The Last Gentleman

Chapter 25: Shenpi official residence

Chapter 25

With the deepening of Xiancheng

Yi Chen more lamented the surprise design of this city,

The [Street District] that is currently in contact with it is divided into three floors of the upper, middle and lower floors.

Different floors are connected by the lift ladder, the edge staircase, and the corridor inside the house.

It should be noted that the area coming in the main entrance of the city wall corresponds to the upper neighborhood.

In other words, the middle and lower layers are embedded in the mountains.

in addition,

Because the neighborhood is divided into a three -story structure,

There are large ground seams and intervals on the upper and middle floors, which are connected with circular arch bridges.

Residents in the street are still dominated by Gothic style, towering and thin spires, clear vertical characteristics, vertical long windows, etc., dark and depressed.

Some buildings have obvious stacking characteristics, which run from the lower floor to the upper floor.

in addition,

The design of most streets is not reasonable,

Does not have convenient characteristics,

Even setting an iron door at some corners and closing places, giving people a kind of bending around, deliberately disappointed.


The entire street area does not have a clear main road, more like a multi -layer non -linear maze.

In the inconspicuous house building, occasionally a winding path will suddenly emerge, and maybe you can directly reach the other side of the street, which will save dozens of minutes than other paths.

Yi Chen observed the complex streets and gave relevant analysis.

"I guess two reasons for such street design.

1. This city is not a tourist area, only for the opening of the internal personnel of the organization.

No matter how complicated the street structure is, as long as the internal personnel are familiar enough, it is okay ~ even more convenient at some point.

2. If one day, the disease spreads to the whole world, and even touch Zion.

Crossing the city walls lead to infection in the street area, you can use such complex structures to be effectively and rapidly isolated. 』

in addition,

With the enhancement of the senses,

Yi Chen found that these people living in the streets are light, simple, elegant, and even full of strength between some details.

Their dressing is quite particular, and even every detail can withstand sophisticated.

"Humans who can live in Zion City must be the person who successfully passed the basic assessment ... even the most common residents may be much stronger than us. 』

Walk through the ups and downs streets,

Yi Chen also noticed many secret stores, without any OEM, but obviously doing what business is.

In addition, some street trails have been closed, and people with gentlemen dressing are responsible for guarding, the reason is unknown.

He also found,

Some gentlemen walking on the street are also like a relatively special [pet].

In addition to the normal pets such as parrots and cats,

There are also small things that can be labeled with monster labels, such as a 'dog' tied to an iron chain, a chrysanthemum -shaped in the mouth without other facial features, or a large spider with human legs and feet.

There is also a relatively mysterious pet shop between the streets. Although the door is closed, the strange screams can be heard.

It is no wonder that when Yi Chen met with the small grapes on his shoulders, everyone was not surprised when he met with other appraisers.

I want to come between the organization,

Gentlemen carry pets for assisting combat is very common.

【half an hour】

Everyone followed Mr. Jeff,

When walking on a stone arch bridge connected to the streets, the opposite side of the bridge also faced a weird individual.

Wearing the most iconic bird's mouth mask in medieval doctors,

The leather material used in the mask is very special, and it is also faintly visible to the flowing scar in the flow.

At the same time, the orbital and nasal components of the metal structure are also chimina.

Mysterious and noble.


On the basis of wearing a bird's mouth mask, the man was actually wearing a white coat symbolizing modern medicine.

Such an image naturally made Yi Chen think of a career- [doctor].

Mr. Jeff, who was introduced, immediately took off his hat and gentleman salute when he saw this person.

The accompanying appraisers also stopped and bowed.


The mysterious doctor suddenly stopped when he passed by beside everyone.

Milky head,

The metal orbit on the bird's mouth mask is staring at Yi Chen at the end of the team,

Breathing out of the breath flowing out of gloom, even a slightly sticky words:

"Death (Death) ... There is a thin but real death atmosphere flowing from you?" Where did you come from? "

Yi Chen stabilized and whispered: "I am from the cemetery in the small town of Iston, and I have been working on the cemetery before."

"Just work between the cemetery, so as not to let death flow in the body ... What is your name?"

"William Berranus."

After getting the name, the mysterious doctor stopped saying anything and turned away.

After this dialogue,

Including Mr. Jeff in the way, everyone turned to Yi Chen.

The blonde Edmond even put on his shoulder directly,

"Wow! Mr. William, you actually got the attention of [doctor] ... This situation is rare, it is really you."

The word of the doctor,

Let Yi Chen immediately associate the name of the organization name G & D. Doctors are one of the important constituents.

He did not continue to understand, try to ask:

"My life in the cemetery is basically isolated from the outside world. I don't know the meaning of the so -called [doctor]. Can you explain it?"

"Gentleman & Doctor (gentleman and doctor),

This is the simple explanation,

The gentleman refers to the spiritual cleanliness, eliminating the negative spirit caused by the disease, and the self -examination of self -examination to ensure the improvement and cleanliness of human nature.

Doctors refer to the cleanliness of the flesh and use the most intuitive means to use 'medical appliances' to remove the root causes of the disease throughout the world.


None of the gentlemen who can be awarded the "doctor's certificate" are the real strong men who cut off the root.

Of course, some people among them are proficient in treating diseases and treatments. As long as they are not completely dead, even if half of their feet have stepped into the underworld, they can fish back.

In short, it is very powerful.

Come on, with William your talent may be a doctor one day. "


"We are the same session, and we must take care of each other in the future."

After some chat, walk on foot.

The area of ​​[Zion City] is not too large, but it is not easy to truly detect every corner.

After about an hour and a half, walk,

Street buildings gradually become thinner,

The winding street trail gradually broadened and straightened, turning into a clear main road,

There are exaggerated "Stone Ghost Street Lanters" on both sides of the road-the sculpture of the stone statue ghost is about five meters high, and they are carrying a white coal oil lamp with white light in their hands.

The end of the main road ushered in a [Black Bridge],

Open, straight and long,

Different from the previous circular arch bridge, the specifications are not at the same level.

The bridge deck is also covered with a layer of fog.


The bridge is a "separation line" in the interval street area, and the other side may be connected to important areas of Zion.

Crossing nearly a kilometer black bridge,

The gate of the bridgehead has already opened,

A giant official residence of an ancient castle stands in it,

The large -scale rough stone used to build a wall gives a visual perception of the stone surface and the skin.

When Yi Chen stares at this leather official residence building,

Heart palpitations were born, and for a moment, he reminded him of the abyss of the fish scales he had visited ... there seemed to be some kind of hidden similarities.

Or it is an ancient feeling,

A kind of ultimate ancient is far beyond Yi Chen.

"Is this" Shenpi official residence "? "

The reason why the rhythm is slowing here is mainly to introduce the strange structure and architectural style of Xian Ancheng in detail so that everyone has a strong sense of entering the city ... This city introduction has spent a lot of time to learn (crying cavity)



   (end of this chapter)

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