The Last Gentleman

Chapter 325: end

  Chapter 325 Epilogue

   Central Park.

  Zed, who kept his body upright, suddenly disassembled his injured right leg, and took the bleeding soles in front of him to watch carefully.

   "The incision made by the scissors? It can hurt my essence, it should be an attack at the soul level... right~ this is interesting!"

  In an instant, a weird smiling face was torn from under the black eyepatch, exposing all the teeth and gums, and even Zed's calm and gloomy demeanor changed.

   became more manic and chaotic.

  When Yi Chen not far away observed this scene, he asked quickly:

   "Catherine! Did you inject the "smiling thought" into Mr. Zed's thinking through the attack just now? "

  Catherine, who was connected to the spring, quickly waved her hand:

   "Don't talk nonsense, if it's really that simple, do you need to die so many times? I didn't make such a crooked thought, it's just a change that happened to him."

   "Could it be!"

  Yi Chen instantly thought of a worst-case scenario - [out of control]

  Mr. Zed is not completely stable. Although the organization has allowed him to go out to a certain extent, he still needs to be imprisoned and restricted to the lower end of the academy most of the time.

  Currently, Zed seems to be a little out of control, suffering from the real damage given by Catherine, plus the negative effects brought by the nightmare environment all the time.

"Be careful!"

  After realizing that Zed might be out of control, Yi Chen did not stop at all, and decisively activated "dead makeup".

   With one hand across the face,

  A icy white base makeup covers the face, and a slight blush is formed at the same time.

  Yi Chen seems to be standing in the shallow water of the black beach, which means he is between life and death,

  In this state, it will not be able to be completely killed. No matter how it is destroyed, the broken body can be turned into amorphous black liquid and re-condensed into shape.

   Of course, the duration is limited.

  In addition, if you encounter a death that surpasses Yi Chen, you will also be in danger.

   At the moment when the makeup of the dead is formed,

  咒~ Just listen to the compound sound of ankle joint and ligament twisting,

   "Shun", and it is Shun with joint attack behavior!

  The moment he dodges, the attack has already fallen.

  唰~ The claw-like pale palm directly cut off half of Yi Chen's head... This brutal attack mode is completely different from the orthodox moves before.

  Yi Chen, with half of his brain cut off, lost his eyes in a state of confusion.

   Just one claw is not enough.

  Zed immediately followed up with a super difficult whip kick!

  Like a huge and heavy guillotine, when the back of the foot pressed against the remaining half of Yi Chen's head, it was crushed into a pulp together with the body.

  This fully shattered injury takes longer to regenerate.

   After temporarily disposing of Yi Chen,

   Zed immediately put all his focus on Catherine, and completely dealt with this woman who was not quite right.

   "Hahaha! So fast, even faster than before... Come and kill me, human!"

   Facing Catherine's crazy laughter and ridicule, Zed did not attack immediately.

  He has drawn inferences through the subtle fluctuations of Catherine's body and the cuts on the soles of his feet.

  Catherine's mouth was cut open by red scissors, and her upper body was connected to a spring. The essence of her soul has changed.

  Although it looks like a human body, her essence is shaped into【Scissors】.

  No matter in what form Catherine is touched, she will be "sheared at the soul level".


  Even if Catherine is destroyed in one blow, she can be resurrected quickly with the help of any "Scare Box" scattered in the park area in advance.

  How to achieve 'no touch kill'? This is the problem that Zed needs to find a way to solve.

   Or rather, he has already solved it.

  Tip the toes to the ground, and jump a little to widen the distance, so that the distance between the two is just out of the range of your own attack.

  The right foot is completely straightened,

  The instep, calf, knee and thigh are in a straight line,

  Accompanied by the contraction and drive of the muscles of the whole body and the almost perfect power transmission,

   Twist your waist and turn your back,

  A textbook-like 'middle kick' was perfectly given by Zed's body.

   This kick did not directly hit Catherine, but relied on pure strength and physical control to kick out a 'wind pressure sickle'.

  The wind pressure spreads in a fan shape,

  First cut off the spring connecting Catherine and the magic box,

   At the same time, all scare boxes along the way were destroyed, and even the edge forest was destroyed, and dozens of trees were cut off in the middle.

  If a guy with legs like Mosander saw this scene, his mouth would drool. He could stare at Zed's right leg all day long.

  Due to broken spring,

  Catherine's upper body was completely thrown away, but she was still giggling in the air: "Haha~ wow! It's so powerful, and it even destroyed so many magic boxes! It's really scary... Come and attack me."

   "Immediately." Zed actually gave a verbal response this time.

   Bending down and squatting, as if preparing to perform some kind of jump, but more like picking up something.


   Standing up, he jumped to the height of the sky where Catherine was, and beheaded her with a hand knife! Perfect kill.


  Due to the 'contact' with Catherine, the palm was 'cut', and all five fingers were broken and fell off.

  Somewhat strangely,

  The finger that fell on the ground quickly turned into a pool of black liquid exuding the breath of death.

  The reason why Zed dared to slash with his hand was that this hand was not his own at all. He was indeed picking up things just now, picking up a section of Yi Chen's arm that had just been condensed as a weapon.

  He is a first-class corpse master,

  Just insert your palm into the tail of this arm, and the five fingers can easily connect to the nerves, achieving perfect control, and swinging a killing hand knife that is almost equivalent to Yi Chen.

   This "borrowing hand" is really unexpected.

  Yi Chen's main consciousness was afraid of being used, so he manipulated the black liquid to gather at the edge of the forest.

  When the whole body was formed, there was a tingling and numbness immediately in the five fingers of the right hand. The sequelae of being cut were very obvious, as if it was damaged at the soul level.

  The magic box on the side also drilled out of Catherine's body immediately, "William, don't be killed and used in seconds... If the other party attacks me with your head, it may cause irreversible trauma to you."


   While the two of them reunited and chatted,

  Zed has cleared more than 90% of the magic boxes in the venue through a range of attacks.

   "It's a terrible guy...William, keep going! If you can't do it this time, you will die at worst, and wait for an hour's resurrection time to try again.

  With experience, we'll be able to kill this guy sooner or later. "

  Catherine not only verbally urged, but even took the initiative to push Yi Chen's back,


   There is no need for Yi Chen to take the initiative to attack.

   Zed, who had cleared the last magic box not far away, took the initiative to attack the two with a twisted step, intending to end the battle.


  Yi Chen also took a deep breath, preparing for Zed's offensive,

  Catherine slowly hides in the dark, looking for the perfect opportunity to make a move.

  At the moment when the battle is about to break out,

  Catherine, who was about to hide in the dark, suddenly appeared, with angry eyes, staring at Yi Chen in front of her, completely ignoring Zed who might kill her at any time.

   "William! What did you do!"

   Seeing Catherine like this, Yi Chen was finally able to let go of a hidden stone hanging in his heart: "Oh? Has it finally arrived... It must be delayed until this time.

  Hoo~ Time to end this game, Catherine. "

  (end of this chapter)

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