The Last Gentleman

Chapter 565: return

  Chapter 565 Return


  A large amount of steam and white emulsion seeped out from an opening hydraulic tank. After a full 24 hours of mold casting, William’s 1:1 pure white model was finally perfectly reproduced.

  Considering the issue of portrait rights, the facial features of the model were completely erased.

   "Thank you very much for your cooperation. In return, we can send you to any location in the old world to escape the threat of the tenth abyss. Although you have completed the path, it is far from enough to compete with the abyss."

  Hearing this, William quickly waved his hands, "Don't...don't! I finally reached the bottom of the abyss, so don't take me to another place."

   "There is a risk of being killed if you communicate directly with the abyss. Although your behavior is beneficial to the development of the old world, your death is also a great loss to the old world.

  You decide. "

   "Just let me go back to where I came from."

  William was thinking about it even when he was on the way to an important promotion,

  He finally completed the two major processes of "consolidation" and "pilgrimage". The final "audience" is in front of him, so he can't just give up.

  Moreover, the face-condensing influence brought by the tenth abyss is also fully applied to the pathway, and the abyss mask has been completely controlled by William during the silver turbidity period and has become a part of himself.

   For masks,

   For the abyss,

  For 【order】,

  William also wants to negotiate with the tenth abyss face to face, even if death is possible, it is one of the costs of visiting the abyss.

   "Then I wish you good luck, I hope to be recognized by the abyss and reduce the risk of destruction of the old world. Your actions will be seen by the center of the disease, and your contribution will eventually be rewarded."

  William suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "Return? If I make enough contributions, am I eligible to visit the Monastery of Pain?"

   "The Monastery of Pain is a special source of epidemics that is directly under the focus of the disease and has executive power. Because of the existence of the monastery, the stability of the old world has been greatly improved.

   There are only two possibilities to go to the monastery, either you apply for the monastery's law enforcement officer, or you are taken into it as a criminal.

  Contributions to the old world don't show up in this kind of thing.

  However, due to your contribution to resolving the abyss crisis, the monastery will no longer hunt you down. "

  William scratched his head, "That's not right~ One of my teachers in the human world was arrested by the monastery for no reason during his trip to the old world, and he was forced to train monks.

  In the end, he escaped with great difficulty, which does not seem to be within the two situations you mentioned. "

   "The war of invasion also caused severe damage to the monastery. At least 60% of the monks died during the war, even including the core management.

  Because the number of applicants for the monastery is small and births in the old world are blocked, due to the shortage of manpower and the situation that the supervision may get out of control at any time, the monastery can only request the lesion to grant enforcement power.

  Any individual who shows talent at the pain level will be marked once they are active in the old world, and then they will be forcibly taken to the monastery for induction training. Your teacher must also be a pain lover, right? "


   "That's right. Although this is unreasonable, it also provokes the dissatisfaction of many forces. But if the monastery is really out of control and the prisoners held in it are released, the consequences will be beyond your imagination.

  But the human being escaped from the monastery you just said, is it true? Reasonably speaking, individuals who passively apply for employment will also be imprisoned in shallow prison cells. As a subsidiary organization of the lesion, our gland area has a certain understanding of the monastery, but we have never heard of human beings escaping from the monastery.

   Looking at the past history, there were no more than five prison escapes in the monastery, and even if they escaped, they would be arrested soon.

  However, if they were human beings, they could escape to the other side of the world to stop the pursuit of the monastery.

  If what you said is true, it means that the monastery deliberately concealed this matter... However, in special times and special circumstances, we dare not take anything against the monastery.

  By the way, what is the name of this human being you mentioned. "

   "Hogney Zedd."

   "Zed! Wait...Follow me!"

The sick waiter who heard the name became excited, and led William to quickly walk through the hairy passages in the gland area, and came to a [showroom] specially used to store the 'mannequin', which is also where William's model will be sent. place.

  All the models were sealed in the display cabinet and covered with white film. William glanced at at least twenty models.

  The sick waiter used the nerve dendrites as the key to open one of the showcases.

  Accompanied by the strong smell of corpses released, William actually had a feeling of returning to Zion and going to the depths of the academy to meet the teacher.

A perfectly molded human corpse stands in the display cabinet, every muscle fiber is exquisitely outlined, even now William can still feel the oppression brought by this body, there is no doubt that this is Zed .

   "Hmm! It's really Mr. Zed's model."

  The cells on the patient's face huddled together, as if smiling.

   "Sure enough~ I didn't expect your kid to be Zed's student.

   Coincidentally, when Zed came here, I happened to be in charge of reception.

   It’s just that Zed’s personality is completely different from yours. When he came here, he was in a bad state of mind, and he seemed to find the [path] under extreme torture.

   Didn't say a word the whole time and exuded a terrifying aura.

   Now it seems that he should have accidentally found his own way under the monastery's 'training' and came to us.

  Zed's body is quite good, and it is almost perfect in the process of silver clouding, which is why it is included here.

   A body like him can break through the world in the old world. Didn't he think he would go back to be a teacher? "

   "Teacher Zed is indeed ridiculously strong, but the torture he suffered during the monastery continued to affect his spirit. Even if he returns to human society, he cannot fully control himself. Now he is detained in the depths of the organization and occasionally engages in some teaching tasks."

   "Permanent torment effect? ​​This is also impossible.

  I'm just a small Gland employee who can't intervene or change anything, and can't understand what Zed is thinking now. But I hope William will try to persuade him not to be impulsive after you go back. Even if you two work together, it is impossible to shake the monastery.

I'm serious, if Zed can't let go of his grievances, and even wants to join you to go to the monastery to make troubles, it might cause the center of the disease to issue a comprehensive ultimatum to you, and then all the epidemic areas will regard you as enemy. "


   "Say hello to Zed for me when you go back~ That's it, you've been with us for nearly 80 days, and the milkmen are terrified when they look at you."

   "Wait a minute." William looked at the mannequins covered by white cloth in the current area, "Tell me if there is a young man related to the moon among the casted figures."

   "Bringing you here to see Zed's mannequin is already considered a violation, and I can't disclose any more information to you, otherwise I might be arrested directly."

   "Okay~ Then please take me to the exit of the gland area."

  Go back the same way, and go back to the gate of the path that represents 【Preface】.

  Because of the promotion of William, the trailblazer,

  The appearance of this dark door has also undergone corresponding changes. The door body has been transformed into a special material fused with flesh and metal, and in the center is a body relief that resembles William.

  The posture presented in the relief is very similar to the "Virut Man" painted by Leonardo da Vinci,

  At the same time, spiral lines are drawn between the flesh, which symbolizes [Preface] and also expresses the concept of a perfect life.

  With William pushing the door,

  Little Putao and Huang Pi's consciousness also returned, and all foreign objects returned to him, and the scene in front of him instantly switched from pure white to dark.

   At the same time, there is an overwhelming aura that cannot be figured out.

  The dark side is the skirt, and the abyss is the face.

  The deity of the tenth abyss is standing in front of him.

  After more than eighty days, the two met again,

  William is no longer just a mask. He not only completes the body but also achieves promotion. Such a situation makes Tenth Abyss incomprehensible and tilts his head.

  It seemed that the black breath had condensed a big question mark above his head.

  (end of this chapter)

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