The Last Gentleman

Chapter 7: No. 7 cemetery

Chapter 7 Cemetery


A familiar voice sounded in the ear,

It was the urging voice of a younger brother in the laboratory. The younger brother was loved by the mentor and usually reported some important things as a spear.

"Brother, brother! The papers for foreign trials are worse than you did!"

"Well ... I haven't finished it yet!"

These words are 100 times more horrible than nightmares,

The unspeakable spiritual stimulus directly tears the dream diaphragm and pulls Yi Chen back to reality.

Sit suddenly,

Wet back,

It was not a laboratory he was familiar with, but a cemetery that was silent, dark and corrupt.

At the same time, there was a bodies with blooming and vitality in the brain.

At this time,

The faint fire shook over his face,

Black meatballs with thin arms and thin legs are standing next to the kerosene lamp.

"You wake up!

It's still very good ~ I really let you kill this variant.

Those wounds that may cause death in your body have stopped bleeding and suture ... You stand up and try. "


Yi Chen quickly checked the body,

The left arm that should have been unable to move, but lifted up.

The coin -sized hole in the left arm fills the unknown black meat pieces, and then connects it through dense fluff.

Not only do you stop bleeding,

The broken muscles and nerves are also connected and fixed,

Other parts of the body are also processed.

Stretching and supporting your body slowly standing up slowly

Except for some dizziness and some pain, there is basically no problem.

"Thank you ... Next, I have to send this corpse to [7] cemetery."

Yi Chen knows that the whole thing is not over yet,

Before the corpse had not been treated, the extra grave piles could not be relaxed for a moment.

Little meat ball is quite satisfied with Yi Chen's attitude,

Jumping on his shoulders again, holding one hand to hold kerosene lamps.


Kazaka ~

The wooden wheel of the cart was crushed on the ground, making a weird friction,

The corpse installed between the sacks, after a short -distance behavior of bumpy roads, finally came to the edge of the cemetery alone, and was completely isolated [No. 7 cemetery].

According to the description on the manual,

There is only an unknown corpse truck in the cemetery. There is no need to get closer, nor does it need to be inspected on weekdays.

It is very different from the style of the cemetery No. 1 to 6,

It is surrounded by a stone wall with more than five meters. It is decorated with a crow sculpture every three meters on the wall, as if monitoring everything nearby.

in addition,

Yi Chen can also smell a completely different smell floating out of No. 7 cemetery.

The decaying atmosphere of the cemetery itself also contains a kind of scorching fragrance,

It seems to be burning something.

at this time,

The iron door embedded between the stone wall opens itself,

At the same time, the sound of leather shoes on the surface of the stone,

A tall man wearing a high hat and a black suit came out.

Wearing white gloves hands, very elegant to support a cane decorated with a golden skull in front of him, faintly visible to his skeleton's orbital to disperse the breath of the deceased.

Do not know why,

The light released by the kerosene lamp could not clearly illuminate the face of this person, as if it was covered by a fog layer.

I can only see the towering bridge of the towering nose,


With unique vision, Yi Chen realized an important detail.

On a circle of gold decoration in the middle of the cane, the organization logo is engraved

【G & Amp; D】

I want to come,

This person is likely to be a person who organizes the trouble of handling troubles. If Yichen is killed between the 4th cemetery and will deal with it himself.

There is also another possibility that this person belongs to the organization and has always been in the No. 7 cemetery.

At this time,

The other party took the initiative to speak.

"William Berranus,

Ordinary employees who are hired by external employees can deal with the lesion incident in the 4th cemetery alone ... This cemetery has not produced a interesting guy like you for seventeen years.

Let's advance the corpse, and I have to conduct a deeper lesion examination. "

The mysterious person glanced at the small meat **** on Yichen's shoulder,

It seems that the "harmless" or identity category and identity of the meatballs are determined, and then led Yi Chen to the interior.

Different from the predicted,

There is no grave pile at all of this so -called graveyard.

Only a metal hemisphere -type house is built in the center, and there is a towering chimney at the top ... The scorching aroma that was smelled before was floating out of the chimney mouth.

in addition,

Yi Chen also noticed that the telephone line from the wooden house extends here, and the mysterious person in front of him is the "manager" mentioned in the manual.

Enter a hemispherical house,

The internal is mainly divided into two areas,

One is a variety of operating appliances, as well as the [autopsy area] of the old -fashioned operating table.

One is the [cremated area] connected to the chimney and is in an incineration state all day.

Yi Chen moved the body of the head to the operating table in accordance with the instructions,

The mysterious person is a white apron, holding an appliance and starting the job.

The speed is fast, even a little dazzling ... a few minutes get related conclusions.

"Transplantation infection, more rare cases.

Valural pathogens are flat spherical,

Outstanding light transmission and seeing obvious 'color -based particles',

It belongs to special, rare variants, and in the early stages of infection.

The wound is very deep, and the purulent disease is split at one time ... silver immersion to eliminate the disease.

Elegant and effective. "

When checking the death wound of the living corpse, the mysterious man suddenly cast a deep look at Yi Chen.

"Cultivate, you may be a good gentleman.

Since you are a disposable cut -out, no non -physical form attack is used.

The damage of this body is less than 10%, and it can further squeeze its value.

Next, send the body to the cremation furnace to see how you are lucky. "

Yi Chen just listened silently,

Although I do n’t understand, I faintly smell the atmosphere of the opportunity.

【Fire District】

In front of the steaming giant incineration furnace, a hook -type transmission zone is connected.

You need to hang the corpse with an iron hook, and then use the hand -shaking wheel to send the body to the furnace to burn.

This structure design,

Let Yi Chen think of a kind of food often eaten during his lifetime- [BJ roast duck].

Thinking of the scorching fragrance of the air, there was a stirring sensation from the stomach.

In the end, I held back.

According to the instructions of the mysterious man, penetrate the scapula of the corpse.

When the plant living corpses are sent to the incineration furnace, you can still see other corpses burning only the skeleton.

"That ... the coffin and tombstone in the graveyard 4 have not been eliminated, I will do it now."

"Not in a hurry.

You have killed the pathogen and eliminate the "disease". The tombstones and coffin related to this corpse will disappear one after another, no need to deal with it.

Before the cremation, we can talk privately. "


Yi Chen himself also wants to know more about this world.

The strange experience of the cemetery alone made him completely sink.

The mysterious person opens a dense road leading to the basement,

This can be effectively separated from the heat and smell of the cremation area.

The so -called basement is actually a gorgeous room with a strong European style. The three rooms and one living room, there are all daily necessities.

From this point of view,

The other party is likely to live here for a long time.

   (end of this chapter)

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