The Last Gentleman

Chapter 963: breathe

Chapter 963 Breathing

It only took Yi Chen a cigarette to adjust his mentality and clarify a very important route forward.

He stamped out the cigarette **** and was about to walk back to the room when the breath he exhaled from his mouth was swept away.

“Lao Deng, I’m just here now…if it had been anyone else, I’m afraid the spots on the corpse would have been overgrown.”

“Hahaha! Aren’t you completely fine? I didn’t mean to be late. After all, the world was completely closed due to the intervention of the [Disaster], and I had to sacrifice my old bones to let them open the door.

 Speaking of which, what happened? Why are you all still alive? And let the tenth disaster actually retreat on its own initiative? Your strength shouldn't be enough to repel the other party... Could it be William? "

 The arrival of the Heavenly Lord is different from the leisurely past.

Currently, he is in a completely serious state, with golden light wrapped around his body, his beard waving, and every breath he takes can form ripples in the spatial dimension and spread outward.


When Yi Chen explained the whole process, Tianzun's expression changed many times, but the final expression was one of hearty laughter.

"There is actually such a way to break the situation, you know how to adapt! The gods who were hunted down by the tenth plague in the past were able to hold on at the beginning, but they would die completely before long.

 An interpretation that actively caters to such evil can actually establish such a connection with the tenth plague. Although it is not enough to avoid the final death, it is still very interesting.

However, essentially you are still [marked].

According to the above rules, you cannot return to the City of Shells, let alone set foot in the Divine Realm. You need to completely resolve this matter or cancel the mark.

If the Tenth Plague is allowed to reach the City of Shells directly through the mark, the entire transit station will be in trouble.

Of course, I still have a way to get you back. After all, your reputation has spread in the divine realm, and many gods will support you. You are the first to be able to compromise with the tenth disaster. "

Yi Chen didn't think about going back. After all, it was not his home, and it didn't matter where he lived.

“There is no need to go back. Anyway, I will be dragged into acting again in a few days. Let’s wait until I finish shooting the next movie with The Tenth Disaster. It’s possible that I won’t be able to go back by then.”

 “Are you planning to...” Tianzun had roughly guessed what Yi Chen was thinking.

 “I have tasted evil before, now I just taste it again.”

Tianzun let out a long sigh. "Indeed, this may be the only solution. After all, even though we, the gods, have discovered the existence of evil for such a long time, we cannot completely annihilate any [disaster].

The tenth plague is even more special. It only targets one person at a time and will not stop until the other person is completely dead.

 Survival is the most important thing. As long as you retain your true intentions, the old man will not be your enemy and will fight for your normal rights and interests as much as possible. "

"Take Leni and Reagan back. They are not marked. Just let me and Lorian stay here... Regarding the situation that these moons may be sacrificed, I need you to turn a blind eye, Tianzun. ”

 “It’s just a normal trade-off.”

Just when Tianzun was preparing to pick up Leni who was sleeping in the room, he also sensed a strong viciousness in the room. Through the aura configuration, he got a duplicate and stacked woman's form, but it was exuding death aura.

“That’s...Fujiang? He’s actually able to continue to live in the state of the dead. You kid, you’re hiding this from me!”

“Liu Xinzhi’s condition is very special. Her nature can control evil to some extent, which makes her willing to stay by my side.

Of course the malignant nature still exists, and if I were not around, she would still cause massive damage to the world. "

After hearing the explanation, Tianzun touched his beard with his hand and said, "It's interesting. Maybe she can be your [voucher] for returning to the transit station later."

 “Lao Deng, why don’t you leave yet?”

“There’s no doesn’t matter if you delay for a few days. From what you just described, it seems that so-called film shooting requires a physical body and imposes restrictions on all aspects of the body.

 In the next few days, I will grant you "Lung Meridian. My God" here, which should be beneficial to your shooting.

 You already have the [Purple Lung] that Lao Chan is almost ready to cultivate. Logically speaking, as long as you are willing to come to Lao Chan’s sect and worship as a disciple, I will give you this scripture.

 Perhaps after practicing for a hundred years, you can "turn it into gold and achieve great success". However, now that you have taken over the temple of the former Hanged King, you must not disdain to worship me as your teacher. Now I'm too lazy to follow the previous rules, so it doesn't matter if I teach you directly.

The practice of lungs is often measured in years. It takes ten years for inner disciples to get started and practice the most basic level of "green lungs".

However, you have already mastered my purple lungs and learned basic breathing through alternative methods. As much as you can learn these days, it will be beneficial to your physical control without any harm.

 Do you know what lungs are? "

 “Stop talking nonsense and tell me your story quickly.”

Tianzun didn't care, he breathed in and out the definitions he was best at,

“The lungs are shaped like a white tiger and resemble a hanging chime. They are located above the five internal organs and cover the cells, so they are called a canopy. The god’s name is Haohua.

Six leaves and two ears contain seven souls, which are named: corpse dog, lying on corpses, sparrow yin, swallowing thieves, non-poisonous, removing filth, and smelly lungs. These are the seven names. The nose is the organ, with Geng on the left and Xin on the right. It goes up to the brain and down to the spleen. It belongs to the lungs, and the lungs are the root of breathing. "

As soon as the words fell, wisps of golden air from Tianzun's mouth were exhaled from the body to form a virtual tube, and the airflow throughout the city and even within a radius of a hundred miles formed an external pulmonary circulation.

“Connect to my breathing network, and I will guide you to take ‘deep breaths’.

Mobilize the flow of every nerve and pipe in the body to improve the synchronization rate... At present, the main thing is to improve the 'connectivity' between your breathing and the body. How much connection can be achieved and how high the synchronization rate can be achieved depends on your ability. . "

Yichen can easily access the breathing network created by Tianzun through breathing synchronization.

The movements of the two are completely synchronized with their breathing. From a distance, it looks like they are doing Tai Chi on the rooftop, and the speed of the boxing is getting slower and slower.

 As slow as an hour, it may only move less than an inch, and such movement must be completely even, which requires comprehensive support from breathing and fine-tuning of each muscle fiber.

This Tai Chi exercise lasted three days and three nights.

So much so that Lorian has completed six worlds of moon sacrifice, or rather the concept of the moon.

In a world that has lost the concept of the moon, the moon hanging in the sky can no longer maintain its original shape. Instead, it festers into a swollen tumor and dies over time, turning into a dead star hanging in the sky without reflecting any light.

 And Lorian himself has finally reached the primary stage of Moon God from its prototype, and that weird form is not like a creature from this plane at all.

Standing above the sarcoma-like red moon, Lorian was also shocked when he looked down at the situation below again.

“These gods are not useless, they are just restrained by malice and unable to exert their due strength. Their standards are still high.

This Laodeng's breathing method is very profound...but only a physically strong man like Mr. Yi can master it in a short time, which is not suitable for me. "

Lorian's bird's-eye view actually showed a painting, not only within a radius of a hundred miles, but even within a thousand miles, almost half of the planet was filled with a faint golden aura.

And these golden breaths outline each other to form a lung shape, and are also detailed to the complete structure and operation mode of the lungs.

At this moment, Tianzun sensed the induction wave coming from the divine realm.

If he doesn't respond, I'm afraid they will send someone over, and then Yi Chen's state and the fact that the moon was sacrificed will be exposed.

Huha~ With one breath, the virtual image of the golden lung covering half of the world was taken back.

 Oddly enough,

Obviously the breathing network has been closed, but Yi Chen is still immersed in the slow practice, which even Tianzun can't understand.

 This is, after all, the movement of the lungs led by him. As long as he closes his breathing, Net Yichen will come out on his own.

"Wait...Isn't it possible?! I just took this guy to practice the synchronization rate between breathing and body. He shouldn't be able to do it!"

Tianzun suddenly thought of something, stepped forward in an instant, and put his hand on Yi Chen's chest.


The surface of the purple and black dead lungs in Yi Chen's body actually outlines a few strands of golden threads, and a self-circulation has already been formed in the body.

 (End of this chapter)

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