The weather was very good, but the weather was very good.

Everything was as predicted, and there was no sign of deviation from the track.

The palace hall was now full of solemnity. Chang Nuo had come early. There were almost all people in their forties sitting below. Of course, there were also a few younger people.

Each of them sat up straight and looked at Chang Nuo, who was sitting in the upper seat, without a smile.

"This Senate meeting was held in a hurry, and there was almost no time for everyone to prepare, but there is not much time left for the Tru Kingdom, so today's emergency meeting is also a change for the Tru Kingdom.

During this period, you can raise any questions at any time, and start communicating about this matter. The King's Secretary Gogoya is responsible for recording, and the Minister of the Senate Mengge is responsible for coordination.

This meeting is expected to last for one day, and there will be enough time for everyone to discuss.

Only about the previous topics, I will briefly throw out two now, you can discuss them first, and I need to get your voting results in half an hour.

The first topic is that regarding the various issues that the Tru Kingdom will face in the future, relying solely on the current national army to maintain it will definitely not be enough to achieve a certain effect, and by then It is easy to confuse the eyes at that time, so what I am proposing now is that the entire Tru Kingdom will implement two military reform plans for internal and external forces in the future. The internal one will be called the National Guard, and the external one will be called the National Army. All mechanisms must be reformed. As for the plan, it will be left to you to discuss.

The second topic is about the current legal system in the country. I have produced a legal code. Gogoya will send it to all of you later. You can simply browse it and you need to give me a reply in half an hour.

The reply I need is whether you agree or disagree with this point of view. In addition, give your suggestions for the next plan of the Tru Kingdom.

I need to get accurate answers to these two topics in half an hour, and then discuss the next various issues! "

Chang Nuo sat in the first seat and said directly to everyone.

This time his expression was very serious throughout the whole process. After all, all plans have begun to be fully rolled out. Whether in terms of business plans or military plans, they have now achieved a stable victory. Then some stable work in the country must be done now.

Otherwise, if there is a lot of trouble externally, and if the internal situation is not stable, it is estimated that it will be difficult for the entire Tru Kingdom to accept such a thing.

So after Chang Nuo finished talking about these two topics, the whole hall immediately became as noisy as a vegetable market, but Chang Nuo, who was sitting in the upper seat, did not mind such a lively atmosphere.

Everyone was expressing their opinions enthusiastically. The first topic was easy to accept. They didn't even need to think about it. They had already passed it unanimously. Now the more complicated topic was the second topic. For His Majesty the King of his own country, it suddenly needed to change the entire domestic law. This was indeed unexpected by everyone.

But what they didn't expect was that the legal documents that Chang Nuo took out were so novel, and they all felt bright.

Chang Nuo didn't have such great ability. It was nothing more than spending a few million Baileys and buying them directly from the system space.

Stabilizing the country is the most important direction of development. The Tru Kingdom does not plan to take any action within two years. Now the most important things have begun to be carried out in an all-round way. From the economy, military and people's livelihood, these are all things that need to be cared about and implemented.

Two years may not be a long time, but for the Tru Kingdom, it is completely enough.

Chang Nuo is now 17 years old. Even in two years, he will only be 19 years old, so there will be a lot of things he can do in the future.

The reason why such a meeting was held suddenly now is that the business has begun to make progress, but it is still far behind in terms of the domestic people's livelihood.

In the whole day of the meeting, the topics discussed alone have reached more than a dozen from the basics of people's livelihood to the situations planned for the future.

In fact, most of them are not accessible to the people. The only thing is

What is different is that in the following days, the people of the whole country began to resume planting food, and they can also directly plant fruits. In short, the whole country will begin to completely ban those crop fields where flowers and plants are planted in the following time.

After all, such things are not a long-term solution. It is enough to persist for one or two years to make the domestic economy recover slightly.

The most important thing is that in the next plan, the important plan of the Ministry of Commerce is to transfer the perfume industry to Alabasta. Of course, the fresh water purification system will also be used to directly irrigate a large area of ​​land in Alabasta to plant the flowers and plants needed for perfume.

In order to encourage all people to start planting food or other fruits and vegetables, the tax law regulation has basically achieved the economic effect of tax exemption for farmland and even compensation.

Because the perfume storage capacity of the entire Tru Kingdom is still relatively large, they can fully take advantage of this opportunity to fully take the land where flowers and plants are planted.

Of course, all these things are just planned out in today's time. As for the actual implementation, I am afraid it will take at least a long time.

Not only do the people need time to calm down, but the whole country also needs this time to settle down.

It is not difficult to imagine how much of a sensation this matter will cause after it is exposed!

But even so, these things are what the whole country should do, and they need to be done well.

Everything needs to be stable in rapid development. The disadvantages have already been reflected. For long-term plans, sometimes it is necessary to cut the Gordian knot.

Chang Nuo is also the kind of person who thinks that a short pain is worse than a long pain. After all, if it is placed in other countries, the people can get a small half of the grain they planted on one acre of land in the end, which is already very good, but in this country, no one competes with them, and there are no nobles in the national team. This is also the most valuable asset left by the old king to Chang Nuo.

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