The Last Gentleman

Chapter 92: Siege and be surrounded (fourth more)

Chapter 92 Siege and Siege (Fourth more)

Very weak and ordinary,

This is the intuitive feeling of Yi Chen after killing the old man. It is not how strong he becomes, but a very objective feeling.

Far from Yue Ren Lori's unproper works created by the Twilight Clinic, the male doctor who defibred alone can play 3 to 4 old men.


If the black cat is directly fluttered by the black cat, it is quite dangerous ... Once the face is finished, the furry old man's tongue will drill into the body along the esophagus, and may even directly perform a 'spawning infection'.

As for the memory fragments that Yi Chen ingestion, it is worthless,

All are the daily life of the old man, and there is no information about the [New Life Church] at all.

When the wall of the tree rose, the old man could only stay at home and stay at home due to inconvenience.

As gray rises between the floor,

He regarded these gray mist as a sign of death, so he led the only black cat to accompany himself to the attic, sitting on a rocking chair that had not been used for a long time waiting for the advent of death.


Death has not arrived,

Under the effect of gray, the old man produced a weird lesion and actively stretched out his tongue to lick the black cat.

Such licking continues, and after about a week, the tongue is integrated with the black cat, turning into a deformive sick person.

"The disease permeated between the village and the forest seems to be related to the [fusion] ... the kind of larvae before the tree before the tree. Although it has human limbs, it has the characteristics of cattle and sheep.

Is it the disease brought by the so -called freshman church? "

When Yi Chen was thinking, Jin's palm was gently put on his shoulder behind him, and

"Hey ~ You man is really amazing! If you deal with such inferior patients, you don't even need weapons.

In other words, why don't you do it in advance? According to my observation, the effective range of the plants in your body should be three meters up? There should be no need to approach just now, right? "

"Ensure the integrity of the corpse and get more information.

If the distance is too far, the accuracy will be greatly reduced ... if the ‘here’ is destroyed, it is boring. "

Yi Chen pointed at his head while talking.

"Oh? Can you ingest the nutrition and knowledge between the brain? It's really terrible ~ This behavior is worse than me.

Do you want to try to **** my brain and see what is inside? "

On the curiosity of Jin, put Yi Chen’s palm directly on his own head,

"Gold, don't make trouble.

There is no useful information in this guy's head, but the lonely old man who lives outside the village ... Let's go and continue to go deep into the village. "

at this time,

Jin suddenly turned his head and looked at the lower end of the stairs.

Under the mask, there was a sound that was full of killing and slightly excited: "Is this building a trap? We have been surrounded, William ... and the number seems to be a lot."

I heard this,

Yi Chen immediately stepped to the window of the attic,

No need to use kerosene lamps at all,

Between the dark forests, the villagers holding the fire handle are constantly pouring out.

The 'form' they presented further verified Yi Chen's guessing, infection and affecting the disease of the village and the forest, which was related to [Biological Fusion].

Let's talk about villagers similar to humans.

The appearance and body structure are maintained in the category of human beings, but there are extra animal characteristics on the body.

If there are antlers, women with hair and white spots in the body,

Or a male villager who has a horn and a cow tail, a strong male villagers,

But this is a minority,

More villagers no longer have the important label of [People],


A body cracks from the chin to the abdomen, with hundreds of pointed teeth, and the limbs quickly crawl on the ground.

Or the upright individual of completely werewolfization, with a shotgun in his hand.

Or the minister with the "fungal mountain", pressed the whole person to bend over 90 °, and every few seconds, the fungal mountains on the back of the back will release a large amount of gray spores to stimulate and strengthen other nearby villagers.

The total number of villagers surrounding is more than 20.

Among them, one of the most stressful and most powerful is the [Pig Head Butcher].

He has at least three adult villagers.

A huge pig head was sewed on the neck, replacing the original head.

The butcher apron is raised by the belly height,

Even the belly of the belly, but the three pig heads drilled out of the belly sac. They opened the blood basin, because they smelled the deliciousness of the new meat, and continued to export water.

Not only that,

The four iron chains were buckled on the back of the butcher, and the other end of the iron chain held four hunting dogs who were sewed on the pigs and pigs.

The butcher estimates that after another time, it will complete more slaughtering tasks and take more gray atmosphere will become [severe disease].

"so much!"

Yi Chen was the first time that he had met so many sickness, and his brain immediately started thinking about escape the predicament.

"Gold! After more than half of these people enter the house, you directly blast you directly on the wall wall of the attic.

With the opening of explosion, we jumped into the depths of the forest as much as possible and evacuated at full speed.

If you encounter the villagers' blocking, do not fall in love, and immediately withdraw immediately after killing. "


Jin shaking his fingers and directly rejected the evacuation plan given by Yi Chen.

"The other party directly delivered a big pot of patients with a big pot of patients. Why don't you enjoy it?


I was deliberately let you walk ahead when I entered the house. The killing of the first patient was all for you ... This time, it was my turn to make a decision?

Don't you want to collect information?

Seeing their brain shaking between the skull? It's yours later. "

When Yi Chen wants to say something,

Gold a step forward, tiptoe,

The chest is attached,

The index finger falls on the lip seam,

Hush ~

After setting up Yi Chen, Jin turned around and moved to the first floor quickly, while the villagers were still failed to come in.

Grasp the metal box in the pocket gently, gently bounce,

A bright red "compressed meat diced" fell in his hands.


A red silk thread overflowed with fingertips flowed into the meat, activated it, and then stuck to the ground like gum.

After doing all this,

Gold stepped on the light step, blowing his mouth back to the second floor. Take Yi Chen and come to the center of the attic and point to the ground.

"This point will explode later. Our clothing will effectively absorb the explosion impact and reduce damage to the body ... We will fly outside the house through the impact of this explosion.

Let this group of guys trying to surround us becomes surrounded by us. "


Jin continued to pull Yi Chen's arm until she held her waist.

"Of course, if you haven't experienced such an explosion and you can't determine the fall, just hold me tightly ~ I will choose the most suitable landing position."

Yi Chen has never experienced it, and it is not sure how powerful the power of the explosion is.

I just feel that my gentleman's clothing has begun to thicken and increase.

Without refusal to refuse gold, keep a state of holding waist.

When the footsteps on the first floor are becoming more intensive, about ten villagers have entered the room,

Jin elegantly raised his right hand and made a finger in the air.

Slap ~

A red lotus blooms on the surface of the meat.

  Boom! The stone -building building collapses instantly,

Between the red fire light and the rolling smoke, the two figures jumped out, and a perfect parabolic line with the air, just behind the villagers of the outermost layer.

Under the colorful mask, it corresponds to a bloodthirsty face.

The slaughter starts!

   (end of this chapter)

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