The Last Gentleman

Chapter 326: Insurance

  Chapter 326 Insurance

  【Nightmare Game】

  There are actually two reasons why Yi Chen chose to participate in this gambling game initiated by Catherine.

  On the bright side,

  Yi Chen already knew that meat pieces mixed with nightmare substances had already flowed to the market and were eaten directly by a large number of gentlemen. At least 50% of the people in Zion were "implanted with ideas".

  Once Catherine is pushed into a hurry, she only needs to snap her fingers, and Zion will be in chaos overnight, and the whole city will be full of strange laughter. Gentlemen who fail to break through the limit will put on a smile and make chaos wantonly.

   Want to save Zion, save the brains and lives of every citizen,

  Yi Chen has one and only one way to choose to play games with Catherine,

  As long as she can win the game, according to the "Soul Contract" signed by the two, Catherine will take away the thoughts in the brains of all the people, clear the influence of nightmares in the entire Zion range, and completely evacuate.

   But there is a very important issue here.

  Even if Yi Chen is holding a unique "black insane brain", he may not be much worse than Catherine in terms of implanting thoughts, and may even be better in some aspects.

   But the main site of the game is a nightmare, Catherine's site.

   The probability of winning someone whose strength is unknown or whose level is much higher than Yi Chen's in someone else's territory can be said to be very low.

   Moreover, if Catherine is insidious and cunning, using some weird nightmare rules and methods, the winning rate may even be reduced to [0].

  If you can’t win the game, don’t talk about saving the people at all, and Yi Chen himself will become a slave to the nightmare.


  This involves another [dark reason] for choosing to participate in the game,

  A reason that can ensure Yichen wins the game with a high probability, and an insurance measure that Catherine is completely unaware of.

   This insurance is "Yuri's Maid".

  Before participating in the nightmare game, Yi Chen made a special trip to the prophet's house and borrowed the maid of Yuri's prophet for enlightenment training.

   Finally completed the enlightenment of all the maids.

  Of course, this is just training. In the end, most of the maids will be released from their education, and only the teacher-student relationship of seven special maids will be retained.

  Cultivation did not affect their master-servant relationship with Prophet Yuri, and they still carried out their respective monitoring tasks every day.

   It is just to let these seven maids have "self", start to think and analyze themselves, besides the unchanging daily work, they will actively seek knowledge, and there may even be "mechanical upgrades" that go beyond the original design.

   Will also call a teacher when seeing Yi Chen.

   Among the seven maids, Miss Irina, who is the best, the most special, and the smartest, is the key.

  She happened to be in charge of the lower street area and was responsible for the surveillance of killing intentions. Because she had obtained the stall permit issued by the organization, she pushed her maid pancake cart around on weekdays.

   Yi Chen and Catherine met at a restaurant in the lower street. After finalizing the nightmare game in the private room, Irina happened to catch a glimpse of Yi Chen when he left the restaurant.

  As teachers and students, they naturally discovered each other at the first time.

  Yi Chen obviously should greet Irina not far away, but he pretended not to see and left quickly.

  Irina's professional acumen and self-analysis made her aware of the abnormality,

  She continued to pretend to set up the stall as if nothing had happened, and after the normal closing time, she reported the specific situation to Yuri, who also attached great importance to this matter.

  After several days of getting along, including the sensuality and killing training, and the discussion of the new maid design,

  Yuri can be regarded as having a certain, even a 'deep' understanding of Yi Chen.

  Yuri soon learned from the principal Daislin that Yi Chen had given up participating in the [Dream Project] in his own name. In his eyes, a guy like Yi Chen who dared to work hard would never give up the dream at this point.

  Combined with Yi Chen's abnormal behavior in the lower streets, Yuri decisively issued an order.

   Let seven special maids scatter throughout the city, use the "teacher-student relationship" to locate Yi Chen's location as much as possible, follow them in secret, and never reveal their whereabouts.

  These seven maids are the most elite agents under Yuri. They know the unknown dark areas of Zion better than anyone else. It is perfect for them to entrust this task.

   Soon, a maid discovered that Yi Chen, who had returned from outside the city the next day, appeared in the lower streets very quickly, and his whereabouts were very suspicious.

  As if under some kind of instruction and traction,

   After turning into more than a dozen narrow streets and alleys, they disappeared directly under the eyes of the maids, completely lost.

  But they could barely feel Yi Chen's existence through the "teacher-student relationship". After they deduced the structure of the lower street, they finally judged that Yi Chen had turned into a "disappearing street".

   Certain conditions must be met to find the 'entrance' of this street, and they probably guessed the specific conditions.

   It is necessary to turn into several correct streets and alleys within a fixed time period, and you may be able to find the entrance.

  They did not go in recklessly, and reported the situation again.

   Upon learning of this, Yuri immediately put down his work and went there in person, pretending to be an old paraplegic without notifying anyone.

   While Yuri and the maids were searching for the 'disappeared street'.

  Marco and Martin, who escaped from the nightmare game and were about to clean up the hidden dangers of the nightmare in private, ran into Irina who sold pancakes head-on when they walked out of the homes of the residents in the lower street.

  According to the code instructions given by the ketchup on the pancake,

  Marco and Martin met Yuri in a hut, and the two prophets instantly stood on the united front,

  Under the premise of "quietness", we will jointly search for the "disappeared street" and "traces of William"... According to the clues that Yuri has mastered, Mako uses the brand-new divination method he learned from the nightmare to find the [entrance].

  An apartment building that had been abandoned for many years soon appeared in front of them.

  The above things are based on the premise that Yi Chen did not know and did nothing.

  Only because of the pivot point of the maid, the 'insurance measures' came naturally,

  Catherine, who has been in contact with Yi Chen, is also completely unaware of this.


  Marco and Martin, who were hidden between the cloaks, were already pushing Mr. Uri in a wheelchair, standing at the bedside of a secret bedroom.

   Yi Chen and Catherine were lying on the big bed in front of them.

  The two are connected to each other's arms with an infusion tube, ensuring the sharing of dreams and nightmare substances together.

   Neither Mako nor Yuri made a reckless move, they knew exactly what Yi Chen was doing.

  When Yuri touched the gentleman's clothing on Yi Chen's body with the palm of his killing breath, a pre-set 'measure' was quickly activated.

   Recognizing Yuri's breath, the clothing actively revealed a lining with a piece of paper sandwiched inside.

  ≮During sleep, there is no need to kill, just give a little pressure. ≯

  As Yuri placed his hand knife on Catherine's neck, a sense of threat that reached the depths of the soul instantly spread to the consciousness body in the dream.

  【Nightmare Town-Park】

   Facing Catherine's glaring gaze,

  Yi Chen responded very calmly:

   "I didn't do anything. I have always fulfilled our contract and game promises. It's just that Catherine, you underestimate the tracking ability of gentlemen. Your so-called dream entry point is not absolutely secret and safe.

  Admit defeat and end the game early. If you are more decisive, you may still have a chance of survival. If you survive, we may meet again at the circus someday. "

  (end of this chapter)

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