The Last Gentleman

Chapter 941: Conditions and rules

Chapter 941 Conditions and Rules

 Prerequisites and related rules for indirect contact with the only unknown contained object* in Site-07.

*No matter when, under any circumstances, or in any area, objects contained in Site-07 are called "Unknown", and no one needs to think about what Unknown is, they only need to know that this is the only thing in Site-07 The containment object, all equipment, facilities and researchers are built and exist around the containment object.


  1. Contactees need to pass through the "Memory Corridor" in the normal way. During this period, they will undergo a comprehensive memory scan and build your memory blueprint between devices. After you complete contact with the contained object, you will re-walk through the Memory Gallery and scan again.

  Comparative data will serve as one of the key references for your health indicators.

  2. After passing through the memory corridor, you will enter a circular buffer zone. This area should not contain any text, individuals, audio and other media that can be used to transmit information. If you find anomalies, please return to the memory gallery immediately or choose to erase the redundant media yourself (not recommended).

3. The end of the circular buffer zone corresponds to the only, designated, fully enclosed elevator leading to the containment room, and a cross of Jesus' crucifixion* is hung inside the elevator (see appendix).

 Please be sure to take this elevator to the containment area (outer level).

If you find other lifts, elevators, stairs or even an infinitely extending circular buffer zone, please immediately return to the exit of the Memory Corridor.

Please make sure there is a crucifix hanging in the elevator room. This is the only sign to identify a real elevator.

  4. The elevator is blessed by heaven and will not be interfered by external forces. You can enjoy a short rest inside until you reach the bottom.

 At this point, all preconditions have been completed, the individual has arrived at the containment area (outer layer), and indirect contact has begun.



 The unknown is contained inside a Faraday cage (seven layers in total) that is wrapped in layers and is uniformly spherical and made of eternal metal and **** iron.

The elevator will take the contactee to the outside of the seventh-level cage, forming a "seventh-level contact."

 If the individual stays for more than ten minutes and the self-check status is normal, deeper access permissions can be obtained.

 You need to let yourself enter a state of complete disorientation, and then you will find an all-metal passage to the sixth level to form "sixth level contact", and so on.


 All contact with unknown contained objects is based on gathering information.

Only information provided by contacts who have reached the "third level of contact" or above can be 'effective information'.

  We will take seriously the information brought back by all contacts who have reached "first level contact".

 Please be sure to memorize the "Negative Recording Method". If the negative information brought by the individual is deemed to be valid, he will receive a reward from the Kingdom of Heaven.


 Anyone who comes into contact from the outside of the seventh floor must not have any violent mood swings, let alone strong negative emotions such as murderous intent and hatred. These emotions will most likely serve as a medium for malignant spillover, leading to a containment failure.

 (This text has been highlighted in bold and red) The unknown contained object cannot be killed or defeated. Anyone who comes into contact must not be blindly confident or passively confident. If you have any idea of ​​​​destroying the contained object alone, please check your own status immediately. You are likely to have been viciously invaded.

 You need to stay calm during the entire contact. Your actions are only walking and recording.


 When "first-level contact" is formed, the residence time of the individual cannot exceed [5s]. Once it exceeds, you will be marked as a malignant infection.

 The last layer of the Faraday cage is completely closed and has no entrance, so individuals cannot enter. In the event of forced entry or destruction of the facility, the annihilation process will be initiated. The annihilation program was created by the supreme ruler of the Great Hell. If it is launched in a small and enclosed area, it will pose a sufficient threat to the supreme existence.

 When returning, please be sure to follow the original route, and make sure that you are taking the true original route. Once you go to other areas, you may be forcibly restrained, have your memory erased, or even be completely annihilated.


"finish watching."

 “Any questions?”

 “Why is it determined that the contained objects cannot be killed and defeated?”

“Because when God’s Domain conducted an effective raid on this target, when the opponent was completely alone, under the siege of three supreme beings and many gods,

Not only did the opponent not die or be defeated, but instead, a large number of gods fell.

 Forced the Supreme God to use a joint seal to bind it, and then reluctantly moved it here. Therefore, we believe that among all the existing lives in the main material plane, there is currently no individual who can kill or defeat [Unknown] alone. "

“Can contact only be made through the innermost cage at most? Can’t we enter inside?”

“You have seen disasters, and you should know very well how dangerous that thing is. The [Unknown] housed here is no less dangerous than the [Hotel] you have been exposed to.

 As the document says, please do not have any confidence.

 As long as you can reach the "first level of contact", you are already unique. "

“What if I accidentally encounter other individuals while going deeper into the cage?”

The expert sitting opposite touched his beard and asked meaningfully, "What other individuals are you referring to? If it is another examiner, this is impossible.

 We will ensure that all contacts are made individually. "

 “What if [Unknown] is out?”

“Out? You can’t say that. If the unknown contained object is outside our control and breaks away from the innermost Faraday cage, it will be a [containment failure].

 Not only will you die, but the entire Site-07 will be annihilated. Although this situation may occur, your luck should not be so bad. "

 “Okay, then I’m fine.”

“This way, please. Going out from this door is the Memory Corridor. Thank you again for choosing to get in touch even after knowing the rules.”

 “Thank you also for your patience in explaining, Mr. Jesus.”

As soon as these words came out, the bearded expert looked surprised, "Oh? Why do you call me that?"

“[Disaster] is also one of the correct information about the containment object. You accidentally said it during the conversation just now but it was not affected. If an ordinary employee had made such a mistake, he would have been executed.

I have heard from Tianzun before that the supreme divinity of heaven took the initiative to descend and incarnate here to guard the container.

 With a simple inference, it is not difficult to draw this point. "

“As expected of you, you are a descendant of the Hanged King. I also hope that you will restrain your death and murderous intentions and contact the contained objects as harmoniously as possible to ensure the stability of everything.”


 (End of this chapter)

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