The Last Gentleman

Chapter 6: Kill

Chapter 6

【The rhythm changes】

Full root,

The living corpse crawled like a spider, and I didn’t think or hesitated at all.


In the face of all this Yi Chen, he has unprecedented firmness ... He has bet everything in the battle that beyond the common sense in front of him.

"I have never thought about being able to survive the crisis from the beginning.

I should have died directly in the laboratory, but now I accidentally get the "qualifications" of crossing the rebirth ... To truly grasp such qualifications, it is necessary to pay a huge price. "

Get your fists in both hands,

Raise your legs up,

Forcibly break free of the root of the feet.

Even the hooks between the roots have been deeply tied into the flesh.

Yi Chen can clearly feel that the flesh between his feet is removed by a trace ... This kind of painful pain can make the vast majority unable to continue to work hard, and even faint on the spot.

"Give me out!"

The deep part of the throat rushed out.


Breaking away, the dark red blood splashed on the ground.

The surface of the feet that is free to get the fingers can be clearly seen, and a large amount of minced meat and petals remain on the inside.

Yi Chen did not make any screams in the whole process, even breathing was restrained.

Next is an important moment to determine life and death.

The living corpse is already in front,

The real threat is not just the mycelium in the mouth,

The roots that grow on the back of the living corpse are also fully opened, aiming at Yi Chen’s arm, waist, and legs and legs.

Try to penetrate and set up in the air for easy eating.

This moment.

Perhaps the excitement caused by the pain, further exacerbating the secretion of adrenaline,

Perhaps the potential is completely stimulated in the face of a crisis close to it.

"I have to find out the flaws!"

[Focus on the field of vision]

The living corpse picture received by the vision is like being fixed,

Turn into a static ultra -high -definition picture and analyze details between the brains.

Jumping back and hiding, no!

Rolling the side, no!

One -way breakthrough, no!

One by one trying to break the dilemma, it was rejected one by one,

Until finding a best response mode.

The whole thinking and analysis process has almost no time.

Huh ... take a deep breath

Facing the living corpse at hand,

Yi Chen did not choose to dodge or open the distance, nor did he make any defensive posture.

Instead, it is an puzzling dangerous act.

[One step forward]

By a super fast forward step, the living corpse "face -to -face" in advance.


It is such a sudden step forward to make the rhythm of a simple body of thinking chaotic.

The roots from the left and right puncture all fall, at most just cut the arms.


Although the puncture of the root beard is avoided, there is still a danger that still exists.

Those myceliums that grow in the zombie mouth are about to make a venom.

at this time,

Yi Chen has been changed to hold the ax,

Holding one hand at the bottom of the ax handle,

Stand in a position close to the ax,

This can greatly increase the power of chopping and shorten the attack distance ... suitable for close combat.

Due to the stimulating effect of adrenaline, the two arms burst out of the terrible blue tendons,

The right foot of Qian Mai made the body slightly pressurize,

Sinking the center of gravity,

The body is arched,

Raise your arms up and put a ax!

Silver blade draws a perfect arc in the air,

Come in front of the wire sticker,

Vertically and accurately be cut over the head of the living corpse.

The skull of the corpse of the rotten and holes could not bear such a slash at all.


The skull bone is completely cut away,

Then cut the blue brain that is integrated with the moss,

Then break the jaw, go straight to the neck ~ in one go!

The whole head was completely split by this ax,

At the same time, due to silver, rolling black smoke emerged in the wounds ... The brain of the moss shape was completely dissolved, turning into a drop of green liquid, flowing to the ground.

This also means that the "simple consciousness" that the living corpse has just formed was completely erased and degenerate into creatures such as low thinking ability.

at this time,

Kaga ~

The meatballs that were rooted on the shoulders were dangerous, and then turned.

Share the situation behind him through a small visual window.

Those roots that were not hit before were stabbing back,


Meat ball reminder,

Yi Chen quickly made a coherent action of leaning over and avoiding the side of the side ... 唰!

The body seemed to be poked for a while.

When the roll is over and stands up,

The whole left arm was lingering weakly and couldn't lift it at all. Only the fingers could move slightly.

Take a closer look,

The left upper arm has been penetrated through the coin -sized holes, and even moss remains in it, infected with wounds.

Tick ​​Diqi ~

The blood slipped along the arms, mixed with the blood overflowing with the feet, and the ground was stained with a large area.

The influence of drama and blood loss comes like a wave

Whenever there is any trace of relaxation, consciousness will collapse completely.

"No ... I can't die!"

Yi Chen shook his head hard and forcibly kept himself sober.

His! A strange sound came.

Five meters away,

Between the trolley of the living corpse, the burning of the silver has stopped.

The wound immediately emerged with a large number of bud branches and entangled with each other ... The two -in -half head was 90 ° angle between the angle, forming a flower cluster to form a new head.

Watching Yi Chen again,

Like an unconscious crazy beast, rushing came.

Twisted body,

Stepical pace,

The roots on the back are even more crazy,

Yi Chen can only use visual enhancements to make every effort to understand the route of each root.

Both eyes are covered with blood in this process,

Rolling, sideways, jumping back.

Find every gap and counterattack.




… A root tentacles were cut off by Yi Chen,

Similarly, Yi Chen's movements were obviously slower than before because of the throughout of the feet and the weak left arm.

During this process, he was pierced through the waist and abdomen and tears the thigh.

It may fall at any time.

"Also ... the last two left."

Gent the teeth.

Yi Chen was preparing to avoid the next attack.


The tinnitus hit, like a gongs and drums in the brain.

The vision becomes blurred instantly, and the perception of the body is also rapidly disappearing.

Dodge movement only makes half of the body and dump forward


The living corpse must not be completely dodge,

Almost scratched the right shoulder,

Coincidentally scratching black meat **** installed on the shoulders,

A sticky, weird black blood flows out of the furry wounds,

The eyeball contained in the mouth was also dyed in black, staring at the living corpse in front of him.

Just glance! The living corpse has a primitive instinctual response.


An extremely strong fear instinct forced the living corpse to be in place,

At the same time,

Yi Chen, who was conscious, did not fall down after a stunned one ... I don't know what kind of perseverance through, but concentrated her spirit again.

He can no longer think of unnecessary thinking,

There is only one idea in my heart- 【Murder target】

The hand ax has been lifted in the air,

While making a chopping action, the body also twisted,

The potential inspired by life and death, mobilize the whole body force,

The field of vision is locked at the bulge of the living corpse's waist.


Also due to the instinct of survival,

The roots that grow on the back of the corpse immediately protect the 'key "and the epidermis is hard.

Silver blade falls ...


Similar to the sound of trees and broken wooden blocks spread between the graveyard No. 4.

Two hardening roots are thrown in the air,

The pus hidden in the lower end of the skin is completely cut ...

At the moment of the cut,

Perseverance can no longer be supported,

Yi Chen's eyes were dark and fell to the ground with the living corpse.

   (end of this chapter)

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