The Last Gentleman

Chapter 940: forgetting and denying

Chapter 940 Forgetting and Denial

  「Random environment」

  Everyone noticed this abnormality after only walking for a few minutes in the red wasteland.

The seemingly unchanging wasteland actually undergoes huge environmental changes every few meters, whether in terms of temperature, air composition, or even gravity.

For example, the environmental parameters were normal a second ago. As you take a step, gravity triples in size. The temperature drops by 20°C and the main component of the air becomes hydrogen.

This sudden environmental change will cause the body to adapt quickly, interrupting the state of being lost after a long time.

 Reagan was not at all uncomfortable, but rather excited.

"This setting is really clever! The sealed disaster can penetrate with the help of any memory of it, which means that the contact must have a certain degree of memory control and be able to forget some things at critical moments to ensure their own safety and avoid The penetration of evil.

 Such a setting not only completely isolates the shelter from the outside world, but also plays an effective screening role for outsiders who go to the shelter. "

“Reagan, this should be very simple for you.” Yi Chen said.

"It's okay...I'll go in and wait for you first."

Having said that, Reagan directly input a special program into his brain, and his eyes instantly became firm. His body would adapt to the external environment without being affected in any way, and he would break away from the team and walk in a certain direction alone.

At the same time, there was another person who behaved similarly to Reagan.

Yousef, the chief physician from the dental clinic, performed a special surgery directly on the brain and also became immune to external influences and left the team on his own.

After confirming the actions chosen by the two people, the emperor gave advice in the form of a command, "Everyone is dispersed, and collective actions are more likely to influence each other."

 At this point, everyone separated.

  Everyone is the elite among the elites. Even Leni, who seems unreliable, changes her eyes instantly.

Of course, this is also a small problem for Yi Chen. He just needs to completely sink his consciousness into the dead sea and not think about the outside world.

The body walks in the desolate red wasteland, while the consciousness floats in the boundless sea.

As his consciousness hit the rocks, his body also stepped into a pure white building. At the same time, there was a bald employee wearing a long lab coat standing in front of him.

“Welcome to the Asylum-Site.07.

 This facility is only used to contain a number of [1] unknown beings.

The access rights and containment effect here are currently the highest. Even visitors who come here with permission from above still need to undergo a series of testing, mental processing, and pre-contact teaching and preparation.

plz follow me! "

"What about the rest?"

“In order to block the transmission and influence of collective memories, any visitor who comes here will be separated individually, and your contact with the unknown contained objects will be carried out alone.

Other visitors who came here together will leave and return to their original place after the relevant visit, experiment, contact, or passive interruption. "

 “What about these things on me?”

“The conscious individual wearing you will make a comprehensive judgment in the next inspection. If it can maintain a high degree of memory synchronization with you, it can be regarded as a whole.

 If it doesn’t work, they will be separated and placed in an isolation room. When you leave, they will leave the shelter with you. "

Yi Chen couldn't help but feel a little worried.

He is not worried that a completely independent individual like Little Grape will definitely be removed, but is worried about the state of the yellow skin. Once the yellow skin is removed, the video tape hidden inside may be exposed.



 A large amount of cold gas overflowed from the door, and a naked Yi Chen walked out.

as expected,

 Little grapes, yellow peels, and even the parasitic Nash in the brain were all taken away. However, this group of people didn't seem to find that there was a video tape hidden in the yellow leather. This made Yi Chen relieved. Otherwise, if they found out that he had brought the evil in, they might regard him as an accomplice of the evil and execute him on the spot. .


There is still one thing that has been preserved, which is a ring made from the compressed remains of Liu Xinzhi. After all, Tomie's malignancy has been erased, and the ring is just an ordinary creation of remains.

The real Liu Xinzhi has turned into a dead person and follows Yi Chen at any time, and this seemingly ordinary ring can greatly deepen the bond between the two. However, even if the videotape was not discovered, Yi Chen was still worried that William would make some small moves in private. But now I can no longer take care of so much, so I can only quickly complete the contact with the disaster, and even use this opportunity to understand the [disaster] more deeply and eliminate the hotel stress disorder that has been entrenched in my body for a long time.

After changing into a barrel-necked lab coat that was the same as the employees here, Yi Chen was taken to a pure white private room with the same columnar structure.

There is nothing inside, and the white color itself also represents ‘nothing’, telling Yi Chen to forget it all the time.

“Mr. Yi, please wait a moment. One of our experts will provide you with individual training before contacting the unknown contained object. Only after the training is completed can formal contact begin.

Be sure to follow the instructions given by the experts, otherwise your access rights will be revoked. "


At the same time that the employee left, a man with long brown slightly curly hair and a thick beard walked in.

Although the clothes are the same, the thick hair is obviously different from ordinary containment personnel.

The other party stepped forward to shake hands with Yi Chen with a kind smile on his face, "Hello, Mr. Yi! I have heard about your achievements. In just over ten days since you came to our place, you have eliminated [people] one after another." Evil, he came into contact with the [Manager] who was a disaster and escaped from the hotel.

Then the newly formed phenomenon - [Fujiang] was erased during the next mission.

 Excellent strength and extremely special,

 Now you are willing to come to us to carry out the unknown and extremely risky "disaster contact". Thank you very much!

I am one of the earliest containment personnel here, and I am also a research officer who has a deep understanding of the containment objects. I will explain some basic information to you in advance. If you are still willing to contact the containment objects and meet the standards I have set, then you can officially here we go. "

Yi Chen could slightly feel that the hairy expert in front of him was a little different.

 “How to call it?”

 The expert shook his finger, "This is the first thing I want to emphasize to you... First we need to forget the name, whether it is our own or someone else's.

 We only need to know each other’s facial features, height, height, and weight.

 Say hello is taboo here! From now on, I won't call you any names anymore.

The reason is simple. Once malicious infiltration occurs, those who have their own names in their memories will be more susceptible to the influence, and will also be more likely to remember the names of the objects and read them out loud.

 This is quite dangerous. "


“The second, and most important thing, is that all information about the contained objects is recorded in a negative way.

 You should have known before coming that it is very dangerous to obtain information about the contained object in any form.

Even if you know its size, shape, and species, it may be affected and maliciously penetrated, causing a containment breach.

 Because we adopted a negative recording method,

 That is to say, erroneous information is recorded in books, and finally a large amount of erroneous information can be used to comprehensively debunk and determine the accurate information of the contained objects.

 At present, we are optimizing this recording mode to use as few negative words as possible to obtain efficient information feedback. "

 “Negative recording method, for example?”

"For example, this piece of information comes from the record brought back by employee 1092 - "Not the deceased."

This is a kind of negative record. Without the restraint of the subject, it will not be traced back to the source maliciously. With the negative form given, we can know that the other party may be a living being, or it may be in a special state where life and death cannot be distinguished. "

“How many pieces of negative information are currently integrated?”

“172,831 items are included in the information file room. They are divided in detail according to large and small categories to facilitate our daily management. Do you want to go to the file room to check this information in advance?”

“No, there is someone in my team who is better at collecting information. Just let me try to contact the contained object.”

“In this case, you need to read carefully the key negative information we have compiled. This information will be related to whether you will be in danger next, and the corresponding risk level.”

 A rule book-like thing was delivered to Yi Chen's hands, and he began to read it carefully.

 “Mr. Yi, how do you feel?”

 Yi Chen did not respond at all to the expert's inquiry and was completely immersed in reading.

 “It’s good to forget the name so quickly.”

 (End of this chapter)

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