The Last Gentleman

Chapter 93: Gold's strength (fifth more)

Chapter 93 Gold's Power (Fifth)

The power of the explosion is quite amazing,

The raised small mushroom clouds have a little red lotus shape under the light of the fire.

Those villagers who stepped into the first floor of the house were not even with a complete limb.

Villagers who are close to the five meters of the building are also broken arms and legs, limited in a short period of time ... and even a poor guy, the core of the pathogens of the explosive stones penetrated into the pathogen of the pathogen, and died on the spot.

The two people who are also in the building are different.

Gentlemen's clothing can automatically detect the specific location of the explosion source, evaluate the general power, and add a layer of cellular explosion -proof structure to the clothing room.

As the core material, the "Skin of the Gentleman" also releases a trace of ancient atmosphere to help the rapid composition and stability of this layer of structure.

The moment of explosion,

The coat has wrapped the whole body.

The impact of the explosion is blocked in the special structure of the clothing, and only 10%to 20%of the impact force is transmitted into the body.

Gold Perfect driving the driving force generated by the explosion, allowing the two to fall in the outermost layer of the villagers' encirclement.

She even uses her waist posture,

Red lotus mushroom clouds formed by explosion and the disorderly limbs of the patients flying as the background board,

At the moment of landing, he leaned back.

Through the mask through the mask, watching Yi Chen directly above the mask,

"How is it, is it very exciting? Now this group of guys have been surrounded by us, and the party begins!"

The words are just falling,

The closest villagers have approached,

His beard cloth was full of face, his back was bent, his arms were thickened and turned into bear's paw.

Twisting the muscles of the whole body, waved a slap that was sufficient to break the trunk, and wanted to make the two people in front of them directly.

Jin looks very easy,

First, get rid of Yi Chen’s embrace,

In the face of the huge bear's paw, she not only did not mean to dodge, but also opened her palm and waved at the same speed.

The picture is more like a "palm" among friends.

When the two palms are touched, they simply judge through physical fitness, and Jin's arm will be broken instantly, and even the body will shoot with the body.

But ... Boom!

A small -scale high -bright explosion occurred in the contact point,

The villagers’s entire thick bear arm and their half bodies were fried into meat,

Gold that is not injured to come forward with an elegant step,

The arms were stamped with the villagers' bodies wounds, slipped across the stomach sac and the intestine, and pulled out a [diseaseization core] similar to the larvae embryo.

"Are the sick people? No wonder it is so weak ... the bodies that have been given this have no value at all."

Pin the finger,

The farmer who died instantly.

The next second is another three villagers surrounding the Golden Regiment.

Either the torn mouth full of teeth, or the four hands holding a dry grass fork, or the ruptured abdominal cavity is similar to suction cups and adhesive tentacles.


I just feel like a phantom flashed in front of my eyes,

The speed of gold is completely over the villagers, even several levels.

When they made an attack, Jin had appeared outside three meters and was walking towards the position where the pig head butcher was located.

The different positions of the three of them appeared a finger -shaped deresses, as if poked.

A red silk thread spreads the whole body at the deresses, and finally a red lotus was pressed at the navel!

When they want to turn around to chase the gold,


The abdominal cavity explosion, the remaining lower body either kneel directly to the ground, either fried on the twisted branches aside, or flying to other villagers to fly it.

After hearing the explosion, Jin turned his head to look at Yi Chen,

"Hey ~ William! These are some of the sick people who are boring to deal with. Only the pig's head looks more interesting ... the remaining guys will give it to you.

I'll go to the pig's head to play. "

So, say,

The top of the trees beside the upper body jumped between the branches and approached the direction of the pig head butcher.

Due to the temporary disappearance of Jin, the villagers who were surrounded by the unsightly turned their eyes to another invading young man and gradually approached.

"Huh ..."

Yi Chen put down the box with a gentle movement,

Remove the sleeve hoop and fold the sleeve three sections to the elbow.

Open the box lock with the thumb and take out the hand ax of the black handle silver blade.

During the get up,

The index finger is against the ax, and the wrist gives a instantaneous rotation force,

~ The hand ax immediately rotates between the palms,

When finishing the movement, the hand ax just improved the five laps and was caught steadily.

With the heat generated by the rotation, the palm is sweated slightly, increase the friction, and complete the warm -up.

"Is the sicky -type sick? No wonder this feeling is a bit strange."

Yi Chen read the vocabulary in the book.

"Remove disease"

Some of the special infectious capabilities possessed by some severe diseases and open source diseases can quickly spawn individuals to become sick through direct seeding, disease -sharing, and so on.

Time is extremely short, and the success rate is also very high.

Those who can create a large number of slavery thinking in a short time.

A bit similar to animals with hormones. Although it seems to have the same physique as adult animals, the meat and bones still stay in the younger stage, and even the basic stand cannot be done.


Yi Chen also has no intention of light enemy,

Hold your hand ax in your right hand,

Control the plant in the left hand,

With the vision of small grapes,

Walking in the villagers with a smart pace, hiding at a critical moment, fighting back, and almost all movements were almost unnecessary.

Because the building explosion has killed more than half of the villagers, plus a few of them being solved by gold, the number of remaining villagers has not exceeded ten.

With the experience of the Twilight Clinic, and the physical exchanges with Teacher Zede this month, Yi Chen's level of fighting rose another level.

It is not right to deal with the patients born.

The only bad thing is one thing,

There is no useful information between these villagers' brains. Not only does it involve [Newborn Church], but even their own memory information is not complete, turbid, and no value of analysis and sorting.

When Yi Chen pulled out the ax from the back of the last villagers, and wiped off the blood stains with the rags of plants,


There was a heavy fall in front of it.

Look up.

The most troublesome pork head butcher among the villagers fell on the ground.

Kim Jong squatted beside the butcher's huge body and performed a weird behavior that could not be described, and borrowed her unique professional characteristics to carry out "physical forging".


A pig head with cleaning and shrinking size was manufactured,

Make it in the hands of gold by linked by metal extended from the neck.

"Because there is no appropriate material, my weapon is usually temporarily manufactured during the mission. This is also very good. I have enough freshness every time ... This pig's head is okay."


Jin inserted her right palm into the inside of the pig's head,

The left hand pulls the metal hook outside the neck, as if pulling the engine cable.


A white bone saw with bone compression and refinement suddenly popped up on the top of the pig's head, about one and a half meters long, and turned at high speed.

"Pig head chainsaw"

This scene directly showed Yi Chen,

"Is this" human weapon division "..."

Five chapters tonight, go to sleep first! After waking up, continue to update 5 chapters ~ Thank you very much for waiting for so long, thank you in the group who cheered me, thank you for 2,000



   (end of this chapter)

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