The Last Gentleman

Chapter 962: confusion and determination

Chapter 962 Confusion and Determination

  After placing Leni in a hotel room that was renovated with the help of Reagan, Yi Chen had an indescribable feeling when looking at the half-goat **** the bed.

He obviously didn’t have a deep connection with the other person, but Leni was willing to do this for him. It was really hard to understand in a society where the world was full of various interests.

"If I hadn't thought of a way to break through acting and stayed in the movie to fight the murderer to the death, Leni's childbirth might really have saved my life... She obviously only cares about William, but she is willing to sacrifice her life to save me. I really don't understand ah."

 At this time,

The whole room was suddenly filled with a special aura of death, and even malice emanated from it.

Like centipedes, multiple women with upper bodies spliced ​​together are crawling along the ceiling towards the head of the bed, reaching out to caress the sleeping Leni.

“What a lovely little girl. She can be so attractive without the beautification of ‘Fujiang’... Especially the smell she exudes is something I have never had before, a smell that makes people want to know more about her.”

 It was Liu Xinzhi who showed up on his own.

 Perhaps it’s because of his own evil nature,

Perhaps Yi Chen is wearing a ring made of her ashes on her hand.

 She was relatively free after becoming a dead person and was not as strictly controlled as other dead people.

The jealousy she was feeling at the moment was also quite strong, but she was more grateful to the half-goat girl in front of her, a man who was willing to sacrifice his life to save her.

“Xinzhi, you stay here and watch her, I’ll go outside to smoke a cigarette.”

 “Okay, I promise I won’t hurt her.”

Yi Chen has some things pressing in his heart that need to be decompressed a little.

The source of stress is not the acting that may come at any time, but after this exchange with the Tenth Disaster, Yi Chen's definition of "evil" has changed slightly, which has shaken his mood.

 Coming to the rooftop, I recalled the series of conversations I had just had with the director.

 Although I can feel obvious evil from the director and the entire crew,

It is also clear that if such a crew is left alone, they will continue to drag outsiders into it, and the protagonist Miles will kill them until there is no one in the entire plane to kill.

 But the director gave Yi Chen the intuitive impression that he is a photographer who loves cult films.

 It does not hinder his status as a director at all. He is willing to communicate with people below, is committed to discovering grassroots talents, and even does everything himself, and is also willing to listen to other people's opinions.

Yi Chen actually likes such a person. He likes pure people, people who are completely devoted to their hobbies.

He could even feel that the director himself wanted Yi Chen, who had a talent for acting in cult films, to survive rather than kill the evil source.


Yi Chen held a cigarette in one hand and slapped his face hard with both palms.

"It's just a character based on the literary carrier of malice. After all, it is still a manifestation of malice. Instead of giving such disrespectful and meaningless mercy, it is better to think carefully about how to break the situation and **** this ultimate evil. 【disaster】.

Of course, we may be able to get more important information from the director before killing him, including the other nine disasters and William’s positioning. "

Yi Chen could feel that although the director did not regard him as an 'enemy', he still had reservations. Many secrets and core things about the crew were not revealed, and there seemed to be some restrictions that prevented him from being revealed.

“This kind of extreme evil essentially wants to destroy everything, destroy everything, and annihilate everything.

It’s just that the destructive efficiency of the Tenth Plague is very limited, and its essence is still centered around the literary carrier, and cannot get rid of this shackles. In other words, they are a form of expression of the literary carrier, and they are happy to exist in this way.

 The literary carrier comes from mankind’s own ideological creation,

 All manifestations of evil can actually be seen as the embodiment of human beings’ own ideologies. Even if we do nothing and allow the spread of malice, eventually when all human beings in the world are exterminated, the so-called ideology will no longer exist, and the malice will dissipate on its own by then.

 At that time, everything will be restarted and the clock of life will be set back to its original point.

  This process can even be regarded as [purification],

 Would this be a good ending for me before? After all, human nature is so dirty. Whether it is the world in my lifetime or looking at the entire plane, the so-called divine realm is also full of greed, and the overflow of godheads is their original sin.


Yichen recalled Leni who saved him twice at all costs, recalled the 'gentleman' he met in Zion, and recalled a series of patients he encountered in the old world, including Nash who was living in his body.

 He feels that this world has the value of being saved, but of course he is not trying to be a savior.

Rather, I am afraid that I will suddenly become confused and lose my determination to kill [evil]. I urgently need to find another source of power so that I can continue to kill evil even when I am confused.

 He reached out and pulled the tie that was turned into a sling on his chest.

“My purity is not enough. I need to further improve my strength and become no longer so passive in the face of disasters.

Should we continue to delve deeper into the Sunken Death Palace or return to the old world like Jin did and go to the original tomb to enhance the conceptual concentration of the death plague?

 Time is running out, I must choose the most effective way. "

Just when Yi Chen was confused, a hand gently put his shoulder, his warm lips pressed against his ear, and he breathed out the breath of the deceased.

   『Yi, isn’t there a brand new and very effective path in front of you?

William, this bad guy, took away the most important "evil thoughts" that you took away from the orphanage, severely weakening your killing skills.

 Now is the best opportunity to get it back.

You are inherently evil, don’t you plan to kill yourself after everything is over? Since there is not much room for breakthrough in the two 'right paths' in front of you, then try to follow the old path and use the same type of evil thoughts that actively contact you to create a new self.

 Such words may break William's plan. 』

Yi Chen did not deny this whisper from the dead, or it could be said that he had already had this idea deep in his heart, and he just told it to himself through the imagination of the dead.

 “Yellow skin.”

Yes, Mr. Yi. ≯

"If I get the real killer mask, are you sure I can control that special malicious skin? It's even possible that that mask is the real tenth plague."

Until I come into contact with the real thing, I dare not say that I am completely sure.

But my ability to control leather products is no less than that of Piervina in some aspects. If even I can't control it, no one can control the entire disease.

 Mr. Yi, do you want to...≯


Huangpi also became excited, or in other words, he has been excited since he saw the mask, ≮Great! That thing is definitely a high-grade leather bag that I have never seen before. It is even several floors higher than the highest-grade leather bag in the leather factory.

 As long as you are willing to do so, I will fully assist you. ≯

 (End of this chapter)

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