The Last Gentleman

Chapter 564: composition

  Chapter 564 Composition

  [Composer], the second half of the promotion path.

  When William heard this term from the sick attendant for the first time, he thought of the music that was played together with the emergence of their frames when facing the pathway completers and the plague masters.

  Plague Lord's music is more epic, and can even directly create a scene close to reality,

For example, Nazjatar, the source of fish that was first glimpsed accidentally by touching the giant eye at the bottom of the lake in the gentleman's assessment, that epic music made William feel as if he was in a rough sea, and he might sink into it at any time and be caught by the giants in the deep sea. devour.

   Those who complete the pathway, that is, those with silver ring disease,

  Although part of the music still has an epic sense, the sense of substitution is not very strong. The music is more about expressing the characteristics of patients with silver circles, and better showing themselves to opponents through music.

  The secrets and real effects of music will be revealed in the next composing process.

  【Composer Room】

  William thought that there would be a group of strangely shaped bands gathered in an open area similar to a concert hall.

   I didn’t actually see the band, but the ‘thing’ presented to William was far more shocking than a comprehensive band,

  The structure of the composition room is more like a church,

  The wide wall directly opposite the entrance is covered with 'long half-humans', that is, a kind of pure white people whose hands and feet have been removed, but whose torso and head are kept and their bodies are long, all in an [upside down] posture.

  The faces of these pure white people have no other organs except for the mouth and nostrils of the face. They are as thin as bamboo poles. They are arranged according to height and covered the church wall. There are more than 180 people.

   There is also a rectangular incision in their abdomen, the specific function is temporarily unknown.

  In addition, there is a thick nerve extending from the root of the back of their brains, which is concentrated on the central round platform in the composition room through precise wiring.

  William hadn’t asked any questions yet, but the pure white sick waiter beside him spoke first:

   "What you are seeing is the highest masterpiece of the gland area, the "Pure White Bionic Human Organ" that we have spent decades building.

  You only need to walk on the round platform to connect all the nerves, and you can control them to "breathe".

  The gas passes through the vocal cords to vibrate, and finally is discharged from the sound tube of the abdomen to make a sound.

  Each bionic person produces a different rhythm, and the amount of inhalation you control will also affect the rhythm, and you can even create a unique rhythm by fine-tuning the vocalization process.

   It is precisely this kind of structure that allows one person to control it to achieve an effect that is difficult for a hundred-member band.

  When you complete the composition, you only need to perform a perfect performance from beginning to end, and this music will complete your framework, thus completing the final promotion. "

  William nodded with interest, "I see, is the time still unlimited?"

   "No... your time privilege is limited to "Silver Cloud", and the time limit for composing is always one week, and there has never been a special case.

  However, I also promised you that I would assist you during the composing period to ensure that your final composition matches your illness at a rate of more than 80%.

   Later I will join you to access the pipe organ and give you some proper guidance on composing music. "

   "Okay, but I have a few questions before we start.

   May I ask the bionics that make up the organ, do they have brain tissue? "

  The real purpose of William's question was immediately seen by the sick waiter, "Don't try to use your crazy brain to control them. Don't be fooled during composition, otherwise you may be deprived of your composition qualification."

   "Haha, okay~ I won't mess around, let's start now."

  William stepped on the round platform, directly let the nerve thread of the epileptic brain drill out from the skull, and connected with the bionic human nerves on the ground, and the nerve docking was easily realized.

  The sick waiter immediately followed, wriggling his cellular body and climbing up the round platform, also connecting the central nervous system to William's epileptic brain,

  He will fulfill his promise and provide assistance in the next composition to ensure that the disease compliance rate reaches more than 80%.

Although the sick waiter had already had a psychological prediction, he was still shocked by the complex diseases inside when he was connected to William's brain. Even he, the staff in the gland area, couldn't think of what kind of music would be suitable for such a person. Complicated youth.

   "Can we start now?"

   "Wait a minute, my suggestion for the first three days is to get familiar with the pipe organ, the syllables that each bionic human pipe can produce and the joint syllables that can be produced by 2~3 human bodies, and start composing on the fourth day."


  However, just five hours have passed, and there are already continuous and elegant simple tunes echoing in the composition room.

  The white sick waiter was completely stunned. He couldn't understand how the young man could get familiar with the pipe organ so quickly, but out of professional ethics, he didn't want to disturb the other party by asking.

  What he didn't know was that William himself had an artistic talent. He was able to play the piano alone at the age of four, and he also participated in many public performances in the orphanage.

  This is all thanks to the advanced training of the orphanage and the special care given by the art teacher who is a **** and covets William's body.

  【Thinking Palace-Library】

  By quickly familiarizing himself with the bionic organ, William reproduced a composite piano with the same effect in the library.

   Not only does it have three rows of keys, but there are also lower keys that need to be manipulated with the toes under the feet. Only in this way can the effect of the pipe organ be achieved.

   It is not only William who sits in front of the piano, but also Yi Chen who is inlaid on the back,

  The four arms are playing at the same time, and the feet are pedaling non-stop, showing a state of 'dancing hands and feet'.

  After trying a few simple continuous playing, Yi Chen on his back gave his opinion:

   "William, based on the music often played in the orphanage, make modifications and additional arrangements.

  That music is a good interpretation of despair, fear, hope and tranquility, and it is almost engraved in our brains and can not be dissipated. It is very suitable as a bottom tune.

  In my opinion, music should adapt not only to your illness, but also to you as a person. "


  The plan is finalized, and the next step is the formal composition.

  The cooperation of the two can get twice the result with half the effort, and the sick waiter who agreed to help in advance can't intervene at all.

  It is completely different from silver cloud,

  The composition process was shortened subjectively, and it took only four days to get the finished music.

  When William was performing the final performance, the sick waiter immediately felt a sense of fear deep in his cells, and instinctively pulled out the nerve dendrites connected to William's brain and retreated to the sidelines.

   Surrounded by music that is sometimes passionate and sometimes dark, sometimes desperate and sometimes full of hope, the sick waiter's spirit is also adjusted, feeling that schizophrenia may occur at any time.

  Wait until the vibration of the last human sound pipe ends, and the performance ends.

  The silver frame above William’s head is also engraved at this moment,

  Including William's 'full name' and a 'title' that fits the theme of the music and its own characteristics.

   So far,

  With one more person added to the "Silver Circle" of the old world, William today can truly be called an "Old Sick".

  When the music and the engraving ended together and William reopened his eyes,

  Although he felt the new height and rank he had reached, this was not the feeling of reaching the [peak], as if he had just come from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, and came to the area where many old patients gathered.

  There is still a long way to go,

  However, William has an intuition that now he can start real world exploration, and even start to think of ways to return to the world before his death.

  (end of this chapter)

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