly sprinkled on everyone,

At the same time, it presents a special city full of Gothic rejuvenation and surpassing conventional construction styles.

【Zion-Zion City】

Over -and -down, multi -layer structures, streets connected to arch bridges.

Various rugged winding, ups and downs of neighborhood trails,

And through special architectural methods, churches, guild buildings, or noble mansions in the air are set up in the air in the air in the air.

At some levels of architecture, the world of Yichen has been surpassed.

The gentleman who led the road buckled the high hat on the front chest and bowed slightly to everyone,

"Welcome to the headquarters of G & D, the refuge in the world-Zion.

I am your temporary leader, Jeff Pitson.

Please continue to follow me to [Shenpi official residence]. Depending on your performance in the assessment, you will get different levels of "Skin-OF-The-Gentry".

Please do not leave the team on the way to other places, otherwise it will be regarded as actively abandoning 'leather gift'. "

When hearing this special vocabulary,

The blonde Edmond, and most of the appraisers have exposed their desire, becoming excited ... It seems that the dangers experienced on the way are worth it.

Although Yi Chen has no expression,

But his heart gradually stirred up, and he wanted to know what kind of feedback he could get in his "gambling".

   (end of this chapter)

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